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1、I TOPIC: Sonnet 18,II OBJECTIVES: A)Introduction to poetry B)Introduction to sonnet C)Study of Sonnet 18 D)Assignment,Definition of Poetry,* distinctive style and rhythm; a genre of literature. * a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language * a special emotional response through it

2、s meaning, sound, and rhythm.,Types of Poetry,Lyric poetry Narrative poetry Dramatic poetry,Lyric poetry Lyric is a brief subjective poem strongly marked by imagination, melody and emotion, and creating a single unified impression. Narrative poetry Narrative poetry is one that tells a story or prese

3、nts a narrative, whether simple or complex, long or short. Epics, ballads and metrical romances are among the many kinds of narrative poems.,Dramatic poetry A third kind of poetry is dramatic poetry which is written in the form of a speech of an individual character to an imaginary audience; it comp

4、resses into a single vivid scene a narrative sense of the speakers history and psychological insight into his character. This kind of poetry, as the term suggests, employs dramatic form or some element of dramatic technique.,The Language in Poetry,The Language in poetry may differ still further from

5、 that of prose. Since the function of poetry is to present IMAGES concretely, it is the responsibility of the poet to select language that succeeds in making those IMAGES concrete and the special words rich in connotative value and carrying implications of sound, color, and actionthese are the speci

6、al stock of the genuine POET.,Rhythm,Poetry is often considered as the rhythmic creation of beauty (Edgar Allen Poe). A poem is divided into stanza or strophe(诗节), which is subdivided into verse or line(行). Each line is divided into several feet(音步). Foot is arranged according to the stress, and thi

7、s forms the meter (格律). In a foot, “-” symbolizes stress, which is called “扬” in Chinese, and “”symbolizes non-stress, which is called “抑” in Chinese.,Rhythm comes from the regular pattern of the stress and non-stress. According to the rules of the arrangement of the stresses and non-stresses, the m

8、ost commonly used meter of English poetry is divided into: A. Iambic foot (Iamb) ( ) ( / ) 抑扬格 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? B. Trochaic foot (Trochee) ( ) (/ ) 扬抑格 Every little stream is bright,C. Anapestic foot (Anapest) ) ( ) ( / ) 抑抑扬格 For the moon never beams without bringing me dr

9、eams. D. Dactylic foot (Dacty1) ( ) (/ ) 扬抑抑格 Slowly the mist oer the meadow was creeping. E. Amphibrach foot (Amphibrach):( ) ( / ) F. Spondee:( )(/ /) G Pyrrhic:( ),Kinds of Verse:,A line consists of several feet. According to the number of foot, foot is divided into: A. Monometer(单音步):I trust. B.

10、 Dimeter (双音步): The wild winds weep. C. Trimeter (三音步): Theirs not to make reply. D. Tetrameter (四音步):He lives to learn in lifes hard school.,E. Pentameter (五音步):The poetry of earth is never dead. F. Hexameter. (六音步): G. Peptameter (七音步) H. Octametre(八音步),Kinds of Meters: Verse rhythm,A verse consis

11、ts of different kinds of feet. A. Iambic Monometer:And die B. Trochaic Dimeter: Rich the treasure. C. Iambic Trimeter:Theirs not to make reply. (Anapestic Trimeter:Down to the depths of the sea),D. Iambic Tetrameter:Row, brother, row , the stream is fast (Trochaic Tetrameter:Life is real! Life is ea

12、rnest!) (Amphibrach Tetrameter:A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare) E. Iambic Pentameter:Farewell, the tranquil mind, farewell, content! And swims or sinks, or wades, or creeps, or flies. Pleas in the silent shade with empty praise .,3.4 Rhyme (Rime): a repetition of the same sound.,Alliterati

13、on: The initial same sound, normally consonants, especially at the beginning of words , or stressed syllables, are repeated. The moan of doves in immemorial elms. And murmuring of innumerable bees. A. Tennyson, Princes.,Assonance: a repetition of the same or similar vowel sounds, usually close toget

14、her quite in rhyme. e.g. 1) The waves came over the broken ship Till all her sides were torn,Consonance: harmony of consonant . The same consonants follow different vowel sounds of words close to each other. e.g. 1)a pale gold chord. End rhyme:Rhyme scheme. A. Park-dark, make-break, low-foe. (Normal

15、 rhyme) B. one-bone, stood-blood. (Eye rhyme),Some stanza forms,A. Couplet, usually iambic tetrameter and iambic pentameter (heroic couplet) B. Tercet (triplet). C. Quatrain . D. Five-verse stanza. E. Sextet F. Seven-verse stanza G. Octave(Triple) . H . Sonnet,Imagery,Imagery refers to the sensory i

16、mages produced by words. Imagery is the life of a good poem. Imagery is divided into visual image, auditory image, olfactory image(嗅觉), tactile image (触觉), gustatory image(味觉),kinaesthetic image (动觉), abstract image, etc.,Topic 2Introduction to sonnet,2.1 Definition of sonnet fourteen lines usually in iambic pentameter sum up in last lines of the poem.,Topic 2Introduction to sonnet,2.2 Types of Sonnet There are three dom



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