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1、托福TPO46听力题目+答案+MP3音频下载上海新航道整理!下载托福TPO听力46MP3音频下载,请移步:http:/ 托福TPO写作大全 托福TPO口语大全 托福TPO阅读大全托福TPO46听力题目Conversation 11. Why does the student go to see the woman?ATo ask about events that the music house sponsorsBTo find out which of the common interest houses have rooms availableCTo find out if it woul

2、d be possible for him to live in the music houseDTo check on the status of his application to move into the music house2. According to the woman, why might some people not want to live in the music house?Ais rarely quiet.Bis not conveniently located.CAll of the residents are required to participate

3、in house activities.DAll of the residents must be enrolled in a music class.3. What does the woman imply when she mentions the jazz festival?AIt was free for residents of the music house.BIt was held at the music house.CMusic house residents were encouraged to perform at it.DMusic house residents we

4、re involved in organizing it.4. Why does the woman mention the acceptance rate of applicants for the music house?ATo the student that his application might not be approvedBTo suggest that the music house is not a popular place to liveCTo convince the student that his chances are better if he applies

5、 in personDTo emphasize the importance of turning in the application form early5.What information does the student need to include in his application?(Click on 2 answers)ASome ways he might contribute to the music house communityBInformation about his experience as a musicianCReasons why he wants to

6、 live in the music houseDA recommendation from a current resident of the music houseConversation 21. What is the conversation mainly about?AUsing new technologies to preserve old newspapersBUsing old newspapers to conduct historical researchCThe rise of American journalism in the eighteenth centuryD

7、Press coverage of the French Revolution of 17892. What gave the student inspiration for the topic of her term paper?(Click on 2 answers.)AA recent visit to the librarys microfilm collectionBA long-standing interest in the history of FranceCSeeing what an eighteenth-century newspaper looked likeDRead

8、ing a translation of French historical accounts3. According to the professor, what should the student ask the librarians?A Which eighteenth-century newspapers covered events in FranceB If she can request microfilmed newspapers from another libraryC If the old newspapers she wants to read are availab

9、le online yetD Whether the library has any original copies of eighteenth-century newspapers4. What will the student probably include in her term paper?ANewspaper coverage of the French National Constituent AssemblyBNewspaper coverage of the storming of the Bastille prisonCWays in which the French Re

10、volution contributed to the development of democratic idealsD How the reporting of American journalists differed from that of French journalists5.What can be inferred about the professor when he discusses a paper presented at a history conference?A He is grateful that he saved the paper because it m

11、ight help the student.BHe worries that the student will overgeneralize American attitudes based on the content of newspapersCHe is excited to provide a model that the student can use to organize her term paper.D He hopes that the student will consider interviewing the author of the paper.Lecture 11.

12、 What is the lecture mainly about?AVarious methods that ants use to locate foodBA collective behavior common to humans and animalsCA type of animal behavior and its application by humansDStrategies that flocks of birds use to stay in formation2. According to the professor, what behavior plays an imp

13、ortant role in the way ants obtain food?AAnts usually take a different path when they return to their nest.BAnts leave chemical trails when they are outside the nest.CSmall groups of ants search in different locations.DAnts leave pieces of food along the path as markers.3. What are two principles of

14、 swarm intelligence based on the ant example?(Click on 2 answers.)AIndividuals are aware of the group goal.BIndividuals act on information in their local environment.CIndividuals follow a leaders guidance.DIndividuals instinctively follow a set of rules.4. According to the professor, what path is fo

15、llowed by both telephone calls on a network and ants seeking food?AThe path with the least amount of activityBThe most crowded pathC The path that is most reinforcedD The path that has intermediate stopping points5. Why does the professor mention movies?ATo identify movie scenes with computer-simulated flocks of birdsBTo identify a good source of information about swarm intelligenceCTo emphasize how difficult it still is t


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