新人教版六年级英语上册unit 6 part b

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1、,Unit 6 How do you feel?,Part B,She is,He is,Tutu _,is,happy,Tutu and Xiaomei _ happy.,are,They _ happy.,are,I _ happy.,am,angry.,She is,He is,The bird is,The dog is ill.,Angala is sad.,Cindy is worried.,Angala is sad.,He is _.,worried,She is,afraid,They are,应该,看医生,Lets learn,see a doctor = go to th

2、e doctor 看医生 You have a fever,you must see a doctor.,做更多的练习,should “应该” ,情态动词 ,对他人提出建议或要求。,穿暖和的衣服,-,take a deep breath,count to ten .,深呼吸,数到十,A: How do you feel today? B: Im ill. What should I do? A: You should see a doctor. B:Thank you. A:Youre welcome.,Pairwork,A: Hi, Yifan! Whats wrong? B: Im sho

3、rt. Im worried . A: You should do more exercise . B: Thanks a lot. A: Youre welcome.,怎么了?,A: How do you feel today? B: Im cold. What should I do? A: You should wear warm clothes. B:Thank you. A:Youre welcome,A: How do you feel today? B: Im angry. What should I do? A: You should take a deep breath an

4、d count to ten. B:Thank you. A:Youre welcome.,cold,寒冷的,A:How does he feel today? B:He feels cold.What should he do? A:He should wear warm clothes,Lets try: Listen and circle 1.Who is talking? A. Doctors B. Parents. 2. What are they talking about? A. Going to the zoo. B. Going to school,Lets talk: Re

5、ad the dialogue and answer the questions: Whats wrong with Sarah and Sams father? 2. What should their father do? 3. How does Sam feel? 4. What should he do?,He is ill .,He should see a doctor.,He is sad.,He should go to the hospital.,Reread the conversation and fill in the blanks.,Sarah and Sams fa

6、ther is _. He should_, so they cant go to the _ today. Sam is _. His mother says they can go next _.,ill,see a doctor,zoo,sad,time,Role play : Mum: Sarah, Sam, come here, please. Sarah: Whats wrong? Mum: Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning, so we cant go to the zoo today. Sam: Oh

7、, no! Mum: Dont be sad. We can go next time. Sam: How does Dad feel now? Mum: Not well. Lets go to the hospital.,Writing: Try to write an English composition about you and your parents three different mood. And write why you three have the mood. (No less than 6 sentences) 试着写一篇关于你和你家人三种不同的心情并写出造成这三种

8、心情的原因的英语作文。(不少于6句话。),1.should +动词原形,should为情态动词,无人称和数的变化,意为“应该”,其后接动词原形,表示建议某人做某事。 You should get up early. We should speak more English.,2. Dont +V.原形 意为:不要 也是提出建议的句型。 Dont be sad./Dont be angry.,Summary time,Fill in the blanks,1. A:I am ill. B:You should_. 2. A:I am so fat. I am worried about my h

9、ealth. B:You should _. 3. A:I feel cold. B:You should_. 4. A:I am so angry. What should I do? B: Dont_ _. You should _and_.,see a doctor,do more exercise,wear warm clothes,take a deep breath,count to ten,be sad,3. Whats wrong (with sb.) ? 询问他人状况。意为(某人)怎么了?相当于 Whats the matter?/Whats the matter with

10、sb.? Eg: Whats wrong /the matter with you? I am ill. What should I do? You should see a doctor. Whats the matter with him/her? He/She has a fever.,Homework: 1. Be able to recite the conversation in B Lets talk. 2. Be able to give suggestions to others. 3. Finish off the exercises in ptlxc.,Bye-bye!,


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