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1、嵩山少林武术职业学院课程教案(章节、专题首页)周 次时 间年 月 日第 节章 节名 称机场英语 Airport english授 课方 式理论课(10 ) 实践课( )教学时数10教学目的通过本章的学习,使同学们掌握在机场情境中可能用到的英语知识。教学方法课堂讲授,小组讨论,角色扮演教学要求1、 掌握专用词组,要求会写、会用2、 积极参与课堂讨论,完成情境模拟训练3、 能够熟练掌握运用机场英语处理实际问题教 学重 点难 点重点:行李托运及飞机上寻找座位部分的英语对话难点:专用词汇的学习,海关检查相关英语表达教 学内 容Section I: 办理登机手续 Section II: 行李检查和托运S

2、ection III: 在飞机上Section IV: 边防检查Section V: 通过海关讨 论练 习作 业参 考资 料教 学 后 记嵩山少林武术职业学院课程教案(章节、专题分页)授 课 内 容备注第一节:办理登机手续Y: Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?X: Yes, it is Please put your luggage on this scaleY: OK Is the plane on schedule?X: Yes, it is How many pieces of hand luggage do y

3、ou have?Y: TwoY: 这班飞机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?X: 不错,是在这儿办。请您把的行李放在磅秤上过磅。Y: 好的。飞机会准时起飞吗?X: 会的。您有几件手提行李呢?Y: 两件。精解1counter n (机场航空公司) 柜台例: That girl behind the counter is very beautiful2check in (到达机场、旅馆时) 办理登机或住房手续check out(离开旅馆时) 办理退房手续例: Tom checked in at the Hilton Hotel last nightMr Lee checked out this morn

4、ing3flight n 飞翔; 班机例: Flight is natural to birds(飞翔是鸟类的天性。)This flight will take off at 3: 00 pm4 luggage n 行李 (集合名词, 不可数)a piece of luggage一件行李two pieces of luggage二件行李注意:1)baggagen 行李 (亦为集合用法, 不可数, 主要用于英国)three pieces of baggage三件行李2)凡表集合用法的名词, 均不可在其后加s形成复数型, 而应以a piece of或two pieces of表之。常用到的有一张纸

5、 (a piece of paper)、一片面包 (a piece of bread)、一件家俱 (a piece of furniture)、一件垃圾 (a piece of garbage) 等。5scale n 磅秤6schedule n 时间表, 计画, 预定on schedule按照预定, 按照时间 (表)behind schedule比预定落后, 误点ahead of schedule超前, 比预定提前例: The flight arrived on scheduleThe train is an hour behind scheduleThe job was finished a

6、head of schedule7 hand luggage手提行李 (可随身携带上飞机, 不须过磅秤)句型运用1please表请, 使用时之后接原形动词, 但也可置于句尾, 此时之前要有逗点。例: Please open the doorWould you please open the window?Come in, pleaseplease也可当动词用, 表使人高兴、快乐之意。例: Mary is easy to pleaseIt is easy to please MaryI sang a song to please my girlfriend Lisa2 How many 可数名词

7、 ?How much 不可数名词 ?第二节:行李检查和托运【网络综合 - 英语口语】1 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗? Is this the right counter to check in for this flight? 2 夫人,有手提行李吗? Any hand luggage, madam? Do you have any hand luggage, Madam? 3 我有一只背包。 I have one shoulder bag. 4 您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗? Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage? 5 手提行李

8、不用称重。 Hand-baggage is not to be weighed. 6 手提行李不包括在内。 Hand-baggage is not included. 7 那么我把它们拿出来作手提行李。 Well, Ill take them out as carry-on baggage. 8 请您把行李标签系上可以吗? Could you put on the luggage label, please? 9 请把这些标签系在手提行李上。 Please fasten these tags on your hand-carried luggage. 10 您的行李都系好标签了吗? Is yo

9、ur luggage properly labeled? 11 把您的行李放在柜台上好吗? Will you put your luggage on the counter? 12 请您把行李放在机器上好吗? Would you put your baggage on the machine, please? 13 请您把行李全部放在磅秤上好吗? Would you please put all your luggage on the scales? 14 你看我的手提包要过磅吗? Do you think my hand bag should be weighed? 15 嚅,就是这些要不要

10、把我们的全部行李一起过磅? Here they are, will you weigh all our luggage together? 16 我的行李必须全部过磅吗? May all my luggage be weighed?17 我一共三件行李超重吗? Ive got three pieces altogether. Are they overweight? 18 先生,您有多少件行李要托运? How many pieces of luggage do you want to check, sir? 19 我想托运这三件行李。 I want to check these three p

11、ieces. 20 这只短途旅行包我自己随身带。 Carry this over-weight bag by myself. 21 您的行李箱要托运。其余的您可以随身携带。 Your suitcase should be registered and the other things you may take with you. 22 我可以随身带手提包上机吗? Can I carry this carry-on bag with me on board? 23 您可以免费带手提行李上机。 You can carry your hand-baggage on board without cha

12、rge. 24 免费行李限额是25千克。 The free allowance for luggage is 25 kilos. 25 是的,每人限25千克。 Yes, youre allowed twenty-five kilos each. 26 您只能带24磅行李。 Youre allowed only 24 pounds of luggage. 27 这没超出免费行李限额吧。 Is that inside the free allowance? 28 刚好低于限额。 Its just below the limit. 29 它们重5磅,所以我正好在重量限额之内。 They weigh

13、5 pounds. So Ill be just under the weight. 30 不需要超重费。 Theres no excess to pay. 31 对不起,先生,您的行李超重5千克。 Im sorry, sir, youre five kilos overweight. 32 超重5千克。 Its five kilos overweight. 33 超过两磅。 Its two pounds over. 34 您的行李超重6千克。 Youve got 6 kilos of excess baggage. 35 我不得不留下几本商品目录册。 Ill have to leave a couple of our catalogs behind. 36 我得收您超重费。 Ill have to charge you for overweight. 37 恐怕您要付超重行李费,先生。 Im afraid therell be an excess baggage charge, sir. 38 您得付超重行李费。 Youll have to pay for the excess luggage. 39 那么我该付您多少钱? Well, how much do I owe you? 40 超重费是每公斤5美元。 The charge for overweight is


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