六年级上册英语课件-unit3 food and healthparta闽教版

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《六年级上册英语课件-unit3 food and healthparta闽教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级上册英语课件-unit3 food and healthparta闽教版(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 Food and Health Part A,闽教版小学英语第七册,Unit 3 Food and Health Part A,foot,food,fu:d,f_d,healthy,health,Food and health. Its not good for your health. My grandpa is healthy. The children look very healthy.,food,fu:d,Can you say some words about food?,游戏Bingo。 游戏规则:教师请学生在练习本上画出9个格子,横向三个,纵向三个,然后听写9个有关

2、食物的单词,让学生把听到的单词写在任意一个格子里。听写完成后,教师随意读三个单词,学生将教师所读的单词圈起来,三个单词能连成一排的学生要大声说出:“Bingo.”最先喊出“Bingo”的学生获胜。,1,2,4,6,5,6,4,3,2,1,3,5,They keep your body healthy.,k_p,ki:p,b_d_,bdi,bag,Ben likes_.,Ben doesnt like_.,Lets listen and watch the CD-ROM.,Ben likes_.,Ben doesnt like_.,candy,vegetables,candy,vegetable

3、s,candy 在美式英语中是“糖果、冰糖”的意思,为不可数名词。 sweet可以做形容词使用,意思是“甜的”;sweet也可以做名词,在英式英语中sweets是“糖果”的意思,用复数形式。,candy,kndi,c_nd_,XXX candy,XXX candy,XXX candy,M: Youre eating candy again,Ben.,B: Its sweet. I like it.,Ben likes_.,Ben doesnt like_.,candy,vegetables,candy,vegetables,Its bad for my teeth.,teeth,ti:,t_t

4、h,teeth是tooth的复数形式,类似的还有foot和feet,Candy is bad for my teeth. Ice cream is bad for our teeth. Chocolate is bad for our teeth. ,Where is Kate? What does Kates mother want?,自读课文找出答案,ring,basket,Can you say more?,看课文第一幅图及对话,请两位学生分角色进行对话练习,Why does she want a basket?,Im going to pick some vegetables.,Homework 1.听录音,熟读本课对话。 2.完成活动手册上本课的练习。 3.预习part B,


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