上海新世纪版二年级英语下册教案 Unit 10 Tug-of-war(1)

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1、(新世纪版)二年级英语下册教案 Unit 10 Tug-of-war2. 鼓励学生积极参加集体活动。二、知识目标:基础目标:1.通过听、说、读等多种学习活动,能够看图说出物体的英语名称,能拼读单词:grapefruit, plum, lichee, strawberry, 以及他们的复数形式。2.能根据模拟或实际情景运用句型“Which do you like,or?”来询问对方。3.能根据 w-/w/, x-/ks/的发音规则独立认读含以上字母的新单词。4.能根据教师发出的指令“Feel the lichee. Bite the melon.”做出相应的动作。5.能用正确的语音、语调来儿歌:

2、Apple Red, Apple Green。发展目标:1.初步掌握名词单复数变化的规律。2.学会正确书写字母 w, x的大小写。3.能用已经学过的单词替换 Grand Theatre的某些部分进行再创造表演。能力目标:1.培养学生看图说话的能力,看“Farmland”中提供的图片用学过的 These are,Those are来描述图片,以及用“Which do you like,or?”进行同桌操练。2.培养学生用英语表演小短剧的能力。三、情感、策略和文化的等有关目标:1.情感态度:培养学生从小要有集体观念,发扬集体主义思想。2.学习策略:通过本课的学习让学生根据自己的能力和同学合作完成一

3、个情景短剧,让学生在活动中畅谈自己的喜好和发表自己的观点和看法。3.文化目标:西方人喜欢互动的教学模式,比如分组活动等。他们可以按照不同的规则来分组,比如喜欢喝咖啡的分为一组,喜欢苹果的分为一组,甚至是同月生日的也可以分为一组,他们还喜欢把颜色,水果或动物来作为小组的名称,这样既有趣也能让学生的学习更自主,更有发展空间,也让教学活动更生动、更形象。四、教学资源: Students book 2B P 73-78Students workbook 2B P78-85Words and picture cards 2B Unit10 Teaching Transparencies 2B Unit

4、10五、教学过程:第一课时Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming-upSing an English song:An appleSports Club:Feel the lichee.Bite the melon.The teacher and students sing together.Listen to the tape. Read it after the tape.The teacher speaks English and the students do the action.1这是一首有关水果的

5、歌曲,通过学生的演唱,创造了英语学习的课堂氛围,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,同时也为下面的学习打下埋伏。2在教学过程中,通过摸摸,尝尝,闻闻,学生真实地体会了句子的意思。Task procedureTask1. RevisionWhat are these/those?These /Those are grapes/ dates / melonsTask2. Lead in: Is this a? No, it isnt. Its a grapefruit/plum /lichee / strawberry.Task 3.These/ Those are grapefruits/ plums/

6、lichees / strawberry.1. The teacher shows some pictures and answers the questions.2. The teacher asks some questions and leads out the new words.3A: Play a guessing game. B: Lead out the plural forms of new words with the sentence pattern -1 通过提问复习老单词,同时也为学习新单词作好准备。2 .先引出单词的单数形式,有助于学生对单词词形的记忆。3.通过猜谜

7、游戏引出单词的复数形式,营造活泼的课堂教学气氛。4整合 Task2和 Task 3,和句型 Do you like?训练学生问答,Task 4.What are these/these? Are these/ those plums?Do you like apples.?These/Those are4Review the words and patterns by answering questions.为学习课文打下基础。Post-task activity1. Students book P74, P762Listen and act.3. Listen and draw.Listen

8、 and read after the tape.The teacher says the sentences, the students act.The teacher describes the fruit, the students draw 把画画游戏渗入到教学中,与新学词汇有机地整合起来,增加语言训练的趣味性。第二课时Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming-up1. Group activity.Feel the lichee.Bite the melon.2. Ask and answer.1)T

9、hese/Those are2) What are these/ those?3) Do you like?The teacher gives the commands. Others perform the actions.The teacher shows some pictures. The students read the words and answer the questions.1上课一开始让学生动动,说说,既复习了旧知识,又能让学生进入学习英语的状态。2. 通过师生问答,学生对学过的单词句型掌握得更加牢固和灵活,有利于培养学生英语交际能力。Task procedureTask

10、1.Lead in the word “or”Task2.Teach the sentence:Which do you like,.or?Task 3. Teach the sentence:Tug-of-war.Task 4.Teach the sentence.Come on our side.Task 5.Read the 1.The teacher points to a girl and asks,“Are you a girl or a boy?”(After the students answer the question, do more questions and answ

11、ers with the patterns already learned.)2. The teacher shows some pictures and ask some questions.1) Do you like plum?2) Which do you like, apples or oranges?3. Play a game named Tug-of-war.1) Which do you like, apples or mangos? 2) Grouping(Apple Team/Mango Team)3) Activity1 通过复习老句型来引出新句型,为下面的学习做好铺垫

12、。2 .运用小朋友喜欢的拔河游戏作为教学手段,让学生在真实的情景中锻炼了语言表达能力和思维能力。同时也培养了他们的合作精神。dialogue of Tug-of-war.In the activity, students can say: Apple Team,go,go,go! Mango go, go, go! Pull! Pull!Post-task activity1. Look the pictures and say something about the pictures.2. Conduct a survey.1. The teacher shows the pictures

13、and the students make sentences about the pictures.I like, but I dont likeThe apples are big and red.These are Those are2. Students ask each other and complete a questionnaire提供学生说话的机会,培养他们的语言组织能力,锻炼学生的英语交际能力。第三课时Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming-upRevision:1. Review the

14、 words.2. Ask and answer.3Lets act.1. The teacher shows the cards and the students spell the words.2. Do questions and answers between the teacher and students, deskmates or classmates.3. The teacher gives the 1. 对前面学过的单词句型进行复习,使学生更熟练地进行英语交际。同时也让学生学习英语充满自信。2让学生听听,说说,commands .Others perform the acti

15、ons.做做,培养学生视听等综合能力。Task procedureTask1. Learn the new rhyme.Task2.Learn the new letters.Task 3.Learn the new wordsTask 4Hold a competition: W for. X for1. The teacher show some lemons and apples. Let the students say something about them.The teacher asks some questions about them.1) Are the apples /

16、lemons sweet/sour?2) Are the apples /lemon fun?3) The apples bring us a happy day. The lemons make us water run2. Sing the alphabet and lead the new letters.3. Learn the new words.1. 有机地把操练和运用集合起来,让学生体验和感知字母w,x在单词中的发音。Post-task activity1. Listen to the tape.2. Make new rhymes.1. Listen and read after the tape.2. Take some fruit. Talk about the fruit. Make some new rhymes about them.提供学生一些英语材料,让学生组织成一句或几句完整的话,这样既培养了他


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