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1、,Be My Guest 服务我们的客人,Basic Skills 1 8 八项服务技巧,Different Moments 不同的时刻,Moment of Misery 痛苦时刻 Expectation not met 没有达到客人期望 Weve over promised and under delivered 传递给客人的服务和产品没有达到我们对客人的承诺,Moment of Horror 恐怖时刻 Service is far below expectation 服务远远没有达到客人期望 Cannot recover 无法挽救的过失,Moment of Satisfaction 满意时

2、刻 Service meets expectation 服务达到客人需要 Weve delivered what weve promised 我们遵照承诺传递服务和产品给客人,Service exceeds expectation 服务超过客人的期望 Weve under promised and over delivered 传递给客人的服务和产品超越我们对客人的承诺,Moment of Delight 惊喜时刻,Different Moments 不同的时刻,8 New Skills you will Learn 您将学到的八项新技巧,Training Objectives 培训目标,By

3、 the end of the training you will be able to: 本课程结束后,您将能够: List the 8 basic skills of guest courtesy 列出对客服务的八项基本技巧 Provide 2 examples of when each can be used in your own workplace to improve guest service 举出自己的工作场所提高对客服务的两个例子,Domestic Arrangement 培训安排,Timings 准时 Toilets 卫生间 Tea Break / Lunch 茶歇/午餐

4、No Smoking 禁止抽烟 Notes / Handouts 笔记/学员资料 Turn off your mobile phone 关闭手机,Enjoy It! 积极参与,享受乐趣!,Focusing on the Guest 关注客人,1,Session Objectives 课程目标,Describe 5 actions you can take to focus on the guest 描述你能够采取的关注客人的5种行为 Define what we mean by assessing cues and explain its importance 察觉领会客人暗示的含义和重要性

5、Assess cues shown by guests and staff in video clips 识别录象中客人和员工的暗示,What does focus mean? 关注是什么含义?,Concentrate on 全神贯注于 Pay attention to 专心于,Focusing on the Guest Summary 关注客人 总结,What does “assessing” mean? “察觉领会”是什麽意思?,What does “cues” mean? “暗示”是什麽意思?,Assessing Cues 察觉领会暗示,If you are “assessing cue

6、s” what can you learn about a guest? 您能够在“察觉领会客人的暗示”中了解到什麽?,To read / to see / to analyze 去读 / 去看 / 去分析,Hint / messages / sign; To read messages 线索 / 讯息 / 迹象;去读讯息,How the guest is feeling 客人的感受 Guests Need 客人的要求,Verbal and Non-verbal Cues 口头和非口头的暗示,Examples of Verbal Cues 口头暗示的例子,“Yes”, “No”, words

7、used “是”,“不”,等使用的语言 The tone of the voice 声调 The speed and volume of the speech 语速和音量,Examples of Non-Verbal Cues 非口头暗示的例子,Nodding 点头 Smile 微笑 Eye Contact 目光交流 Posture 姿势,Focusing on the Guest Cues 全面关注客人 暗示,Positive Cues 积极暗示 Indicate that the guest is receptive to what you are saying and it is oka

8、y to proceed 表示客人对你所讲的表示接受,可继续进行下去。 Indifferent Cues 无动于衷的暗示 Suggest that the guest is not interested in what you are saying, or that the needs addressed do not relate to his current situation. It may be appropriate to ask questions. 表示客人对你所说的不感兴趣,或你陈述的需求与他目前的状况无关,最好通过问题来确认。 Negative Cues 消极暗示 Signa

9、l that the guest is not interested in what you are saying. In this case, you should end the conversation. 表示客人对你所讲的不感兴趣,在此情况下,您应当结束谈话。,Why do we sometimes miss the cues a guest gives us? 我们有时为什麽会漏掉客人给我们的暗示?,Our experience is limited 我们的经验有限 Were thinking about what well say next 我们正在思考接下来要说的话 Its a

10、familiar situation and we make an incorrect assumption about it 这是一个相似的场景,我们对它做了不正确的设想 We are too busy 我们太忙,Video Screen and Complete the Exercise观看录象带放映并完成练习,Providing Efficient Service 提供高效服务,2,Guests dont like to be kept waiting, promptness and efficiency are key skills in serving our guests well

11、. 客人不喜欢等待,敏捷和有效率是我们提供优质宾客服务的关键技巧,By providing efficient service you will save yourself time and ensure you spread your workload through both the busy and quiet periods of your day. 通过提供高效服务,你将节约自己的时间并确保将工作量在每个工作日的忙时和闲时分摊,Session Objectives 课程目标,Define efficient service 高效服务的定义 List 7 actions to take

12、 to provide efficient service 列举出7个提供高效服务的行动,Efficient Service 高效服务,To complete each guest interaction as quickly as possible while focusing on the guest and remaining attentive, pleasant and courteous. 在关注客人,保持细心体贴、亲切大方和彬彬有礼的同时,尽可能快捷地完成每一个对客服务。,Providing Efficient Service 提供高效的服务的秘诀,Get to the next

13、 guest quickly. Delays cause waiting guests to become impatient 迅速转向下一个客人, 拖延使得等待的客人变得不耐烦 Take time to be accurate, inaccuracies cause delays 保证服务准确,错误往往导致延误 Keep small talk to a minimum with guests and other employees 长话短说 Plan ahead, good organisation will help you work quickly and accurately 提前准备

14、和妥善安排有助于工作完成的及时和准确 Offer alternatives when you cannot meet a guests request 无法满足客人需求时提供其他选择 Follow-up to be sure guests needs have been met 跟进落实以确保客人的需求得以满足 Answer questions for example, explain menu items, give directions 解答疑问,例如讲解菜单上的菜肴品种,引导客人消费,When might we forget our guest? 我们在什麽时候可能忽略宾客?,When

15、we are busy. 我们繁忙的时候。,When is your busiest time? 最繁忙的时段?,If you know when your busiest time is what things can you do to be efficient? 如果你知道自己的繁忙时段 你可以怎样做以提高效率呢?,Prioritize 设定优先顺序, Plan 计划, Concentrate on one thing at a time 集中精力一次完成一件任务。,Video Screen and Complete the Exercise观看录象带放映并完成练习,Enhancing

16、Guest Self-Estee 提升客人自尊,3,Session Objectives 课程目标,Be aware of many ways of enchancing self-esteem 了解提升自尊的多种方式 Be able to play the self-esteem game and score full points 能玩自尊游戏并得满分,Group Discussion 小组讨论,2 minutes 2分钟 Think of a time you felt really important 回想一次你感觉真正重要的时刻 (有可能是一次特别的晚餐,生日派对,特别喜爱的商场等),What things happened to make you feel be important 发生的什麽事情让您觉得您自己很重要?,What is self-esteem? 什么是自尊?,The way you feel about yourself. 您对自己的感受。,The things that



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