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1、Exoticism, GermanY,(1)What is the capital of Germamy?德国的首都是哪里? (C) a、Paris b、NewYork c、Berlin d、London,(2)Which is the longest river in Germany? (A) a、Rhine莱茵河 b、Danube多瑙河 c、Seine 塞纳河d、Yangtze River长江,(3)Which is the Floral emblem of Germany德国的国花是哪一个? (B矢车菊) a c、 b、 d、,Rosa rugosa,Flos Hibisci,Iris

2、tectorum,Cornflower,first-inflorescence第一个花絮 was born in the top of the slender stalk optimism乐观 tenacity韧性 patriotism爱国,a young girl toward the “Light of life“ - the sun, happiness and joy to pray.,(4)what is the national emblem of German?德国的国徽是什么?,a、 b、,c、 d、,D,Flag三色旗,Black, Red, Gold unity indep

3、endence, sovereignty主权 ambitions,Coat of arms,Black Eagle strength & courage,为金黄色的盾徽。盾面上是一头红爪红嘴、双翼展开的黑鹰,黑鹰象征着力量和勇气,长方形,长与宽之比为5:3。自上而下由黑、红、黄三个平行相等的横长方形相连而成,(5)Which is Germany?,a c,b d,C,(6)which climate do most of the Germany enjoys,a、 a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predo

4、minate.西风控制下的季风气候 b、Continental climate 大陆性气候 c、Temperate zone marine climate温带海洋性气候 d、Tropical rainforest climate 热带雨林气候,A,German 1.ADJ German means belonging or relating to Germany. 德国的 2.N-COUNT A German is a person who comes from Germany. 德国人 3.N-UNCOUNT German is the language used in Germany, A

5、ustria, and parts of Switzerland. 德语,德意志联邦共和国,Germany the Federal Republic of Germany 德意志联邦共和国,Economics,OVERVIEW,a social market economy with a highly skilled labour force, a large capital stock a low level of corruption,and a high level of innovation.,the largest economy in Europe,the lowest unemp

6、loymentrate of all 28 EU member states Germany has one of the highest labour productivity levels in the world.,Subsidiaries : vehicle brand companies: AUDI (奥迪)AG, Bentley(宾利) Motors Limited, Bugatti (布加迪 )Automobiles S.A.S. (subsidiary of Volkswagen France), Lamborghini(兰博基尼) S.p.A. (subsidiary of

7、Audi AG), SEAT,(喜悦) S.A., koda (斯柯达)Auto, Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Scania (斯堪尼亚 )AB (publ),Auto industry -auto kingdom German car: mature technology, reliable quality, appearance generous! The world of several major automobile brand are the German production.,Berlin

8、柏林:The capital and largest city of Germany,古老与现代相融合 文化与艺术魅力交相辉映 自从柏林墙倒塌之后, 它突飞猛进地发展, 吸引着世上最优秀和聪明的人才, 从艺术家 到科学家 到建筑设计师, 还有大批的游客,Berlin:Its a very beautiful ancient city,Modern Berlin is home to renowned universities, orchestras, museums, entertainment venues, and is host to many sporting events.Its u

9、rban setting has made it a sought-after location for international film productions.The city is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, and a high quality of living.,柏林以博物馆,歌剧院,电影院众多而出名现有3座歌剧院、整个大型管弦乐团和几十座剧院以及无数的世界级博物馆 是德国文化的对外窗口;柏林正在重建“文化之都” 这里有很多古典建筑和现代建筑群

10、,古典与现代建筑艺术互相映衬,相得益彰,体现了德意志建筑艺术的特色; 柏林是座文化名城,全年几乎都有文化节,常常瞬眼间,街道就变成了舞台,行人变成了观众;,The Berlin Wall,Modern,柏林,重生之城,After World War II, the city was divided; East Berlin became the capital of East Germany while West Berlin became a de facto West German exclave,(飞地)surrounded by the Berlin Wall (19611989).

11、Following German reunification in 1990, the city was once more designated as the capital of all Germany, hosting 158 foreign embassies,最现代化的建筑重新定义着城市的轮廓,散发着迷人的诱惑力,人们推翻柏林墙,代表着东西德开始走向统一,柏林迎来新生,Franzsischer Dom 法国大教堂 Deutscher Dom 德国大教堂 Konzerthaus 音乐厅(剧院,御林广场在菩提树下大街中段,沿向南150米处,被认为是欧洲最美的地方。成龙主演的八十天环球旅行

12、就在这里取景拍摄的呀。这在广场中间的,是新古典主义的柏林音乐厅而它的两边有两座非常相似的教堂,北面的为法国主座教堂,建成于1705年,建造者为来自法国的胡格诺派教徒(Huguenot),因为被迫害而逃亡至柏林的这些法国教徒,是柏林早期发展的一支重要的融合力量。南面的为德国主座教堂,其中有一些不甚精彩的有关德国历史的展览。,Gendarmenmarkt 御林广场(宪兵广场),圣诞节前这里会举办全柏林最著名的圣诞集市 Christmas markets are traditional in Germany and Central Europe, where youll find all kinds

13、 of Christmas goodies on sale - gingerbread, gluhwein热葡萄酒, marzipan stollen杏仁甜面包 , Christmas decorations.,,Brandenburg Gate勃兰登堡们门,勃兰登堡门是柏林的标志,也是德国的国家标志。 这座建成于1791年的新古典主义风格的砂岩建筑,以雅典卫城城门为蓝本,门顶上是张开翅膀的胜利女神驾驶四轮马车的铜像,女神手中的权杖上,有橡树花环、铁十字勋章和展翅的鹰鹫,这一切都象征着战争的胜利。,勃兰登堡门正面朝东,其以东的区域是柏林老城的核心所在, 这也是唯一仅存的柏林城门。 勃兰登堡门立

14、于此地的二百余年,见证了德国历史的兴衰。东西德分裂时期,柏林墙即竖立在勃兰登堡门的西面,几十年中再无人通过。如今的城门和周围的巴黎广场 (Pariser Platz),是在冷战结束之后,完成的最近的一次修缮。 巴黎 广场上的建筑也都大有来头,有刚落成不久的美国大使馆,和曾经无数名流下榻过的阿德龙饭店(Hotel Adlon)等。,Berlin Fashion Week柏林时装周,Berlin Fashion Week (Berliner Modewoche) is a fashion week held twice annually (in January and July) in Berli

15、n, Germany. Since its establishment in July 2007 it has gained great international attention for its many creative young designers who are flourishing in the fashion capital of Berlin. Since July 2011, the event takes part in front of the famous landmarkBrandenburg Gate,Berlinale Film Festival,From

16、its beginnings in the post war world of Berlin, the Berlinale was always designed to be an international rather than a national film festival. Over the years, the film festival has cemented its status as a major European film festival and is easily as important as its competitors in Venice and Cannes. The Golden and Silver Berlin bear and many honorary awards are much s


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