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1、Unit2 单元检测A卷一、单项选择题(共15题,共15分)1. The _ singer made us _.We enjoyed the whole concert.A. excited;excitedB. excited;excitingC. exciting;excitedD. exciting;exciting2. How long _ you _ LilysEnglish-Chinese dictionary?For two weeks.A.did; borrowB.have; borrowedC.have; keptD. did; keep3.I hear the tall gi

2、rl wearing glasses is your newclassmate. Shes from America, _?A.is sheB.isnt sheC.has sheD.hasnt she4. He has _ away from home _nearly a year.A. been; sinceB. been; forC. to be; sinceD. to be; for5.Listen! How _ themusic sounds!A.wellB.goodC.badlyD.greatly6. The trip toHong Kong was _ and we felt _.

3、A. pleased;pleasedB. pleased; pleasantC. pleasant;pleasedD. pleasant;pleasant7. Look! ThePresident _ to us with a smile.A. wavesB. wavedC. will waveD. is waving8. Every yeardriving after drinking _ a lot oftraffic accidents.A. happensB.providesC.causesD. stops9._ excitingexperience we had in Hong Ko

4、ng Disneyland!.A.What anB.WhatC.HowD. How an10. Why _ to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa?A. not to goB. dont goC. not you goD. dont you go11. How long didit take you _ the report?About two hours.A.writeB.to writeC.writingD. wrote12.Is _ great funto play with a pet?A.itB.thisC.thatD. /13. Would you lik

5、e _?A.to drink anythingB. drinkinganythingC. to drinksomethingD. drinkingsomething14. I know that man.He _ be Helens father.A. mayB. needC. mustD. can15. Neither Jacknor I _ to Hong Kong, so we areplanning a trip there.A. have beenB. has beenC. have goneD. has gone二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.Maybe you are mo

6、re interested in sports than in Maths. Youprobably think you will never be a top student. (1) , anyone can become abetter student if he or she wants to. If you can use your time well, you may (2) yourstudy without much work. Here are the methods.(3) your time carefully.You should make a (4) of the t

7、hings that you have to do. First write downthe time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide on a good time forstudying. Of course, studying shouldnt take all of your time. Dont (5) toleave yourself enough time for hobbies.Find a good place to study. Look around the house (6) agood studying

8、place. Keepthisspace. It may be a desk or just a corner of your room. No (7) , radio, ortelevision!Whenyou sit down to work, think only about the (8) !Make good use of your time (9) . Listen carefully to whatthe teacher says. Carefullisteningmeans (10) work after class. You also need to take notes,

9、because it canmake it easier for you to learn well.These are only some of the ways to help you with your study. Ibelieve youll find more other ways besides these.(1)A. In fact B. For example C. At the end D. At present(2)A. affect B. improve C. feel D. miss(3)A. Take B. Make C. Prepare D. Plan(4)A.c

10、hange B. choice C. view D. list(5)A. want B. forget C. decide D. hope(6)A. with B. in C. at D. for(7)A. games B. housework C. homework D. books(8)A. details B. beauty C. flights D.subjects(9)A. after class B. on business C.at home D. in class(10)A. more B. less C. most D. least三、阅读理解(共15题,共19分)1.阅读下

11、面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AHolidaysare an important part in peoples life. Here are holidays in differentcountries.AmericaAmericanpeoples holidays are flexible. They can use up their holidays once, andthey can also use them for a few times. During the holidays, they can still getpaid

12、.CanadaManypeople in Canada can rest three days a week. They have all kinds of activitiesfor holidays. They may go fishing, boating or mountain climbing. Also, they havelong holidays. They may go to the beach to spend a sunny winter holiday. LikeAmerican people, Canadians can also get paid during th

13、e holidays.FrancePeoplein France are very good at enjoying life. They have a six-week holiday everyyear, and they work less than 40 hours a week.(1)Howmany countries are mentioned in the passage?A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Six.(2)Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage?A.Gofi

14、shing. B.Goboating. C.Goskating. D.Gomountain climbing.(3)Inwhich country can people work less than 40 hours a week?A.America. B.Canada. C.France. D.China.(4)Whatdoes the underlined word “flexible” mean in Chinese?A.灵活的 B.悠长的 C. 匆忙的 D. 不确定的(5)Whichis the best title for this passage?A.Important holidays B.Holidays in different countries C.Peoples work time D.Activities in different countries2.BIvebeen planning this trip for weeks. This blog is to tell my friends what Imdoing while Im in Italy for 4 weeks.Week 1Ivebeen in Italy since Tuesday l


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