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1、20132014 学年度第一学期期中六年级英语试卷亲爱的同学:经过两个月的学习,你的英语成绩一定有很大进步。希望你在这次测评中,能够展示自己的水平、能力,看到今后努力的目标、方向。祝你取得优异成绩! Good luck!一、选择填空。选择最佳答案完成每题。 (每小题 1 分,共 35 分)( )1. Is Maria friend? No, isnt.A. she, she B. her, her C. her, she D. she, her( )2. Is that orange ? Yes, it isA. a B. an C. the( )3. What class is Li Min

2、g in? Shes in _.A. Class 2, Grade 1 B. Grade 1, Class 2C. class 2, grade 1 D. grade 1, class 2( )4. What color is the T-shirt? Its .A. an orange B. orange C. a pink D. in green( )5. Do you have two_ _? Yes ,I do.A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. Knifes( )6. Whatre those? _ _ are flowers.A. It B. These

3、 C. They D. That( )7. How are you? _ _.A. Im twelve. B. Im fine, thanks. C. Im a student. D. Im your friend.( )8.Is this your bag? _ _.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, its a big. C. Its my bag D. It isnt( )9. is that boy? Hes my friend.A. What B. Who C. Where D. How old( )10. Lucy a short nose, but I a long on

4、e.A. have, have B. have, has C. has, have( )11.They from France.A. comes B. is C. are( )12. , are you Mr Huang?A. Please B. Excuse me C. Hello( )13. 28. Mr Brown isnt _ English teacher. A. a B. an C. one D. /( )14. Do you have a car ? No, I .A. dont B. doesnt C. am not( )15.The Browns usually drive

5、to the park on Sundays. But today they go to the park .A.on feet B.on foot C.by foot D.on the foot( )16.Bob often his after supper.A.do; homeworks B.does; homeworkC.begin; homework D.finishes; homeworks( )17.The boy likes playing _basketball very much.A.a B.an C.the D./( )18.Mr. King sometimes _ the

6、 subway home.A.take B.taking C.takes D.to take( )19.What does Fang Yan do in her free time? She often goes _.A.swimming B.swim C.to swim D.swims( )20.Zhao Lin _to Beijing by train. He usually goes by plane.A.isnt go B.doesnt go C.doesnt goes D.dont go( )21.Sam never _to school.A.walk B.to walk C.wal

7、ks D.walking( )22. I have _ food at home.A. lot of B. a lot of C. a lot D. a lots of( )23. Is this her baseball? _.A. Yes, it isnt B. No, it is C. Yes, it is D. No, she isnt( )24. _ Tom. This is _book.A. I am, my B. I am, I C. He is, he D. He is, her( )25. _ are good students.A. I and Tony B. Tony a

8、nd I C. Me and Tony D. Tony and me( )26. _ is that jacket? Its green.A. Where B. What C. What color D. How( )27 How do you do? A. Hello. B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. Im fine, thank you.( )28.Dont be late_ school.A.of B.for C.in( )29. Is Guo Peng your brother? _.A. Yes, he is B. Yes, she is C

9、. No, he is D. No, she isnt( )30. This is _ piano.A. my father B. my fathers C. I fathers D. my fathers( )31. Lily and Liz _a cat.They like it very much. A.have B.has C.there is D.there are ( )32. How many pens _Jim _? Three. A.does;have B.do;have C.does;has D.do;has ( )33. I dont _ a dictionary.She

10、 _ one. A.has;have B.have;have C.have;has D.have;has a ( )34They dont have _colour pencils,but I have _. A.some;some B.any;some C.some;any D.no;some( )35. This chair is _ black and that is white chair.A. a; / B. /; a C. a; a D. / ; an二、完形填空。 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)I am an 1 girl. My name is Tina. I 2 Engla

11、nd. I 3 13 years old. I am 4 . I have a round face, a small nose, a wide mouth, long 5 and 6 eyes. I have a brother. His name is James. He is a student, too. He 7 a big nose, a long face and short hair. His ears 8 big. We are 9 the same grade, but in different 10 .( )1. A. Chinese B. China C. Englis

12、h D. England( )2. A. comes from B. am from C. be from D. from( )3. A. am B. are C. is D. /( )4. A. a teacher B. a sister C. a student D. a brother( )5. A. a hairs B. a hair C. hairs D. hair( )6. A. wide B. big C. long D. short( )7. A. have B. has C. is D. are( )8. A. have B. has C. is D. are( )9. A. in B. on C. to D. /( )10. A. class B. grades C. grade D. classes三、阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确答案。 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分)(A)Jim is from the USA. But his father,mother and he are in China now. His mother is a teacher.


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