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1、七年级语法复习,名词:1、区分可数名词与不可数名词 2、可数名词变复数的规则、读音 3、名词所有格的构成方法 可数名词与不可数名词 【要点解读】 可数名词是指可以计数的事物的名词,可数名词有单、复数形式;不可数名词是指不可以计数的事物的名词,不可数名词没有单、复数形式。本册书中的不可数名词有:milk、bread、rice、food、fruit、ice-cream、salad、chicken(鸡肉)、orange(橘子汁)、time、music.不可数名词可以用以下短语来修饰:,专题归类复习三,a glass of a cup of a box of a bag of some much,一般

2、名词变复数形式的规律: 1. 一般在名词的词尾加-s. 如:banana - bananas 2. 以 -s, -sh, -ch, -x 结尾的名词, 在词尾加-es构成复数形式 如: watch - watches,box - boxes 3. 有些以-o 结尾的名词,则加-es. 如:tomato- tomatoes, potatopotatoes, heroheroes, Negro -Negroes 英雄和黑人喜欢吃西红柿和马铃薯 4. 以辅音字母加-y 结尾的名词,则把-y改为i,加-es. 如:family - families,5. 有些名词以不规则来构成复数形式 如:man -

3、 men(男人) , woman - women (女人) childchildren(孩子),句子单数变复数,注意以下五要素,(1)主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词,即Iwe, youyou,she,he,it they。 如:She is a girl. They are girls. (2)am,is要变为are。如: Im a student. We are students. (3)不定冠词a,an要去掉。如: He is a boy. They are boys. (4)普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如: It is an apple. They are apples. (5

4、)指示代词this,that要变为these,those。如: This is a box. These are boxes.,变为复数句。 1. This is my friend. These are my friends. 2. This is a bike. These are bikes. 3.That is her brother. Those are her brothers. 4.That is an eraser. Those are erasers. 5.It is a red orange. They are red oranges. 6.He is a teacher.

5、 They are teachers. 7. Whats this? What are these? 8.He is a Chinese boy. They are Chinese boys.,【强化训练】 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1Some _ (orange) is in the cup. 2I want some _ (tomato) to eat. 3Do you want some _ (salad)? 4A pen _ (be) on the desk. 5Lots of vegetables _ (be) in the supermarket (超市),专题归类复习三,or

6、ange,tomatoes,salad,is,are,4名词s所有格,(1)单数名词后直接加 “ s ”: 如:Jims coat 吉姆的外套 Jeffs mother杰夫的妈妈 (2)以s结尾的复数名词,只加“ ” 如:Teachers Day教师节 the twins books双胞胎的书 (3) 不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“ s ” 如:Childrens Day 儿童节 mens shoes男式鞋 (4)表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加s 如:Lucy and Lilys mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈) (5)表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加s

7、 如:Lucys and Kates rooms 露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间,两间房子),名词所有格【强化训练】 根据句意用名词所有格形式填空 1The girl is _ (Tom) sister. 2September 10th is _ _(teacher) Day. 3This is _ (John and Jeff) mother. 4She is a friend of _ (Lucy) 5_ (Lucy and Lily) dictionaries are here. 6.我爸爸的一张照片 7.教室的一张图片,专题归类复习四,Toms,Teachers,John and Jef

8、fs,Lucys,Lucys and Lilys,a photo of my father,a picture of the classroom,考点4 不定冠词a与an 【要点解读】 an用在以元音音素开头的字母或单词前;a用在以辅音音素开头的字母或单词前。当名词前有this,that等指示代词或my, your等物主代词时,不能再用a或an。,专题归类复习一,冠词【强化训练】 根据句意用不定冠词a、an或 / 填空 1Its _ my English book. 2Lucy is _ girl. 3Its _ English book. 4Whats this? Its _ map. 5I

9、t is _ “L” 6Whats this in English? Its _ orange.,专题归类复习一,/,a,an,a,an,an,代词练习 1.写出下列人称代词的宾格形式 I_ you_ he_ she_ we_ they_ 2.单项选择 (1) _ is a good student. All the teachers like_ very much. A.She,her B.Her,she C.He,her D.she,him (2) Mary,please give(给) _ your book. A.my B.mine C.I D.me,him,you,me,her,us

10、,them,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1_ (she) is a girl. _(she) name is Lucy. 2_(I) name is Kate. Whats_(you) name? 3What is_(he) telephone number? 4Are_(your) Miss Smith? 5_(it) name is Mimi. .根据句意及汉语提示补全单词 1_(她的) name is Mary. 2This is_(我的) book. 3Whats_(你的) name? 4_(他的) telephone number is 5433345. 5Its a cat._(它

11、的) eyes are blue.,专题归类复习一,She,Her,My,your,his,you,Its,Her,my,your,His,Its,1. What is _(她的)English name? 2. _(我的)father is a doctor. 3. Where is _(你们的)library? 4. _(我)have a pet cat. _(它的)name is Joy. 5. _(我们的)classroom is big. 6. _(他们的) books are colorful.,her,My,your,I,Its,Our,Their,练一练!,( )1.She g

12、ives the erasers to Lucy and _. A. I B. me C. my D. mine,( )2.There are some apples behind_. A. him B. they C. he D. my,( ) 3._go to school every day. _ like school very much. A. Tom and I, We B.I and Tom, We C. Tom and me, We D.Tom and I, They,B,A,A,( )4.Can you let _ go with_? A. him,I B.he,I C. h

13、e,me D. him,me,D,( )5. Only _ know it. A. I and he B. he and you C. he and I D. I and you,C,( )6. _like sports very much, but they only watch_ on TV. A. they,they B.them, them C. they, them D. them, they,( )7. The boys like English, _read(看,读) it every day. so_English is very good. A. they,them B. t

14、hey,their C. their, they D. them, they,C,B,考点2 this, that与it 【要点解读】 1指示代词是用来指代或标记人或事物的代词,this和that是最基本、最常用的指示代词,常用来指代名词单数。 (1) this表示“这个”,指近处的人或事物;that意为“那个”,指较远处的人或事物或用来指代离说话人较远的人或事物。两者作主语时,be动词都用is。 (2) 介绍在一起的两个事物时,先介绍的用this,后介绍的用that。 (3) 向第三者介绍旁边的人时,用This is;向第三者介绍距离较远的人时,用That is。,专题归类复习二,【强化训练】 .根据句意用this, that或it填空 1Look! _ is a computer. 2Mum, _ is Tom and _ is Lucy. 3Whats this? _ is a ruler. How do you spell _? RULER. 4.Is this Mary? No, _ isnt. Its Lily


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