高中英语 unit3 science and nature project课件 牛津译林版必修5t

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1、M5 Unit 3 Having a debate,A debate,a formal form of argument or discussion two opposite ideas about one thing benefits,Ways of practicing English Help overcome your shyness Be logic and persuasive Be an effective speaker,Having a debate: willing to express yourself,-to be or not to be,Liang PK Zhang

2、,Novel to be included in textbooks?,Time talks?,nature,man,Having a debate : searching for information,controversial,Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4,Task I Read for the gist,Humans have _ the environment.,_towards the problem.,Both developed and developing countries should _.,Man can only win by _.,

3、carelessly damaged,Different attitudes,work together,protecting nature,Task 2 Read for the opinions,Development,VS,Conservation,C: If we continue _ the environmental protection, the Earth will _ up being destroyed.,D: If conservation is only the _ of attention, chances are that people will _.,D: Usi

4、ng nature to meet what we need is a _. C: Such thinking may lead to a _ .,focus,suffer,ignoring,end,routine,catastrophe,Task 3 Read for the conclusions,Its necessary for the developed countries and developing countries to work together to improve peoples lives.,Only if humans are devoted to protecti

5、ng nature, _.,Man should _ the responsibility to find answers _ everyone and everything.,Human can only really win by protecting nature.,cooperate,Its mankinds responsibility to find answers that are good for both.,can they truly win,take,benefiting,Task 4 Read and think (pair work),Which sentence i

6、mpresses you most? Can you find a rhetorical question in the passage? Are you going to use one in your debate? What does the writer want to tell us in Paragraph 1? How does he develop his idea?,In order to make an argument, you need to state your ideas, giving reasons and evidence to support them.,g

7、enetically modified food,Having a debate: Making arguments,excited, frightened be inserted into its DNA; be taken from the DNA 6. hesitate, be cautious 3. better able to defend themselves; healthier ; larger harvests; 4. safe or dangerous to eat? 5. a danger to the environment?,Information,Topic sen

8、tences transition words,1. Did anything in the article surprise you? 2. Are the new products appealing to you? eggs with four times more protein ice cream that has zero fat content watermelons which are seedless milk that helps you relax and sleep longer 3. Would you give the GM milk to your baby?,D

9、iscussion,For or against?,a supermarket owner a consumer an environmentalist an insect that eats the crops a mouse ,Im . Personally I ,Tastier ,Cons,Unsafe ,Summary,List possible arguments,Pros,Summary,2,1. Decide on the topic.,2. Distribute (分配 ) the task.,Step 1 Planning,Step 2 Preparing,1.Collect

10、 and share the information related to the debate.,2. List the points and decide how to argue for and against.,Step 3 Producing,1.One side presents his idea and the other follows.,2.Open the floor for discussion.,Step 4 Presenting,1. Debate the topic in front of the class.,2. Display the research on

11、the walls of the classroom.,Having a debate : on the way,Tips: Be a good debater,1,2,3,4,Clear views,Persuasive language,Convincing evidence,Proper body language,You are improving your English!, List the possible points. Every member should give at least two points. Refer to the Debate language on p

12、aper and learn to share. Dont go off the point.,Topics (Unit 3 Science and nature) Should GM food be popularized around the world? Should human cloning be legal? Host_ Speakers (for) _; Speakers _(against); Timekeeper _ (1, 1, 2, ),Join us in:Science and nature,Presenting,Producing,Preparing,Plannin

13、g,Commenting,Having a debate: under way,The best team The best debater Voice of English,Enjoy the debate and comment on the performance.,Cooperation. See both sides of one issue. Take advantage of science and protect nature.,Post-activity: composition,现代科技发展快速,完全超越了我们的想象力。今天, 我们班进 行了一次转基因食物的讨论。有的同学表示支持,有的表示反对。 写一篇作文描述同学们的观点,并且说说你自己的看法和观点。,


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