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1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-英国大学的价值观教育In recent years, Britain has been faced with the arduous task of national integration and shaping a new national identity ideology, with some young people suffering from value nihilism, loss of ideals and spiritual depression, as well as high levels of anti-

2、social behavior and crime. The government, schools and society have to reflect and actively seek countermeasures, values education and related research heated up. British universities make full use of the existing campus cultural resources and actively infiltrate core values education through variou

3、s channels.近年来,英国面临着民族融合和塑造新的民族认同意识形态的艰巨任务,一些年轻人饱受价值虚无主义、理想缺失和精神压抑之苦,反社会行为和犯罪率居高不下。政府,学校和社会都在反思并积极寻求对策,价值观教育和相关研究日益升温。英国大学充分利用现有校园文化资源,积极通过各种渠道渗透核心价值观教育。British universities are generally aware of the potential of value education in the teaching of professional courses, and gradually get rid of the

4、viewpoint of value neutrality, attach importance to the coordination of professional knowledge transfer and value guidance, and conduct value education for college students in the teaching of professional courses in a subtle way. At Edinburgh university undergraduate biochemical technology course as

5、 an example, this course requires students through 100 hours of study and master the important and commonly used technical principle of various biochemical technology and operating essentials, require students to understand biological chemical technology development of human society the impact of et

6、hical, moral, legal, etc, people know biochemistry technology is accepted basic values. In the teaching process of professional courses, teachers generally use the methods of explanation and discussion to deliver value creed and value concept to college students, publicize moral norms and code of co

7、nduct, and guide college students to make rational judgment and choice on the basis of correct value cognition.近年来,英国面临着民族融合和塑造新的民族认同意识形态的艰巨任务,一些年轻人饱受价值虚无主义、理想缺失和精神压抑之苦,反社会行为和犯罪率居高不下。英国大学一般都意识到潜在的有价值的教育教学的专业课程,并逐渐摆脱价值中立的角度,重视专业知识转移和价值导向,协调,进行价值教育对大学生的教学专业的课程在一个微妙的方式。爱丁堡大学本科生物化学技术课程为例,本课程要求学生通过100小时的

8、学习和掌握重要和常用的各种生化技术的技术原理和操作要点,要求学生了解生物化学技术的发展人类社会伦理的影响,道德,法律,等等,人们知道生物化学技术是公认的基本价值观。在专业课的教学过程中,教师一般采用讲解和讨论的方式向大学生传递价值信念和价值观念,宣传道德规范和行为准则,引导大学生在正确的价值认知的基础上做出理性的判断和选择。英国大学充分利用现有校园文化资源,积极通过各种渠道渗透核心价值观教育。In addition to the teaching of professional courses, British universities have widely penetrated the v

9、alue education into various extracurricular activities. The extracurricular activities of British university students are mainly based on various university student societies on campus, including various cultural societies, various art and technology societies, various sports societies, and even som

10、e interesting and weird societies. Through the careful organization and planning of the association, it can not only give college students the opportunity to create and participate in activities, let them see the interesting side of life, but also cultivate college students sense of fairness, the co

11、ncept of competition, team spirit, positive attitude and autonomous behavior. Compared with the value education in classroom teaching, most college students believe that participation in extracurricular activities is more interesting and challenging, and they can take the opportunity to explore and

12、try new roles, cooperate with others in a team, and develop their leadership and teamwork spirit.除了专业课程的教学,英国大学还将价值教育广泛渗透到各种课外活动中。英国大学生的课外活动主要以校园内各种各样的大学生社团为基础,包括各种文化社团、各种艺术技术社团、各种体育社团,甚至还有一些有趣而怪异的社团。通过精心组织和规划协会,它不仅可以给大学生创造和参与活动的机会,让他们看到生活的有趣的一面,但也培养大学生公平、竞争的概念,团队精神,积极的态度和自主行为。与课堂教学的价值教育相比,大多数大学生认为“

13、参加课外活动更有趣,更有挑战性,他们可以借此机会探索和尝试新的角色,在团队中与他人合作,培养他们的领导能力和团队合作精神。”In British universities, there are usually a number of service departments related to college students affairs, which seem to have nothing to do with value education on the surface, but in fact, explicit transactional service and implicit

14、 value education permeate each other. The institutional arrangement, content setting and operation mechanism of college students affairs are the concrete embodiment of the core British values of respecting individuals, law and democracy. For example, in the psychological counseling service, the self

15、-esteem of college students is strictly protected, the counseling center has a strict confidentiality system, all materials without authorization can not be leaked; In the design of the apartment for college students, the privacy of college students is fully considered, and every college student has

16、 a separate room regardless of room size. British universities attach great importance to the right of university students to participate in school operation. University students participate in the decision-making and management at all levels. British university students self-management and service are mainly realized through the student union. In the operation of the student union, highlight the sense of democracy and the rule of law. The head of the st


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