上海新世纪版三年级英语下册教案 Unit 8 I Like Cartoons(3)

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1、新世纪版三年级英语下册教案 Unit 8 I Like Cartoons一、能力目标1. 能用 These are. Those are.造句。2. 能用 What are these/those? 提问的方式及其他们的回答。3. 听懂或读懂某个场所的 简单话语。 (pair work)二、知识目标1. 学习掌握单词 8 个。2. 能用 8 个单词造句。3. 学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识 These are. Those are.4. 听、读后能理解课文内容,完成 Language Lab 中的练习。5. 了解 Disneyland, kids palace 中的语法内容。三、基础目标Wo

2、nderland:library, storybook, newspaper, picture book, Magazines, shelf, art-and-craft bookFarmland:These are/ Those areGrand Theater:I Like CartoonsLanguage Lab:1.通过拼读单词进一步巩固字母和单词。2.根据课文内容回答 Questions and answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答 On your own 中的问题。Music Box:掌握字母组 ere, ear 和 eir 在单词中的读音。引导学生分辨/I?, /e? 的

3、发音,通过复习含有这些音素的单词,强化并掌握这两个音素。引导学生分辨字母组 ere 和 ear 在单词中的两种不同发音。Disneyland:这是一首以时间为主题的儿歌,教师可以通过提问让学生知道时间的表示方法和什么时间干什么事情,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。例如:What time is it? What time do you get up?在教授过程中,教师可告诉学生时间的重要性,同时可补充一句谚语 Time is money. (时间就是金钱。也可解释为“一寸光阴一寸金” 。) 在教完儿歌后,教师还可补充其他有关时间的儿歌。四、发展目标1.鼓励学生整合已有的语言知识,模仿在图书馆借书的对

4、话,根据不同的情景场所自编对话,进行小品表演。例如:In the toy store, In the bakery 等。2.补充更多有关场所的单词,教会学生用英语礼貌地表达自己的需要和喜好,培养学生与人交往的能力。五、情感目标:通过学习,教育学生积极参加体育运动。六、学习策略目标:在学习过程中做 pair / group work 时要积极开动脑筋,介绍自己记忆单词的方法,培养合作完成的意识。七、文化目标:了解 these, those 的用法。教学难点1.让学生知道 These / Those are句型? 并掌握 these 和 those 与名词复数连用的特点。2.让学生知道要表示“想要

5、做某事”是在动词 want 后加上 to do, do 表示动词原形。如:I want to go to the library. 我想要去图书馆。 I want to have a picnic in the park. 我们想去公园野餐。第一课时 Wonderland In the library教学目标基本目标:(1) To learn how to pronounce and spell the new words properly. (shelf story books, art-andcraft books, newspapers, magazines picture books.

6、)(2) To understand the words.(3) To be able to make some phrases with these words.发展目标:(1) To understand(2) To put the new words into the practice.教学过程Pre-task PreparationDaily talkWhile task procedure1. Go over the world “library”T: Lets guess a riddle. There are many books in it. Such as Chinese b

7、ooks, English books, picture books and so on. We can read books in it, what is it?S: Library2. Learn picture books1)T: There are many picture books in the library.This is a picture book. These are picture books.2) Describe the picture books: the funny picture books, the nice picture books.3) Make se

8、ntences with this word.4)T: How many picture books have you got?3. Learn story books1) T: Are they picture books.S: No.T: Right. Those are story books.(Show one). Thats a story book.2) Describe the story books.3) Do you like picture books or story books?4)Say this sentence: Story books, story books,

9、 I like reading story books.4. The same way to learn the other words: newspaper, magazines, art-and-craft books.5. Learn shelf1)T: In the library. Where are the books? (show a picture) They are on the shelf.2) Spell the word and recite the word.3) (Show another picture) T: Is this a shelf?S: No.T: I

10、ts not a shelf. Its a book case.4) Make sentences with the words.Post-task ActivitiesMatch the words and the pictures.第二课时 Grand Theatre教学目标基本目标: (1) To understand the sentences.Can I help you? I want.Where are.? They are.(2) Mine the pronunciation in the tape to act out the dialogue.发展目标:Have the s

11、tudents to make a new dialogue.重点和难点Where is/are.?教学过程Pre-task preparation1. Daily talk2. Make sentences with: These are. Those are.While-task procedure1. Can I help you? I want.1)T: Do you like fruit?S: Yes, I do.T: Lets buy some.S: OK.(In the fruit shop) T: Can I help you? What do you want to buy?

12、S: I want to buy some apples?T: These are apples, try some.S: Mm. Its nice.2) Learn what can I do for you?3)Pupils make new dialogues and act the dialogues2. learn borrow1)T: Wheres my pencil? I want to borrow a pencil. May I borrow your pencil?B: Pupils make sentences with borrow3. Learn where are.

13、? They are.1)(in the library) T: Can I help you?S: I want to borrow some books T: What books do you like?S: I like story books.T: Where are the story books? Oh, they are over there. They are on the desk.2)Practice: Where are.? They are.4. 1)Listen to the tape and answer some questions.2)Make a new d

14、ialogue第三课时 Farmland These /Those.教学目标基本目标:(1) Learn the new sentences: These /Those are.(2) Talk about the pictures with the new sentences.发展目标:(1) Practise the new drills.(2) Using some sentences to make a dialogue.教学过程Pre-taskReview the things in the picture, and describe them. This is. That is.W

15、hile-task1. Show pictures T: What are these/those?S: They are books.T: Yes, these /those are books.2. Pupils practise: These /Those are.3. Make dialogues.4. Act out the dialogues.5. Talk about classroom.Picture 1 Alice: Hi, Superkid.Superkid: Alice.A: This is my classroom, is it beautiful?S: Yes, it

16、s very beautiful. Whats this?A: Its a blackboard. Its big.S: Is that a map?A: Yes, it is. Look, there are many books on the desk. These are Chinese books. Those are English books.S: I know. These flowers are big. Those flowers are small. But they are nice.Picture 2Tom: Good morning, Superkid.Superkid: Good morning, Tom.T: Sit down, please. Are you thirsty?S: Yes, I am.T: H


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