2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Travel journal高效演练跟踪检测 新人教版必修1

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Travel journal高效演练跟踪检测 新人教版必修1_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Travel journal 单句语法填空1Where is Peter? I cant find him anywhere.He went to the library after breakfast and (write) his essay there ever since.答案:has been writing2He climbed up to the top of the church tower to get better view of the entire city.答案:a3 (determine) to train his daughter in Englis

2、h, he put an ad for an English tutor in the paper.答案:Determined4Im afraid well have to work extra hours, for some problems are hard (settle)答案:to settle5The old man insisted that he (pay) some money for his excellent work.答案:(should) be paid6At first,I did most of the duties myself while other stude

3、nts cared little class activities.答案:about7Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind (study) it in the university.答案:to study8The workers refused to give to the managers demands for working on weekends.答案:in9The number of deaths from heart disease

4、will be reduced greatly if people are persuaded (eat) more fruit and vegetables.答案:to eat10If you dont have a good command of English, you will be at a (advantage) when you try to get a job.答案:disadvantage 单句改错1Stella could hardly wait see her family after such a long and tiring journey. 答案:see前加to2

5、While he was rescuing survivors in the ruins, little did he care for his safety, though he was in great danger. 答案:forabout3The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car. 答案:drivedriving4In my view, the new flat is very comfortable to live. 答案:live后加in5After graduation from

6、college, they made up their mind to go and settle in the countryside. 答案:mindminds 单元语法现在进行时表将来1The midterm exam (come), and everyone is trying hard to study.答案:is coming2Look, the plane full of food and clothes (take) off soon to help the victims in the earthquake.答案:is taking3(2016全国卷)The summer h

7、oliday (come)My classmates and I are talking about what to do during the holiday.答案:is coming4(2018甘肃河西五市一联)I (leave) for Hong Kong tomorrow. Do you have anything to be taken to your brother?答案:am leaving5(2018天津十二区县联考)My headache (kill) me. It seems that the medicine I have taken doesnt work at all

8、.答案:is killing 教材与语法填空根据教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. She persuaded me 1. (buy) an expensive mountain bike, and she soon got our two cousins 2. (interest) in cycling too. After 3. (graduate) from college, we finally got the chance to take

9、 a bike trip. It was my sister 4. first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River. 5. she didnt know the best way, my stubborn sister insisted 6. organizing the trip 7. (proper). Once she has made up 8. (she) mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give in to her. Before our trip, w

10、e found a large atlas with good maps 9. (show) details of world geography. From it we were surprised to learn that half of the Mekong River 10. (be) in China.答案:1.to buy2.interested3.graduating4.who5Although6.on7.properly8.her9.showing10is 教材与话题写作()用本单元所学知识完成下列句子。1苏珊一直梦想着到丽江旅游。(dream about) 答案:Susan

11、 had been dreaming about travelling to Lijiang.2她很愿意玛丽和她一起去。(prefer) 答案:She preferred Mary to go with her.3尽管玛丽很固执,苏珊还是决定去说服她一起旅行。(stubborn; determined; persuade) 答案:Although Mary was stubborn, Susan determined to persuade her to travel together.4最终玛丽做出让步,并同意和她一起去旅游。(finally; give in) 答案:Finally, Ma

12、ry gave in and agreed to travel with her.5她们尽情地欣赏那儿的美景。(view) 答案:They enjoyed the wonderful view there.6玛丽很激动,以至于夜里不能入睡。(stay awake) 答案:Mary was so excited that she stayed awake during the night.()将以上句子连成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。 下面是李华的一篇作文,文中有五处错误,改正错误并背诵该文。Susan had been dreaming about travelling to Lijiang

13、 and she prefer Mary to go with her. Although Mary was stubborn, but Susan determined to persuade her to travel together. Finally, Mary gave up and agreed to travel with her. They enjoyed the wonderful view there, that made Mary such excited that she stayed awake during the night.答案:Susan had been dreaming about travelling to Lijiang and she Mary to go with her. Although Mary was stubborn, 或 Susan determined to persuade her to travel together. Finally, Mary gave and agreed to travel with her. They enjoyed the wonderful view there, made Mary exci


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