六年级下册英语课件unit 3 who is that man learns learn more陕旅版

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1、Welcome to our class!,Who is that man? (3),Teaching Aims,知识与能力:能听懂并理解Lets learn more 部分的内容;并能简短地介绍自己的偶像; 过程与方法:能较为流利的朗诵课文内容,能在一定提示下复述课文; 情感态度价值观:培养学生积极、乐观的人生观。,Teaching preparation,1、录音机以及Lets learn more 部分的录音磁带; 2、学生准备各自偶像的照片。,Review,1.Whos the young woman? 这个年轻的女人是谁? 2.She set up a hope school for

2、 poor children.她为贫困儿童建立了一所希望学校。 set up 建立,建造 3.What does he do? 他是做什么的? 4.询问职业:1.What + be + s? 2.What does/do +s+do? 回答:s+be+a/an +表示职业的名词.,Warming up :My idol,Show your idols picture and introduce him/her to your deskmate. 1、Who is your idol? 2、What does he/she do?,Choose and talk,He is an actor.,

3、He is a basketball player.,He is a scientist.,She is a Chinese singer.,Lets learn more,Whos this young man? What does he do?,Read the passage,Listen to the tape,and try to answer these questions: 1.What did Liu Wei want to be? He wanted to be a football player. 2.What happened to him at the age of n

4、ine? He lost his arms. 3.What did he learn when he lost his arms? He learned to swim and did it well. 4.What did he do in 2006? He started to play the piano with his feet.,Read again and retell the story,Little Liu wei wanted to be At the age of 9 , he Then he had to He But at the age of nineteen,he

5、 had to In 2006,he started to He played a day,and now he plays it,a football player .,lost his arms .,do everything with his feet .,learned to swim and did it very well .,stop,play the paino with hie feet.,seven or eight hours,very well.,Important sentences,1.Little Liu Wei wanted to be a football p

6、layer. want to be 想成为 例句:She wants to be a singer. 2.At the age of nine,he lost his arms. at the age of +数词,在.岁时=when S+be +数词years old lose 过去式 lost 失去,3.He had to do everything with his feet. have /has /had to do 必须,不得不(客观因素影响) must+动词原形(主观需要) with :和;有;用;戴;穿。 4.In 2006 ,he started to play the pia

7、no with his feet. start to do 开始做. play the piano 弹钢琴,5.How difficult it was! 感叹句: How 引导:How +形容词/副词 +主语 +谓语! 例句:How tall he is ! How beautiful it is ! What 引导:What +(a/an)+形容词+主语(+谓语)! 例句:What a tall bay he is ! What a fine day !,Practise:Translate the following sentences,1.在她五岁的时候,她开始学习弹钢琴。 2.他丢了

8、他的自行车,他不得不步行上学。 3.我的哥哥想成为一名演员。 4.今天多么冷啊!,what do you think of him?,要么赶紧死,要么精彩的活着! 刘伟,The story of Liu wei,刘伟9岁时因触电意外失去双臂,12岁时开始学习游泳,并加入了北京市残疾人游泳队 。刘伟14岁时在“全国残疾人游泳锦标赛“上获得了两金一银的成绩 。刘伟16岁时学习用脚打字 。2005年,获得“全国残疾人游泳锦标赛“百米蛙泳项目的冠军 。2006年,蝉联“全国残疾人游泳锦标赛“百米蛙泳项目的冠军 ;同年,他加入了北京市残疾人艺术团 ;同年,开始学习用双脚弹钢琴,仅用一年即可弹奏出相当于手

9、弹钢琴专业7级水平的钢琴曲梦中的婚礼 。他曾登上了维也纳金色大厅和中国达人秀的舞台演奏,他是当之无愧的生命强者。,Group discussion,1.What do you think of Liu wei? Great Brave(勇敢的)Strong(坚强) 2.What do you learn from Liu Weistory? His positive and optimistic.(积极和乐观) 3.When you meet with difficulties(困难),what would you do ? I will be as strong and brave as Liu wei.(我会像刘伟一样坚强勇敢。),Homework,1.资源与学案P22 2.作文:My idol 字数要求:30-40词。作文应包括以下内容: Who is your idol? What does he/she do? Why do you like him/her ? What do you think of him/her?,Thank you !,


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