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1、6A Unit3It was there!教学设计宜 兴 市 广 汇 实 验 小 学 任 莉 平教材内容:牛津小学英语 6A Unit3It was there!教材分析:本单元是牛津小学英语 6A 第三单元。围绕 “寻找物品”这一话题展开,介绍了动词 Be 的过去式 was,were。本单元安排的教学情境贴近学生生活实际,从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,语言的交际性和实用性很强。教师在教学中可尽量结合学生的实际情况,创设既符合儿童心理特征又很自然的活动情景,让学生在情景中学会交际,在交际中学会运用。目标预设:1.能听懂,会读,会说单词及词组 was, were, excited, exc

2、iting, just now, a moment ago , running race,Sports Day, on the ground , pick up, film.2.能听懂,会读,会说并理解句型 Wheres your ? Its on/in the It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are your ? Theyre on/in the They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.3. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语和句型:It is the Sport

3、s Day. Let me see. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?4.能使用该句型在生活中寻找物品。5培养学生的学习兴趣,激起学生的学习热情,教育学生养成整齐摆放物品的习惯,培养学生间互帮互助的良好品德。重点难点:1.正确理解本篇对话的主要内容,会读会说本单元的新单词与句型。2.初步了解 be 动词的过去式“was,were”,初步了解一般过去式的构成及用法,并会用相关句型询问物品的方位。设计理念:成功的课堂教学应该是教师引领学生向未知方向挺进的愉快旅行。教材 A部分是一个让学生初步并整体感知的一个环

4、节,不能只局限单词句型的教学。这节课,我本着“学为主体,教为主导,读为主线”的原则,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,巧妙构思,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流的学习方式和任务型的教学模式,帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略,有效地提高了学生的学习效率,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极情感态度、主动思维、大胆实践、形成自主学习能力的过程。设计思路:本单元 A 部分展示了在学校运动会上 Su Hai 和 Su Yang 姐妹俩为给激烈的运动场面拍照而引出的一段寻找相机和胶卷的情景。在教学时,我从自己的爱好入手引出想要的生日礼物照相机,和拍照需要的胶卷,在自然真实的的情景中渗透了新句型的学习,为语篇

5、学习做好铺垫。在语篇教学中,为了让学生更好的理解并掌握语篇内容,我引领学生帮助 Su Hai 和 Su Yang 寻找相机和胶卷,由粗到细,由浅入深,一步步挖掘:第一步:引导学生观察图片,感知对话的背景。第二步:观察图片 Why Su Hai is not happy?观看动画,选出 Su Hai 不开心的原因:因为找不到相机和胶卷。第三步:仔细读对话,帮助 Su Hai 和 Su Yang 找到照相机和胶卷。第四步:仔细阅读对话,划出相机和胶卷原来的具体位置。学生在这阅读任务非常明确的情况下展开阅读,提高了阅读的效果,也有效强化了他们阅读技能和阅读习惯的养成。教学过程: Step1. Org

6、anization Free talk 师生交流。Whats your name?Whats your hobby?What day is it today?Whats the date today?Whens your birthday?What would you like as a birthday present?Step2. Presentation1.T: Boys and girls, now I know something about you.Do you want to know something about me?T: Look,whos she?(出示教师照片 )Yo

7、u can ask me some questions.Whats your English name?Where do you live?Whens your birthday?What would you like as a birthday?Guess, what would I like as a birthday present? (学生听声音猜测我想要的礼物)Listen, what would I like?呈现:camera设计说明:英语是一种语言,是用来交际的工具。而人们用语言交际的实质就是进行信息的交流。学生面对教师,都有好奇心,想了解老师更多的信息,教师巧妙利用这一点,让

8、学生自由发问,一方面轻松交流,拉近师生间的距离,并由学生问的 What would you like as a birthday?引出我想要的礼物:a camera。同时自然过渡到与本节课的话题有关的物品 camera。有效地导入到对话的学习。2.呈现 was 及相关句子1. T: Wheres my camera?S: Its (学生猜)T: (出现 camera)yes, its on the sofa.T: (相机不见了)Oh, dear, it isnt there now. It was there a moment ago.出示:It was there a moment ago.

9、学: was /a moment agowas 为 is 的过去式用于过去时态的句子中。当句子表示的事情是发生在过去,该句就应用一般过去时。a moment ago 意思为一会儿前,指过去,所以应用一般过去时,动词用过去式。Two days ago, a week ago2.T: But now Wheres my camera? Can you help me? (鼠标出现相机)S: Its near the sofa.T: Thank you.3.呈现 were 及相关句子1.T: Id like a new camera as my birthday present.Guess, wha

10、ts my hobby?T: May be .T: Yes, I like taking photos. Today Im so glad to see you. I want to take some photos with you.What do I need? S: a camera .T: And a film.Films and camera are good friends.出示:film, films.2. (多媒体呈现一些胶卷)T: Where are my films?S: Theyre on the desk.T: (把胶卷拿走) They arent there now.

11、T: They were there just now.出示:They were there just now.学: were /just now were 为 are 的过去式用于过去时态的句子中。just now 意思为刚才,指过去,所以应用一般过去时,动词也用过去式。T: Where are my films?S: They are under the desk.T: Yes, theyre under the desk. They are on the ground.出示:on the ground.3. Look and compare.4.回答问题:Where was my cam

12、era? It was on the sofa.Where were my films? They were on the desk.设计说明:本单元 A 部分第一次出现了过去式的用法,并在整篇对话中多次出现这些句型,在整体阅读语篇之前先帮助学生解决这个难点,感知与将要学习的话题相关的语言知识,对本课话题进行预热,为理解语篇做好铺垫。Step3. Extensive reading (the text)1 初步感知,促其入境。I have a friend. Shes Su Hai. She and I have the same hobby.看图回答问题1、 T: Look, where i

13、s she now?S: Shes in the playground.T: What are they doing?S: Theyre running.T: Yes, it is Sports Day, they are having a running race.学 : Sports Day, raceT: Look at the boys, What are they doing?S: Theyre running.T: Yes. Theyre having a running race. Its very exciting.学: exciting.令人激动的;令人兴奋的。一般用来形容比

14、赛或事件T: Look at the students beside the playground. What are they doing?S: They are watching the running race.T: Yes, look at their action. The students are very excited.学: excited 兴奋的,激动的 。一般用来形容人物比较两词填入正确的单词。 excited exciting1) an boyan basketball game2) The students are very .There is an running r

15、ace at four in the afternoon.2.T: Who are the girls? S: Theyare.T: Su Hai and I have the same hobby. She likes taking photos,too.But what happened? Whats wrong with them?Lets watch the cartoon.看金太阳动画。学生选择。Whats wrong with them?A:Su Hai cant find the camera.B: Su Hai cant find the films.C: Su Hai cant find the camera and films.设计说明:通过图片,让学生观察,了解故事背景;然后让他们带着疑惑看动画,带着疑问去主动探求问题的答案。整体呈现课文,让学生感知整篇课文。2体验参与,分层理解。T: Su Hai wants to take some photos. But she cant find her camera and films. Lets help her.1.仔细阅读对话,并完成表格。T: Wheres Su Hais camera?S: Its in Su Hais bag.T: Where are her films?S:


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