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1、柳州专版,课时03 Modules 1-6(七下),PART FOUR,第四篇 教材过关篇,crayon,eraser,glove,wallet,purple,camera,taxi,airport,hundred,thousand,sausage,tennis,piano,board,monitor,promise,picnic,housework,silly,fantastic,during,country,litter,beach,chalk,ruler,change,question,level,machine,robot,traffic,everywhere,supermarket,


3、,disadvantage,safety,safely,collection,collector,pianist,rainy,player,truly,truth,heavily,second,shopping,painter,painting,height,left,be careful with,from now on,in a hurry,hundreds of,go out,worry about,get on/along well with,ready to do sth.,traffic jam,just like,go sightseeing,notany more,come t

4、rue,not onlybut also,try on,as well,first of all,look forward to,be able to do sth.,Mothers Day,online shopping,on the way to,make friends,Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom.,Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow.,What will life be like in the future?,We wont travel by bus or

5、 bike any more.,May I try it on?,Are these gloves yours?,Hundreds of people come here every day.,We can teach you Chinese., promise v.承诺;保证 promise有两种词性: (1)作动词 promise(not) to do sth. 答应(不)做某事 He promised to cook something delicious for me. 他许诺给我做好吃的。 promise sb. sth. =promise sth. to sb. 许诺某人某物 Iv

6、e promised the book to Jack. 我已经答应把书给杰克了。 promise+that从句 答应 I promised that I would write regularly. 我答应会定期写信。 (2)作名词 make a promise 许诺; keep a promise 信守承诺; break a promise违背诺言,【针对训练】 (1)单项选择 I cant tell you what she said.Ive promised it a secret. A.keep B.to keep C.keeping (2)根据汉语提示完成句子 He usually

7、 keeps his (承诺) and does what he said.,B,promise(s), take v.穿;搭乘;乘坐;固定使用;把(某人)带往; 使(某人)到,【针对训练】 (1)Youd better (搭乘) a bus to the post office. Its a little far from here. (2)It (花费) me two hours to finish my homework yesterday.,take,took, price n.价格 (1)常用结构为“the price of”,意为“的价格”。形容价格的高低只能用high或low,不

8、能用expensive或cheap。price作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式。 The price of the bag is very high. 这个包的价格很高。 (2)“Whats the price of?”相当于“How much is/are?”,意为“的价格是多少?” Whats the price of the T-shirt? =How much is the T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱? 【针对训练】 Premier Li said we should speed up the Internet and lower the . A.money B.price C.v

9、alue,B, get on/along well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 get on/along意为“相处”或“进展”。get on well with sth. 意为“某事进展顺利”。 Im getting on well with my classmates. 我和我的同学们相处得融洽。 How are you getting on with your work? 你的工作进展如何? 【针对训练】 Dont worry! Im sure youll your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A.catch up

10、 with B.be pleased with C.get on well with,C, not only.but also. 不仅而且 该连词用于连接两个对等成分。 She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 注意 not onlybut also连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数遵循“就近一致原则”。除此之外,遵循“就近一致原则”的还有:there be 句型;eitheror; neithernor; notbut等连词。 【针对训练】 What have you learnt after three y

11、ears study in China, Maria? I was taught knowledge good manners. A.either; or B.not only; but also C.neither; nor,B, leave/forget,【归纳拓展】 leave的其他用法: (1)leave for sp. 动身去某地 (2)leave sb. by oneself/leave sb. alone把某人独自留下;不打扰某人 (3)leave sth.+adj. 使某物保持某种状态 (4)ask for leave请假,【针对训练】 (1)单项选择 Im sorry, Mr

12、 Hu.I my English exercise book at home. It doesnt matter.Please bring it here this afternoon. A.forgot B.left C.missed (2)根据汉语意思完成句子 下周五艾丽斯动身去伦敦。 Alice is London next Friday. 不要把我单独留在家里。我会害怕。 Dont at home. I will be afraid.,B,leaving for,leave me alone, also/too/as well/either,He can also sing Engli

13、sh songs. 他还会唱英文歌。 He is a teacher and a writer as well. 他是一位老师,也是一位作家。 If you dont go to the party, I wont, either. 如果你不去聚会,我也不去。,【针对训练】 用also, too, as well或either填空 (1)He likes swimming in summer. (2)My father didnt go to the park,and I didnt go, . (3)The little boy can play basketball, and footba

14、ll . (4)He knows the answer and I know the answer, .,also,either,as well/too,too, across/through/over/cross,【针对训练】 用across, over, through或cross填空 (1)The river is too wide for such a little boy to swim . (2)When you the road, you should be careful. (3)It took him one hour to walk the forest. (4)The d

15、og quickly jumped the fence of the park.,across,cross,through,over, I hope they win the match! 我希望他们赢得比赛! hope作动词,意为“希望”,后常接动词不定式或that引导的宾语从句。 I hope to visit China one day. 我希望有一天去中国游览。 I hope (that) you can find a new job. 我希望你能找到一份新工作。,【归纳拓展】 (1)hope和wish均表示“希望”,都可接动词不定式,但hope不可接复合宾语,而wish可以。 I hope you to win the competition.() I wish you to win the competition.() (2)hope for sth. 希望某事 Everyone hopes for a good grade. 每个人都希望有一个好的成绩。,【针对训练】 (1)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 He hopes (go) abroad after he graduates from middle school. (2)根据汉语意思完成句子 琳达希望加入学校的英语角。 Linda


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