2019届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第13课 八下 Units 7-8课后练习

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《2019届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第13课 八下 Units 7-8课后练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第13课 八下 Units 7-8课后练习(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课后练习13 八下 Units 78一、完形填空(30分)(2018绍兴新晖联考模拟)Walking a few kilometers a day is normal. How about walking 30 km? This is 1 students did at the Middle School Attached to Shangdong University in Jinan.The school has held hiking 2 since 2001. This time the students there hiked about 30 km from school to a

2、 local mountain and back, in order to 3 the students bodies and minds, according to Zhao Yong, the headmaster.The trip 4 about nine and a half hours, and more than 700 Junior 2 students took part in the hike. The trip started at 7:30 a.m. and 5 at 4:30 p.m. on April 1.“I felt a strong team spirit du

3、ring this 6 experience,” said Li Yaoyu, 14, one of the flag bearers(旗手) of the hike. “When we fell behind others, strong students supported weak ones so that we could 7 the trip. Some of them helped me 8 the flag. I wouldnt have been 9 to finish the trip without their help.”On the way back to school

4、, Shao Mingyang, an eighth grade student, couldnt go on with the trip because he was a little 10 . “We suggested that he took the school 11 or gave up the trip. But he 12 and insisted on(坚持) walking by himself,” said Wang Daoyuan, Shaos teacher.Shao came back to school at 5:05 p.m. He was 13 to fini

5、sh the hike. His classmates waited for him at the school gate and cheered for him. “I felt 14 of my students, especially Shao Mingyang. Im happy to see them learn the 15 of perseverance(坚持不懈), which will be very important in their future lives,” said Wang.( )1. A. whatB. howC. whenD. why( )2. A. les

6、sonsB. examinationsC. activitiesD. games( )3. A. checkB. buildC. mixD. train( )4. A. costB. spentC. beganD. lasted( )5. A. endedB. stoppedC. preparedD. held( )6. A. specialB. normalC. tiringD. healthy( )7. A. stopB. continueC. enjoyD. test( )8. A. protectB. fetchC. carryD. guard( )9. A. gladB. ready

7、C. safeD. able( )10. A. fatB. nervousC. strongD. careless( )11. A. flagB. uniformC. dinnerD. bus( )12. A. complainedB. refusedC. agreedD. wondered( )13. A. the lastB. the firstC. the fastestD. the only( )14. A. sorryB. proudC. gratefulD. hopeful( )15. A. lessonB. skillC. wayD. meaning二、阅读理解(16分)(201

8、8杭州市西湖区模拟)The camel is one of the stran-gest and oldest animals living today. Scientists believe that millions of years ago, ancestors of camels lived in North America. There was a bridge of land over the Bering Strait that led to Asia. One group of animals moved to Asia. These animals developed int

9、o the camels of today. Another group went to South America. This group developed into the llama, an animal in the same family as the camel.There are two types of camels, the dromedary and Bactrian. The dromedary has one hump and is found mostly in Arabian countries. The Bactrian camel has two humps

10、and is found in Asian countries. All drome-dary camels today are domesticated(驯养). Bactrian camels can still be found in the wild in areas of Mon-golia and China. The Bactrian camel is shorter and heavier than the dromedary. Also, the pads on its feet are thicker so that it can walk in colder, rocki

11、er places than the dromedary.The camel has many interesting characteristics. For example, unlike most animals, it lifts both feet on one side at the same time when it runs. This causes it to rock from side to side when it runs. Another unusual characteristic is the camels ability to eat almost any-t

12、hing if it becomes hungry enough. It might even eat part of a tent or a basket if it cannot find the grass it prefers.Camels are the best pack animals in the world. They can carry things as heavy as 600 pounds 25 miles a day. They can also go without water for as long as two weeks in winter.You migh

13、t think that a camel stores some food and water in its hump or humps. This is what human beings thought for many years, but it is not true. A camels hump is made of fat and muscle. If a camel has to go without food for several days, it can use the fat in its hump for energy. The camel keeps water in

14、 its tissue cells(组织细胞). Its body does not use the water to cool off the way the human body does. That is why a camels body temperature can change, by as much as 11.( )1. The dromedary and the Bactrian camels have a lot of differences EXCEPT_.A. the places they live inB. the things they eatC. the nu

15、mber of humpsD. the appearance they look( )2. Why does a camel rock from side to side when it runs?A. Because it lifts both feet on one side at the same time.B. Because it carries many heavy things every day.C. Because it has too many things stored in its humps.D. Because its pads on its feet are very thick and short.( )3. The underlined word “That” in Paragraph 5 refers to_ .A. a camel stores some food and water in its humpsB. a camels hump is made


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