外研版2020八年级英语初二上册Module 4 Unit 2综合测试

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1、外研版英语八年级上Module 4 Education Unit 2 Project Hope has built many schools. 综合测试单元练习I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词)1. 她的父母想要她退学。Her _ _ _ _ _ out of school.2. 在希望工程的帮助下,现在他们能上学。Now they can _ _ school _ the _ _ _ Hope.3. 因为希望工程,数千名孩子有了更好的生活。We have _ many schools and _ a lot of teachers.4. 我们已经建立了许多学校并且培训了大量老师。We

2、have _ many schools and _ a lot of teachers.5. 四千万来自贫困家庭的孩子仍然需要帮助。Forty _ children _ poor families still _ help.II. 用括号内所给单词适当形式填空。1. Have you _ (do) anything to keep the water clean?2. Project Hope has built schools and _(library).3. Our city _ (change) a lot since 2001.4. The girl left the classro

3、om without _ (say) anything.5. All of us want to know how _(play) computer gamesIII. 完型填空。 Tim was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil, and he did not like _1 to do homework because he enjoyed _2 other things in his free time. Frequently he did not do his homework and when he did do it he al

4、ways _3 a lot of mistakes. One day his mathematics teacher _4 Tims homework and saw that he _5 all his sums right. He was very pleased and rather _6. He called Time to his desk and said to him. “You got all your homework right this time, Tim. What _7? Did you father help _8?”Usually Tims father did

5、help him _9 his homework, but the evening before this, he had not been able to, because he had not been at home, so Tim answered, “No,sir, he was very busy last night, so I had to do it all _10.”1. A. had B. having C. doing D. has2. A. doing B. to do C. did D. do3. A. makes B. making C. made D. has

6、made4. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked around D. looked up5. A. had got B. has got C. got D. didnt get6. A. angry B. sad C. surprised D. excited7. A. is the matter B. was wrong C. made you D. happened8. A. yourself B. himself C. him D. you9. A. with B. in C. on D. to10. A. my own B. lonely C. alone D. myself单元练习答案I 1. parents want him to drop 2. go to ; with ; help of Project3. Because of ; thousands of children 4. built; arrived 5. million ; from ; needII. 1. done 2. libraries 3. has changed 4. say 5. to playIII. BACBA CADAC


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