2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 4 helping people around the world课时跟踪练(二)welcome to the unit

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《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 4 helping people around the world课时跟踪练(二)welcome to the unit》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 4 helping people around the world课时跟踪练(二)welcome to the unit(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时跟踪练(二) Welcome to the unit & Reading Language points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Owing to lacking (缺少) experience, he did not do the job well. 2Would you tell me the general description (描写) of your present job?3The accident victims (受害者) have been taken into intensive care.4Many young workers gave up thei

2、r days off to do voluntary (志愿的) labour.5He has made an important contribution (贡献) to the companys success.6They have acquired (学得) many skills in these few years. 7China exports (出口) many raw materials to foreign countries every year.8Youd better spend your time on some worthwhile (值得的) reading. 9

3、I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency (紧急) of the matter.10All over the world many people still suffer from starvation (挨饿).单句改错1The picture is pleasant to look.look后加at2Columbus is said to be discovered America in 1492. behave3Stress and tiredness often result in a lack for concentration

4、. forof4He is a man worthy of to be trusted. We can count on his support.去掉of5In addition going shopping, we went to a bookshop to buy some books.addition后加to6Your suggestion has greatly contributed to accomplish our work. accomplishaccomplishing7In summer you had better drink plenty of boiling wate

5、r. boilingboiled8Could you please go upstairs to take me a book? takefetch.完成句子1The native organizations must be formed under_the_umbrella_of_the_government (在政府的保护之下)2The book Mum bought me for my birthday is_easy_to_understand (容易理解)3The nursery teacher clapped her hands to_attract/draw_the_childr

6、ens_attention (吸引孩子们的注意力)4We cannot discuss the details now for_lack_of_time (因为缺少时间). 5He is a boy who is_worthy_of_being_praised/worthy_to_be_praised (值得表扬的)6Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and neither_was_I (我也不高兴).课文语法填空The UN is 1.an international organization consistin

7、g of countries that want to promote world peace. It was set 2.up in October 1945 by 51 countries. Today 192 countries belong 3.to the UN.It has four main functions: to keep international peace; to develop 4.friendly (friend) relationships among nations; to work together in solving international poli

8、tical conflicts and in promoting respect 5.for human rights; and to be a centre for organizing the actions 6.or work of different nations.The UN 7.touches (touch) the lives of people everywhere.The organization is helping end some of the worlds most horrible conflicts.I am very happy to 8.have_been_

9、chosen (choose) to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them. My job is not paid but 9.voluntary (volunteer)I visit countries 10.where the UN has programmes to help people.串点成篇微表达刚才提及 (refer to) 的那个非官方组织成立于 (set up) 20世纪80年代。该组织承担了 (take on) 许多涉及慈善的工作。这是一个可敬的(worthy)非盈利性组织。它的好声望为它自己赢得了极大的荣耀(honour)。另外(in ad

10、dition),该组织也有助于(contribute to)促进世界和平。The_nonofficial_organization_referred_to_just_now_was_set_up_in_the_1980s._The_organization_takes_on_much_work_involving_charity._It_is_a_worthy_nonprofit_organization_and_its_good_fame_has_won_itself_great_honour._In_addition,_the_organization_also_contributes_t

11、o_promoting_world_peace.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Some days ago, I read a story about a Vietnam pilot. He was shot down but _1_ because he had a wellpacked parachute (降落伞). In his story, he _2_ that he had ignored the very sailors that packed his chute because he was, after all, a pilot and they were _3_

12、sailors. But that changed one day.After he had _4_home, he actually met the sailor who packed his chute. It was a person who he didnt _5_ but the very one who worked _6_ to make sure his parachute was packed so that it would work properly had that _7_ his life.Each of us may have been guilty of _8_

13、those who have directly or indirectly helped us. I was _9_ to read in a magazine recently that retired Chief of Defense Staff, General Hillier, Canadian Armed Forces, was a man who ensured that every soldier he met was _10_ as a fellow human being, of _11_ and importance.Everyone in any organization

14、, company or group is as _12_ as any other. The difference is that we do different jobs, have different _13_, and have different pay grades. But we are the _14_ in our human qualities; all performing an important function just like every spoke (辐条) of an old wagon wheel contributes to the _15_ of th

15、e whole.We should also recognize that sooner or later, we all need _16_ and help. This help can and will come in many forms including those who we count as _17_, or a colleague at work, or even a _18_ stranger.We all could _19_ a parachute or several. Do not discount those whom you interact with, and also _20_ that the parachute works both ways.1A.settledBescapedCjumped Dsurvived解析:选D根据“because he had a wellpacked parachute (降落伞)”可知,那位飞行员“幸存”了下来。2A.hoped BimaginedCmentioned Dlied解析:选C后文内容是那位飞行员“提到”的事情。3A.even BjustCalso Dstill解析:选B那位飞行员忽略那位给他准备降落伞的人,是因为他认为那些准



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