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1、Unit 12 Whats the best radio station? 反意疑问句浅析 反意疑问句原则上遵循“前否定后肯定,前肯定后否定”的十二字口诀;但随着现代语言的发展,有时也不遵循这样的规则,发生了变化,变得更加口语化,这就需要我们对具体问题作具体分析。1. Mr Green went to Shenzhen on business last week, _? (福州市2004中考题)A. isnt heB. doesnt heC. didnt heD. hasnt he解析:反意疑问句的后半部分(附加疑问句)必须在人称、数和时态上与前面的陈述部分保持一致;当前一部分的主语部分为名词

2、时,后一部分的主语用相应的人称代词形式。本题中前一部分的谓语动词为一般过去时的行为动词的肯定形式,后一部分的助动词只能是didnt。答案:C2. You often have bread for breakfast, _ you? (海南省1997中考题)A. dontB. haventC. arentD. will 解析:have不当“有”讲时,用作行为动词。have当“有”讲进行句型转换时,可以添加助动词,也可以不加助动词,如:He has few friends in the new school, does / has he? (长沙市2003中考题) 答案:A3. Alice has

3、 to finish her work now, _? (河南省1999中考题)A. has sheB. hasnt sheC. does sheD. doesnt she解析:have to虽与must同义,但它变反意疑问句时要像行为动词一样去变。答案:D4. The poor man needs our help, _ he? (河北省1999中考题)A. needB. needntC. doesD. doesnt解析:need既可作行为动词,又可作情态动词。本题中need用了第三人称单数形式,显然是行为动词,变反意疑问句时,附加疑问句中只能选用适当的助动词。答案:D5. Lets go

4、and fly kites, _? Wonderful! (甘肃省2001中考题) A. will youB. shall weC. dont youD. do you解析:祈使句变反意疑问句,前一部分为肯定形式时,后一部分用will you,would you, can you, cant you及could you;而前一部分为否定形式时,后一部分只能用will you。以lets开头的祈使句,附加疑问句常用shall we。答案:B注意:lets与let us是有区别的,let us像一般的祈使句一样,附加疑问句应为will you。6. There is little milk in

5、the bottle, _? (广东省2003中考题)A. isnt thereB. is thereC. isnt itD. is it解析: 陈述部分是there be结构,附加疑问句用be (not) + there的形式。含有little, few, hardly, never, seldom, nothing等否定意义词的陈述句,是否定句。本题中出现了little,故附加疑问句中的谓语动词应为肯定形式。答案:B注意:某些带有否定前缀或后缀的形容词如unhappy, careless(粗心)等,只是词语意义的否定,而不能构成整个句子的否定。7. I dont think hell co

6、me here on time, _? (重庆市2000中考题)A. wont heB. will heC. does heD. is he解析:陈述部分中如果含有宾语从句,附加疑问句的谓语动词应与陈述部分的主句的谓语动词在人称、数和时态上保持一致。但如果主句含有I suggest(猜测),I believe(相信), I think, I guess, I hear等时,附加疑问句的谓语动词应与其宾语从句的谓语动词在人称、时态和数上保持一致。本题中的谓语动词应和will come保持一致。答案:B8. He didnt go to school this morning, did he? _

7、, though he was not feeling very well. (甘肃省2004中考题)A. No, he didntB. Yes, he did C. No, he didD. Yes, he didnt 解析:对反意疑问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就用no。当反意疑问句的结构为“前否定后肯定”时,回答中的yes译为“不”,no译为“是的”,这一点与汉语不同。本题中答案表达的意义应为“他去上学了”。答案:B(不,他去了)。当然,在实际学习中,反意疑问句还有其他要点,这就需要我们勤于观察、归纳,不断丰富、充实我们的知识。I. 词汇知识根

8、据句意和所给的首字母或汉语提示,在空白处填写一个适当的词,使句子意思完整。1. The hat is big for me. Please show me a_one.2. Mr Smith kept Jack in the classroom after school because he b_the window.3. He lives outside the city. It t_him half an hour to go to work by bus.4. In China, J_is the coldest month of the year.5. P_live in China,

9、 but people can see them in some foreign zoos.6. The old man feels _(更糟). He should go to the doctor.7. _(圣诞节) is the most important festival in many countries.8. You can see all kinds of flowers _(到处) in spring.9. We live on the _(十二) floor. So we have to use a lift.10. What about a pie? It _(有味道)

10、delicious.II. 单项选择11. Hong Kong is _ the south of China, and Macao is _ the west of Hong Kong.A. in;toB. to;toC. to;inD. in;in12. Whats your _ name, please? Jack Jim Black.A. firstB. middleC. familyD. full13. Help _ to some chicken. Thanks a lot. But Im full now.A. youB. yourC. yourselfD. yourselves

11、14. _ will you invent to your birthday party? Katy, Emma, Robert and Emily.A. WhoB. WhoseC. WhatD. When15. Which country is the _ in the world?A. smallB. smallerC. smallestD. the smallest16. The old man is so strange _ nobody likes him.A. whatB. whenC. ifD. that17. What did you do _ your summer holi

12、day? I helped my father with some farming and did some reading.A. withB. duringC. ofD. about18. I think youll come here _ this time tomorrow.A. atB. forC. inD. on19. Have you finished Unit 12? Not yet. Well go on _ it next Monday.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. learned20. What shall we do tomorrow

13、evening? Wed better _ a party in the open air.A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. had21. Thank you for _ the message to me.A. givingB. giveC. to givingD. to give22. There _ a basketball match and a movie this Sunday evening.A. are going to beB. is going to beC. are going to haveD. will have23. I hope to learn to drive a car. _.A. My brother hopes so.B. So hopes my brother. C. My brother does so.D. So does my brother.24. Happy birthday to you. _.A. The same to you.B. Youre welcome. C. Thanks a lot.D. I would love to.25. My mother isnt feeling well today. _.A. Go and see a doctor.B. Dont wo


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