2019年高考英语一轮复习 专题01 Cultural relics(教学案)新人教版必修2

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1、专题01 Cultural relics【考纲解读】1. 了解世界文化遗产,进而激发学生的文化遗产保护意识。2. 在已有知识的基础上阐述自己对文化遗产和保护文化遗产的观点,从而可以进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。【高频单词】1rare (adj.) 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的rarely (adv.) 罕有;很少;不常2amaze (vt.) 使吃惊;惊讶amazing (adj.) 令人吃惊的amazed (adj.) 吃惊的amazement (n.) 惊奇3select (vt.) 挑选;选择selection (n.) 选择;选拔4design (n.) 设计;图案;构思 (vt

2、.) 设计;计划;构思designer (n.)设计者;构思者5survive (v.) 幸免(于);幸存;比活得长;生还survival (n.) 生存;幸存survivor (n.) 幸存者6fancy (adj.) 奇特的;异样的 (vt.) 想象;设想;爱好7decorate (v.) 装饰;装修decoration (n.) 装饰品;装饰8reception (n.)接待;招待会;接收receive (vt.)接受;接待;招待receiver (n.)(电话)听筒/受话器9remove (vt.) 移动;搬开removal(n.)移动;搬进10wooden (adj.) 木制的woo

3、d (n.) 木头11doubt (n.) 怀疑;疑惑 (vt.) 怀疑;不信doubtful (adj.)怀疑的12former (adj.) 以前的;从前的(反义词)latter (adj.) 后者的;后面的13worth (adj.) 值得的;相当于的价值 (n.) 价值;作用14local (adj.) 本地的;当地的15evidence (n.) 根据;证据evident (adj.) 明显的;清楚的16explode (vi.) 爆炸explosion (n.) 爆炸17sailor (n.) 水手;海员;船员sail (v.) (船)航行;(人)乘船航行 (n.) 航行;航海18

4、sink (vi.) 下沉;沉下sank/sunk (过去式)sunk/sunken (过去分词)19valuable (adj.) 贵重的;有价值的value (n. & vt.) 价值;重视invaluable (adj.) 极有用的;极宝贵的20informal (adj.) 非正式的formal (反义词) 正式的21debate (n.) 争论;辩论 (vi.) 争论;辩论【重点短语】1belong_to 属于2in_return 作为报答;回报3at_war 处于交战状态4take_apart 拆开 5rather_than 而不是6in_search_of 寻找7serve_as

5、 充当;起作用8less_than 少于9think/speak_highly_of 看重;器重 10develop_an_interest_in. 培养对的兴趣 【热点句型】 1could not/never have done“(过去)不可能做”Frederick William , the King of Prussia, could_never_have_imagined (绝不可能想到) that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 2This is/was a tim

6、e when.“这是一个的时期/时候”This_was_a_time_when (这是一个的时期) the two countries were at war. 3There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”There_is_no_doubt_that (毫无疑问)the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 4what引导名词性从句After that, what_happened (所发生的一切)to the A

7、mber Room remains a mystery. 5疑问词不定式In a trial, a judge must decide which_eyewitnesses_to_believe and_which_not_to_believe (哪些证人可信,哪些不可信). (教材P5)6nor位于句首引起的部分倒装句型Nor_do_I_think (我也不认为)they should give it to any government. 高频考点一、单词例1、survivevt.比活得长;幸免于;从(困境等中)挺过来vi.幸免;幸存;生还Is it enough to have survi

8、ved for a long time?(P1)只是存在的时间长就足够了吗?【归纳拓展】 (1)A survives B (by.)A比B多活survive sth. 幸免于;从中挺过来/活过来survive on 依靠生存下来survive from 从存活下来;流传下来(2)survivor n幸存者survival nU幸存;C残存物【名师点睛】【语境助记】There are concerns that the refugees may not survive_the_winter.有人担心这些难民活不过冬天。He died in 1940, but his wife survived_

9、him_by another 20 years.他在1940年去世,但他的妻子比他多活了20年。I dont know how you all manage to survive_on your small salary.我不知道你们只靠微薄的薪金是怎样过活的。His only chance of survival was a heart transport.他唯一活下去的可能性是心脏移植。The plane crashed in an area of dense jungle. There were no survivors.飞机坠落在一个丛林茂密的地区,无人生还。例2、designn& v

10、t.设计;图案;构思;计划The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.(P1)琥珀屋的设计采用了当时很流行的奇特建筑式样。【归纳拓展】 (1)design sb./sth. to_do sth.打算让从事design sth. for sb./sth.为设计be designed for sth./sb.为而设计be designed to_do sth.目的在于;为了be designed as打算做用(2)by designon purpose有意地;故意地(3)designer n设计者;构思者【

11、语境助记】This fund is_designed_to_help worthy students.这笔资金旨在帮助优秀的学生。The method is specifically designed_for use in small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计的。She arrived just as we were leaving, but whether this was by accident or by_design Im not sure.她刚好在我们正要离开时到达,但我不能肯定这是出于偶然还是有意安排。He wants to become a fashion desi

12、gner when he grows up.长大后他想成为一个时装设计师。【联想】表示“故意与偶然”的词语小结。(1)故意地by designon purposedeliberately(2)偶然地by chanceby accidentaccidentally例3、fancyadj.奇特的;异样的vt.想象;设想;爱好n空想;幻想;爱好The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.(P1)琥珀屋的设计采用了当时很流行的奇特建筑式样。【归纳拓展】fancy.to be/as. 认为是fancy (sb.)

13、 doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事have a fancy for sth. 喜欢某事物catch/take sb.s fancy 合某人的心意;吸引某人take a fancy to sb./sth. 喜欢上/爱上某人/物【语境助记】Do you fancy going_out this evening?今晚你想不想外出?Can you fancy a 8yearold boy swimming_across the river?你能想象一个8岁的男孩游过这条河吗?She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of the

14、m caught_her_fancy.她仔细查看旅馆广告,直到有一家符合她的心意。I think Sam really took_a_fancy_to you.我想萨姆真地爱上了你。2016全国卷Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asias biggest building, and fancy_new_hotels.成都有许多新的百万富翁,亚洲最大的建筑和漂亮的新宾馆。例4、removevt.移动;搬开.the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects fr

15、om the Amber Room.(P2)俄罗斯人只能把琥珀屋里的一些家具和小件艺术品搬走。【归纳拓展】remove sth. from sp. 把某物从某地搬走(移开)remove sb. from sth. 把某人从职位免职remove from. to.从搬到remove sb. from school开除某人;勒令某人退学remove ones doubt/trouble消除某人的疑虑/烦恼【语境助记】Three children were removed_from the school for persistent bad behaviour.三个孩子因一再行为不检被学校开除。She removed_her_glas


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