六年级下册英语课件-module5 unit 2hes riding his bike but it starts to rain.外研社(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-module5 unit 2hes riding his bike but it starts to rain.外研社(三起)_第1页
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六年级下册英语课件-module5 unit 2hes riding his bike but it starts to rain.外研社(三起)_第2页
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六年级下册英语课件-module5 unit 2hes riding his bike but it starts to rain.外研社(三起)_第5页
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1、Module 5 Unit 2,Welcome !,Free Talk,He / She isbut,Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings.,Daming is playing the suona again, but the bell rings.,Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly.,1、She is eating dinner, the phone rings. A、 and B 、but C

2、、so,Practise 练习,B,A,B,A,2、The dog is barking very . A、loudly B、loud C、louding,3、Daming is playing suona. A、a B、the C、/,4、Daming is a birthday party. A、having B、haveing C、have,Last class,we learnt: 上节课,我们学习了:,1、在描述一个动作正在发生时,又发生了另一个 动作,中间可用but连接。 如:Hes crossing the street, but a car comes. 2、“playthe乐

3、器名称”表示“演奏/弹奏乐器”,乐器前用冠词the.,游戏规则: 第一个同学说出主语。如:the dog. 第二个同学说出be 动词。如:is. 第三个同学说出动词的现在进行时。如:barking. 第四个同学完整地说出整个句子。如: The dog is barking.,“拼句子”游戏,The bell is ringing.,句子意思,门铃响了。,The dog is barking.,狗在叫。,Little Tom is crying.,小汤姆在哭。,But Sam knows nothing.,但是萨姆什么都不知道。,Lets learn.,Shes having lunch.,Th

4、e phone rings.,合为一句:Shes having lunch, but the phone rings.,but,她正在吃午餐。,Hes riding his bike.,It starts to rain.,but,骑自行车,开始,but,Shes doing exercise.,It gets too hot.,她正在做操,天气变得太热,Shes watching TV.,The bell rings.,but,看电视,门铃响了,Hes walking in the park.,It starts to snow.,but,他正在公园散步,天开始下雪了。,His sister

5、 starts to sing.,Hes reading a book.,but,他正在看书,他的妹妹开始唱歌,Golden eggs,3,1,5,6,4,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,Shes having lunch,but the phone rings.,2,1,2,Hes riding his bike,but it starts to rain.,4,2,4,She s doing exercise,but it gets too hot.,6,6,3,Shes watching TV,but the bell rings.,1,1,4,Hes walking in the park

6、,but it starts to snow.,3,5,3,Hes reading a book,but his sister starts to sing.,5,6,5,Group work小组活动,1.Listen and learn.(听音,跟读) 2.Read in group.( 小组内读课文) 3Show in class.(小组展示),评价参照: 1.声音是否洪亮; 2.发音是否标准; 3. 语音语调怎么样; 4.是否有适当的动作;,Good 加 1分 Very good 加2分 Great 加3分,Summary 课堂小结,1、nothing n (代词)“没有什么东西”,2、have lunch 吃午饭 do exercise 做操 ride his bike 骑自行车 watch TV 看电视 walk in the park.在公园散步 start to do sth. 开始做某事,3、现在进行时 : 表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。 构成: 主语 + be动词 + 动词ing形式现在分词,Thank you very much!,


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