高考英语 unit 5 canada-the true north课件 新人教版必修3

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1、1surround v包围,围绕 be surrounded by/with sb./sth. 被某人/物包围 surrounded by comforts(比喻)生活在安逸之中 surrounding adj.附近的;四周的 surroundings n环境,这样考过 (2009哈尔滨市第六中学)On arrival,the famous movie star found himself _ by the enthusiastic fans. Ato be surrounded Bsurrounded Cbeing surrounded Dhaving surrounded 解析:考查fin

2、d的用法。句意:一到达,这位著名电影明星就被热情的粉丝们围住了。find oneself surrounded意为“发现自己被包围了”。 答案:B,2measure v. 测量;测度 n尺寸;措施 take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事 make.to ones measure 根据某人的尺寸做 a measure of.的计量单位 measure ones words 斟词酌句 measure temperature 量体温,这样考过 (2008哈尔滨九中)The tree over there is so tall that I suppose it _nearly

3、 twenty meters. Ameasures Bis measured Cmeasure Dto be measured 解析:measure在句中是不及物动词,twenty meters为补语,意思是“有高”根据句意用一般现在时。 答案:A,3aboard 辨析:aboard,abroad与board (1)aboard作副词,意思是“在船上;上船”;作介词,意思是“在(船、飞机、车)上;上(船、飞机、车)”。如: She went aboard the plane.她上了飞机。 (2)abroad是副词,意思是“去(在)国外;到处”。如: My brother has never b

4、een abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.,我弟弟以前从未出过国,所以他觉得这次旅行十分令人兴奋。 (3)board作名词,意思是“木板;膳食”;作动词,意思是“用板盖上;提供膳食;上(船、飞机等)”。如: Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.每个学生每月要付一百美元的膳宿费。 He boarded the bus.他上了公共汽车。,settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于 提示:settle down用作不及物动词短语时,表示“定

5、居,安静地坐下;对(生活、工作等)定下心来”。如: He has settled down to farming.他已安心从事农业。 settle down用作及物动词短语时,表示“使平静下来”。如: The chairman tried to settle the audience down. 主席设法使听众安静下来。 settle in/into 迁入;适应(新的家、工作、环境等) settle on/upon 决定;同意(某事) settle up 付清欠账;结清账单 settle ones affairs 安排好自己的事情,5manage v做成(某事);管理;经营 manage a

6、shop/factory 经营商店/工厂 manage to do sth.succeed in doing sth. be able to do sth.设法做成某事 try to do 与manage to do 辨析:try to do“尽力(去)做”,强调动作,但不一定成功;try doing“尝试做” manage to do“设法做成”,相当于succeed in doing,强调结果,manage 后不接doing形式。,这样考过 (2009黄冈中学)When we finally _ to get home after the tiring long journey,we co

7、uld hardly move a step further. Atried Bsucceeded Cattempted Dmanaged 答案:D,6catch sight of 看见;瞥见 on/at sight 一见(就) at(the)sight of 一看见 at first sight 乍一见 out of sight 看不见 in/within sight 在看得见的地方 lose ones sight 失明,7within prep.在之内;在里面 adv.在里面 within(the)reach of.在够得着的地方 within doors 在室内 within ones

8、power 力所能及;在某人的权限内 within oneself 在心里 live within ones income 量入为出,这样考过 (2009山东)It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach. Anear Bupon Cwithin Daround 解析:句意:在厨房里把你常用的东西放在容易够着的地方会节省时间。near 靠(接)近;upon 在之上,迫近,紧接着;within 在里面,在内;around 遍及。 答案:C,8confirm vt.证实,肯定;进一步确定、确认;批准 c

9、onfirm a rumour 证实传闻 confirm a theory 证实一种理论 confirm the time of arrival 确定到达的时间 confirm a project 批准某个项目 提示:confirm作“证明”讲时与prove近义;作“确认(定)”讲时与make sure近义。 We had better confirm our hotel reservation by telephone. 我们最好打电话确认一下我们预订的旅馆房间。,这样考过 (2009泉州质检)He looked around nervously to _ that there was no

10、body following him. Adefend Bconfirm Cdoubt Dinsist 解析:confirm“确定”;defend“保护”;doubt“怀疑”;insist“坚持”。由句意:他紧张地四处打量以确定没人跟踪。综上选B。 答案:B,9distance n距离;远方;冷淡;疏远 keep ones distance 不接近 keep sb.at a distance 对某人保持疏远 keep a safe distance 保持适当距离 at a distance 隔一段距离 a distant relative 远亲 a distant look 茫然的表情 be

11、distant towards sb.对某人冷淡,辨析:in the distance与at a distance in the distance“在远方,在远处”,强调距离之远,其反义短语为in the neighborhood(在附近)。 at a distance“从(稍)远处”,强调一定距离、近距离,如果明确说多长距离,后面可接of短语。,答案:D,这样考过 (2008全国统考模拟)The waterfall can be seen _.Its sound may be heard _ two miles.It looks even more beautiful _,I think.

12、Aat a distance; in the distance of; from a distance Bfrom a distance; in the distance; at a distance Cin the distance; from a distance of; at a distance Din the distance; at a distance of; from a distance,10tradition n传统,惯例 traditional adj.传统的;惯例的 traditionally adv.传统上 keep up fine tradition 保持优良传统

13、follow old traditions 沿袭旧习 by tradition 照传统;据口传 true to tradition 名不虚传地 Its a/the tradition to do sth.做某事是传统,这样考过 (2009天津卷)Im trying to break the _ of getting up too late. Atradition Bconvenience Chabit Dleisure 解析:habit“习惯”;tradition“传统”;convenience“方便”;leisure“闲暇”。由句意知getting up too late为个人习惯,故C合题

14、意。 答案:C,11impress vt.(常与with连用)使印象深刻,使铭记;(常与on连用)使意识到,使印象深刻;(常与on连用)盖(印),盖(印)于 提示:impress为及物动词,后面的宾语多是sb.或反身代词,形成impress sb./oneself的搭配,也可以用在be impressed系表结构中。 impression n印象 make an impression on sb.给留下印象 impress on/upon 使铭记;使印象深刻;在上盖印 impress with 使对留有深刻的印象;使铭记,答案:C,这样考过 (2009山东实验中学模拟)One story in his books that left the deepest _ on me was Peddle in the Sky. Aexpression Bappeal Cimpression Dimage,The end!,


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