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1、Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China. Section A,Brainstorming,Confucius,孔丘,鲁国,春秋,儒家,论语,思想家,哲学家,教育家,仁,周游列国,.,551B.C.-479 B.C.,the state of Lu,礼,kindness,good manners,thinker,philosopher,educator a pioneer in the field of education,influence,wise,Put the following sentenc

2、es in the correct order. Then tell about Confucius life story in groups by adding some information from 1a.,( ) A. But Confucius received a good education when he was young. ( ) B. At the age of 55, Confucius began to travel around China. He tried to search for good rules of behavior. ( ) C. And whe

3、n he was 17, his mother died. ( ) D. In his thirties, Confucius began to teach. He spent the rest of his life teaching. ( ) E. Five years later, he passed away (去世). ( ) F. When he was 68 years old, Confucius returned to Lu, his home state. ( ) G. Confucius was born in the state of Lu in the year 55

4、1 B.C. ( ) H. When he was 3 years old, his father died.,7,2,8,1,5,3,6,4,2,Confucius,551B.C. be born 3 father died 17 mother died young good edcation 30-39 teach 55 travel around 68 return 73 pass away,Listen to 1a and complete the table.,education,nature,kindness,many,wise,1b,Retell Confucius,551B.C

5、. be born 3 father died 17 mother died young good edcation 30-39 teach 55 travel around 68 return 73 pass away,Read these wise sayings of Confucius and discuss their meanings with your partner.,. When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them. 三人行,必有我师。 . What you know, you know

6、; what you dont know, you dont know. 知之为知之,不知为不知。 . Learn the new while reviewing the old. 温故而知新。 . Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? . Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. 己所不欲,勿施于人。,3,Attributive clauses,1. He who learns but does not

7、 think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. 2. He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. 3. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. 4. He was really a great man from whom I can le

8、arn a lot.,学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。,thinker,philosopher,man,who,whose,whom,that,whose代替先行词philosophers,表示“ 的”,其先行词既可以是人,也可以是物,He was really a great man _I can learn a lot from.,(whom/ who / that ),Great people,秦始皇,屠呦呦,Qu Yuan is a poet was born in 340 B.C. and passed away in 278 B.C. Zheng He is the first emp

9、eror united the whole country. Zu Chongzhi is a great person is a pioneer in the field of math. Mazu, real name is Lin Mo, has become a goddess _ guards our city. Li Qingzhao is a poet poems have influenced many people. Zheng He is an explorer led seven ocean journeys. Yuan Longping is a scientist b

10、y _ hybrid rice is developed. Mo Yan is a famous writer won the Nobel Prize in his fifties. They are famous people we like very much. Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist won the Nobel Prize. Dong Qing is a charming lady spreads the traditional Chinese culture. Liu Chuanjian is a great man

11、 _ saved a lot of passengers with his workmates.,Qu Yuan; poet (340 B.C.- 278 B.C.),Qu Yuan is a poet was born in 340 B.C. and in 278 B.C.,who / that,passed away,Qinshihuang is the first emperor united the whole country.,秦始皇,that,Zu Chongzhi is a great person is a _math.,who / that,pioneer,in the fi

12、eld of,Mazu, real name is Lin Mo, has become,a goddess guards our city.,whose,who / that,Li Qingzhao is a poet poems have many people.,whose,influenced,Zheng He is an explorer led seven ocean journeys.,who / that,Yuan Longping is a scientist by hybrid rice is developed.,whom,Yuan Longping is a scien

13、tist _hybrid rice is developed by.,(whom/ who/ that ),Mo Yan is a famous writer won the Nobel Prize .,who / that,in his fifties,They are famous people we like very much.,( who / that / whom ),屠呦呦,Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist won the Nobel Prize.,that,Dong Qing is a charming lady sp

14、reads the traditional Chinese culture.,who / that,Liu Chuanjian is a great man _ saved a lot of passengers with his workmates.,who / that,They are all excellent people in every field of life.,They are great people from whom we can learn a lot.,We are proud of them. They are really the pride of China.,We are proud of our school at present.,Well be the pride of our school in the future.,Sum up,Words and phrases: 明智的 影响 谁(宾格) 在领域 去世,wise,whom,pass away,influence,in the field of,1. He was a great thinker had many wise ideas about human nature and be


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