2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 3 Learning about Language课后阅读训练 新人教版必修2

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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 3 Learning about Language课后阅读训练 新人教版必修2_第1页
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1、 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 3 Learning about Language课后阅读训练. 阅读理解APolar bears are not the only species in danger from global warming, a new report has warned. The US Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) claims 16 Arctic(北极的)animals are at risk from the melting ice as well as the polar bears.

2、 The animals have become a symbol of the environmental movement, as their numbers go down with the melting ice caps. But they are not the only ones. A new report has warned that other animals are in danger of going extinct as well. Sea ice in the Arctic fell to its lowest level after records began i

3、n 2007 and scientists predict the area could be largely ice free in summer within 10 years. Shaye Wolf, the lead author of the report, said Arctic foxes, whales, musk oxen(麝牛), walruses(海象)and four species of seals were all in danger-as well as polar bears. “The polar bear is the best-known victim(受

4、害者)of rapid melting in the Arctic, but if we dont reduce greenhouse pollution, many more creatures will follow it down the path to extinction, ”she said. “Some Arctic species have already experienced widespread die-offs and population becomes less after losing key habitats and food sources; others f

5、ace extreme weather events or suffer new pressures from predators(食肉动物). ”The CBD is also afraid these animals could be in danger if mining for oil goes ahead in this area. It is estimated that eight of the worlds 19 polar bear populations are becoming less as they struggle to raise young and hunt f

6、or food on ice. 【语篇概述】本文主要讲了北极狐和其他几种动物和北极熊一样都面临着灭绝的危险。1. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Polar bears are the only species in danger from global warming. B. Why all Arctic species are in danger of dying out. C. We should take measures to protect Arctic animals. D. Arctic foxes, whales, musk oxe

7、n, walruses and four species of seals were all in dangeras well as polar bears. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。综合全文和第三段可判断本文主要讲了北极狐以及其他几种动物和北极熊一样都面临着灭绝的危险。2. Whats the meaning of the underlined word“extinction”?A. 繁衍B. 灭绝C. 存在D. 兴衰【解析】选B。词义猜测题。从下文widespread die-offs可以推知extinction的含义。3. According to the passage, which

8、 of the following statements is correct?A. Nine of the worlds 19 polar bear populations are becoming less now. B. Polar bears are in danger mainly because their food sources are disappearing. C. If we dont take any effective measures to protect these animals in Arctic, more and more creatures will d

9、ie out in the future. D. Sea ice in the Arctic fell to its lowest level before records began in 2007. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第四段but if we dont reduce greenhouse pollution, many more creatures will follow it down the path to extinction知C项正确。4. These are reasons of more and more Arctic animals facing the situa

10、tion of extinction. Which one is NOT right?A. Human beings havent taken measures to reduce greenhouse pollution. B. If mining for oil goes ahead in this area, polar bear populations are becoming less. C. Some Arctic species have already experienced widespread die-offs and population becomes less aft

11、er losing key habitats and food sources. D. Arctic animals havent become a symbol of the environmental movement because their numbers have nothing to do with it. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。从第一段The animals have become a symbol of the environmental movement知D项错误。BMost teens I meet these days lack basic social court

12、esy when dealing with people. My own son, who basically grew up with his grandmother, the original manners expert, has perfect table manners. This is partly because he was exposed to manners at a very young age. However, when we eat at home, he would not practice manners. So I asked him why. He said

13、, “I behave the way I am supposed to behave when Im out, but when I am at home I want to be comfortable. ”Thats when I realized that most parents, myself included, do teach their children the proper way to behave outside the home, but they are also brought up to believe that at home, anything goes.

14、My answer to him was“good behavior has nothing to do with where you are or whom you are with”. Then he answered, “But I behave properly when Im with others so that they think better of me. ”And that is when I realized that I was doing things all wrong. I explained to him that it had nothing to do wi

15、th what people think. This confused him even more. So I went on to explain that behavior, whether in your everyday interaction(互动)with people or at the dining table at home, is an expression of who you are. Well, at the age of 13, he got it. So basically, what I am saying is that teaching your child

16、ren manners comes with the underlying lesson that it is not about what to do or not to do, but rather, who they are. This way it is not mechanical(机械教条的):it comes from within. Teach your teens or children the basic courtesy of greeting their friends parents and introducing themselves when they go to someones home. Teach teenage boys to open the door of a car, or any door for that matter, for


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