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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 播迁一生,洛下闲废中的高歌刘禹锡晚居洛阳及其散文创 作探析 姓名:胡利霞 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国古代文学 指导教师:刘真伦 20070601 I 摘摘 要要 本文把刘禹锡置于中唐特定的时代背景之中,以政治受挫为切入点,以晚居洛 阳为主要关注对象,并结合洛阳在唐代的政治经济文化地位对其所产生的影响,主 要分为四部分来阐述刘禹锡晚年闲居洛阳的生活及其散文创作: 第一部分,从对刘禹锡散文研究现状的描述,从而明确洛阳生活在刘禹锡及其 散文研究中具有举足轻重的地位,在连州、朗州等地域研究的启发下,笔者拟对刘 禹锡晚居洛阳及其散文创作进行探析。 第二部分,阐述刘禹锡与洛

2、阳的渊源关系。第一,通过对唐代东都洛阳概 貌的描述,确定其晚年所生活的时代背景以及地理环境,并结合前人的研究成果, 从“彭城说” 、 “中山说” 、 “庐陵说”与“洛阳说”四种说法中,依照傅璇琮等人的 观点,选择确定刘禹锡的籍贯为洛阳。第二,根据多方史料以及文学作品的考察, 考证出刘禹锡在洛阳的住宅在怀仁坊北边,即今洛阳市李楼乡楼子村北一带。第三, 围绕“洛下闲废”这一主题,分为前、后两个时期,铺叙刘禹锡十六年的洛阳晚居 生活。 第三部分,探析研究刘禹锡晚居洛阳的散文创作。首先确定刘禹锡晚居洛阳的 散文创作篇目,以陶敏、陶红雨所校注的刘禹锡全集编年校注为主要参考,总 结出其洛阳散文创作共有 2

3、4 篇;其次,分析刘禹锡洛阳散文创作内容的渐变轨迹, 即由累更符竹、积极用世之心声的表达到老当益壮、不改初衷之意志的高歌。再次, 是对刘禹锡洛阳散文创作风格的探讨。通过仔细研究其作品,得出刘禹锡洛阳散文 风格为:第一,文以见志,与时高下的畅达文风;第二,骈散结合,错落有致的结 构形式;第三,凝练清丽,词采优美的语言风格。 第四部分,阐述刘禹锡散文对后世的深远影响。刘禹锡是个多才多艺的文学家, 其散文无论是在哲学还是在政治抑或在文学方面,对后世如王安石、苏轼、刘基等 人都有极大的影响。 关键词:关键词:东都洛阳; 刘禹锡籍贯; 怀仁坊; 晚居生活; 累更符竹积极用世的心声; 老当益壮不改初衷的高

4、歌 II Abstract The dissertation puts Liu Yuxi, a famous Tang Dynasty writer, into the specific time background of Mid Tang Dynasty. First describing his frustration in politics and then focusing on the old life of Liu, the thesis, combining Luoyang, which influences a lot to Liu for its important sta

5、tus about politics, economy and culture in the Tang Dynasty, mainly divides into four parts to elaborate Liu Yuxi s idly occupies life in Luoyang and his prose creation: Part I: Through the outline to the prose-researching present situation of Liu, clarify that the life in Luoyang occupys the pivota

6、l position to Liu and his prose study. Meanwhile, in the inspiration of regional studies about Lianzhou and Langzhou, the author intend to analyze Liu Yuxis late occupies and his prose creation in Luoyang. Part II: Explain the original relationship with Luoyang and Liu Yuxi. First, through describin

7、g of the general picture of Luoyang the east capital of Tang Dynasty, to determine the time background as well as the geographical environment where Liu lives in his old, then according to the view of Fu Xuancong, choose Lius native place is Luoyang, from four views those are PengCheng, ZhongShan, L

8、uLing and LuoYang, on the base of predecessors research results. Second, according to various historical data and literary works, proof that Lius housing in is in the north of Huairen Fang, that is now, its in the north area of Louzi village of Lilou town, the city of Luoyang. Third, focus on the th

9、eme of comfortably staying in Luoyang, narrate Lius last 16 years life through the Earlier and Later period. Part III: Analyze and studies the prose creation in Luoyang of Liu Yuxi. First of all, refer to the Liu Yuxi Quanji Biannian Jiaozhu noted by Tao Min and Tai Hongyu, the author sum up there a

10、re 24 articles identified, belonging to Lius old-life prose writing in Luoyang. Next, analyze the gradually changed path of that creation content, which changes from the expression of aspiration in the repeated relegation and positive activities, to the singing of the old but vigorous and never chan

11、ged mind. Finally, discuss the created style of Lius Luoyang prose. Through carefully study, obtain the style contains three parts: First, its the smoothly writing style with clear will and following times; Second, its the scattered and organized structural style mixed prose and verse; Third, its th

12、e exquisite III language style with succinct, solemn, and elegant words. Part IV: Elaborate the profound influence of Liu Yuxis prose to later generations. Liu Yuxi is a versatile writer, whose prose, not only in philosophy, but also in politics, as well as in the literature aspect, produces enormou

13、s influence to the descendants, such as Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Liu Ji and so on. Key words: Eastern Capital Luoyang; Native Place of Liu Yuxi; Huairen Fang; Life in the Old; Aspiration in the Repeated Relegation and Positive Activities; Singing of the Old but Vigorous and Never Changed Mind 独创性声明独创性声明

14、本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研 究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在 文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到,本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权华中科技大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检 索,可以采

15、用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保密 ,在_年解密后适用本授权书。 不保密。 (请在以上方框内打“”) 学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日 本论文属于 1 引引 言言 萧瑞峰先生在瞿蜕园校点刘禹锡全集的前言中说到: 在绚丽多姿的唐诗艺术长廊中,中唐诗人刘禹锡居于引人注目的地位。他以迥 异于流俗的“骨干气魄” ,在声势煊赫的韩孟、元白两大诗派之外独标一格,理所当 然地赢得了“诗豪”与“国手”的称誉(白居易刘白唱和集解称刘禹锡为“诗 豪” , 醉赠刘二十八使君复称刘禹锡为“国手” ) 。而在另一领域里,他作为朴素 唯物论的哲学家,也同样名

16、高而功垂后代。 1 同时,萧瑞峰在谈到刘禹锡的散文创作时写道:刘禹锡对散文写作也用力甚勤, 创获甚丰。虽然他在唐代古文运动中的地位与贡献要逊于同侪韩、柳,却同样功不 可没。宋谢采伯密斋笔记卷三指出: “唐之文风,大振于贞元、元和之时,韩、 柳倡其端,刘、白继其轨。 ”其实,将刘禹锡视为韩、柳的“继轨”者并不妥当。韩 愈的门生李翱便认为: “翱昔与韩吏部退之为文章盟主,同时伦辈,惟柳仪曹宗元、 刘宾客梦得耳。 ” (见刘禹锡集卷十九唐故中书侍郎平章事韦公集纪 )可知刘 禹锡的古文写作是与韩、柳同时起步的。事实上,他写于贞元十年(794)的献权 舍人书就是一篇严格意义上的古文,而韩愈提倡古文运动则是两年后的事情。 2 由此可见,刘禹锡不仅是“骨干气魄”的诗人,而且是朴素唯物论的哲学家、 思想家,还是与韩、柳同辈的散文大家,可谓在唐代文学中占有举足轻重的历史地 位。本文拟对刘禹锡晚年在洛阳的散文创作进行系


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