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1、BBC 新闻讲解 2011-7-23 第 750 期QIHUI 制作可可英语: 1 BBCBBCBBCBBC新闻讲解附字幕新闻讲解附字幕: : : :揭露电话窃听丑闻记者暴毙揭露电话窃听丑闻记者暴毙(2011-07-23)(2011-07-23)(2011-07-23)(2011-07-23) 查看原文查看原文 第一部分:第一部分:听力文本听力文本 BBC News with Iain Purdon A second senior policeofficer has resignedinBritaininconnection with thescandal over phone hacking

2、 and alleged corruptionintheRupert Murdoch newspaper empire. Assistant Commissioner John Yates stood down 24 hours after his boss, Britains top policecommander Paul Stephenson. Naomi Grimley reports. John Yates said his resignation was a matter of “deep regret“, but theongoingongoingongoingongoingph

3、one-hacking scandal was becoming a distraction fromhis job leading Scotland Yardscounter-terrorism unit. He said hed been a victim of somemaliciousmaliciousmaliciousmaliciousgossip and speculation. Earlier, details had emerged of his links with a formerNews of the World journalist, whod been hired a

4、s a media consultantconsultantconsultantconsultant for theMetropolitan Police. Meanwhile, David Cameron is leaving his tour of Africaearlyin order to deal with theongoing crisis, and parliament is to delay its summer holiday too to discuss the matter further. A former reporter who madeallegations of

5、 widespread phone hacking by the newspaper at the centre of thescandal, the Newsof theWorld, has been found dead at his homenear London. Policesay they are not treating his death as suspicious. With moredetails, heresJune Kelly. Sean Hoare was ashow-business reporter for the Newsof the World when An

6、dy Coulson was editor.Hewas thefirst journalist to claim that Andy Coulson knew about phone hacking on the paper. Mr Coulson, whos alwaysdenied the claim, was arrested recently. Policewere called to Sean Hoares homeinWatford this morning, and he waspronounced dead shortly afterwards. Policesaid thed

7、eath wascurrently being treated as unexplained but not thought to be suspicious. Sean Hoare had drink and drugsproblems, and was said to beinpoor physical health. Libyan rebels say they arelargelylargelylargelylargelyinininincontrolcontrolcontrolcontrol ofofofof thekeyoiltown of Brega after fighting

8、in residential areas. They say Colonel Gaddafis forces are retreating westwardsalong the coast and that rebel troopshave surrounded thetown. From Tripoli, Christian Fraserreports. Therebels have been heldheldheldheldbackbackbackbackfor four months,but sinceThursday have been mounting wave after wave

9、of attacks to try and dislodgedislodgedislodgedislodge the loyalist forceswho were dug in. In Tripoli, the government spokesman MoussaIbrahim, whos becomethe faceof theregime, held an impromptuimpromptuimpromptuimpromptupressconferenceto deny reports that one of Colonel Gaddafis sons commanding loya

10、list forcesinthetown had escaped to Sirte. Mr Ibrahim saidincontrast information coming from therebel side: Colonel Gaddafis forces have repelled every attack from thesea, along the coast road and from the desert. BBC 新闻讲解 2011-7-23 第 750 期QIHUI 制作可可英语: 2 ThePakistani army says a video showing 16 po

11、licemen being killed by the Taliban appears to be genuine. The footagerecorded on a mobile phone showsthe policemen linedlinedlinedlinedupupupupwhile a Pakistani Taliban commander accuses them of being enemies of Islam. Taliban gunmen arethen seen to open fire at closerange. Thekillings happened las

12、t month near the Afghan border. World News from the BBC TheAmerican General John Allen has taken over as commander of international forcesin Afghanistan from General David Petraeus, whosto bethe new head of theCIA. At the handover ceremony,General Allen said hewas under no illusionillusionillusionil

13、lusions about thechallengesinAfghanistan. The changeincommand comesas Nato forces begin passing control of some areas to their Afghan counterparts. TheUnited States Senate is to hold daily sessions including at weekends until legislation is passed to raise the governmentslimit on borrowing. TheSenat

14、e Majority Leader Harry Reid said this wasnecessary to prevent the US from defaulting on its obligations. Meanwhile, the American Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has urged Europe to actmore forcefullyforcefullyforcefullyforcefullyto solve the crisis inthe eurozone. Chris Morris reports. TheUS tr

15、easury secretary is now urging Europe to get its act together to contain what he calls the escalating debt crisisinthe eurozone. Itsa sign that everyone knowsthe crisis will ripple far beyond European shoresifitcontinues to worsen.Something will emerge when eurozone leaders meet on Thursday, but wil

16、litbe comprehensive enough to calm themarkets?The trouble is there are still competing ideas about how to put together a second bailout for Greece.Thechallenge is producing an agreement that everyone can live with. TheVenezuelan government says thereis no doubt that President Hugo Chavez will stand for re-election next year despite thefact that hes undergoing cancer treatmentinCuba. Earlier, President Chavez issued an upbeatupbeatupbeatupbeat message ahead of a second day of che


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