DHL中英文对照保函 - (伊朗、、叙利亚)

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《DHL中英文对照保函 - (伊朗、、叙利亚)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《DHL中英文对照保函 - (伊朗、、叙利亚)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Sanctions Warranty and Indemnity Letter客户保函Airbill Number运单号.Shipment Date发件日期.Customer Name/Company Name客户名称/公司名称_FUJIAN XIANGDA IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD._福建祥达进出口有限公司_, is hereby providing this Sanctions and Warranty Indemnity Letter pursuant to the UN Sanctions. 依照如下条款在此提供此保函。1.Customer warrants

2、 that neither the receipt nor the delivery of the Shipment will expose DHL or their employees, servants, agents, insurers or reinsurers to any sanction, prohibition or penalty (or any risk of sanction, prohibition or penalty) whatsoever imposed by any state, country, international governmental organ

3、ization or other relevant authority (collectively Sanctions) by reason of the content of the Shipment, any insurance of the Shipment taken out by the Customer or any other person with an interest in the Shipment, the destination of the Shipment, the intended consignee of the Shipment or the purchase

4、r or end user of the content of the Shipment, provided that such warranty shall not extend to any issues of non-compliance which result from any act, decision or omission by DHL (or its sub-contractors or any company engaged by DHL to transport the Shipment), other than where following the Customers

5、 instructions.客户保证,快件的接收和递送均不会由于快件内容的原因,或者由于任何客户或任何其他与此票快件有利益关系的人为此票快件购买了保险的原因,或者由于发生在快件目的地的情况,或者由于预期收件人或快件内容的购买人/最终用户的原因,使DHL或其雇员,提供服务的相关方,代理,保险人或再保险人面临来自任何国家,地区,国际政府机构或其他相关权力机构的任何制裁,禁止令或处罚(或任何制裁,禁止令或处罚的风险)(统称为“制裁”)。前述保证将不包括因DHL(或其分包商或任何DHL委托承运此票快件的公司)的行为,决定或疏忽导致的违规,但遵从客户的指示导致的情况除外。2. Customer warr

6、ants in particular, that: 特别地,客户保证:(a) Shipments shall not include any goods which appear on any applicable list of prohibited goods as shall be determined from time to time by the United Nations 快件将不含有任何联合国不时地通过决定的禁运名单中的物品。(b) delivery of Shipments to the intended consignee will not, in and of itse

7、lf, contravene any of the prohibitions set forth from time to time by the United Nations.快件递送给预期中的收件人,将不违背联合国不时规定的禁止要求。; and 以及(c) delivery of Shipments to the intended consignee will not, in and of itself, result in any funds or economic resources being made available directly or indirectly to or f

8、or the benefit of any person entity or body which is listed or designated in any Sanctions as set forth from time to time by the United Nations. 快件递送给预期中的收件人,将不会直接或间接导致给予联合国不时规定的制裁名单上的任何个人,主体或组织任何资金或经济资源,或使其受益于此种资金或者经济资源。(d) Provided (in each case) that such warranty shall not extend to any issues o

9、f non-compliance which result from any act, decision or omission by DHL (or its sub-contractors or any company engaged by DHL to transport the Shipment), other than where following the Customers instructions. 本条的以上保证,将不包括因DHL(或其分包商或任何DHL委托承运此票快件的公司)的行为,决定或疏忽导致的违规,但遵从客户的指令导致的情况除外。3. Customer agrees t

10、o provide DHL immediately on request with full information about the nature of the Shipment and its intended use, as well as the identities of all parties of which Customer is aware and/or which the Customer can obtain from its direct counterparty which have any legal, financial or commercial intere

11、st in the Shipment. 客户同意,一旦DHL要求,客户将立即向DHL提供完整全面的快件性质的信息和预期用途方面的消息,以及客户所知悉的和/或客户能够从其直接对方那里获得的对此票快件拥有任何法律的,财务的或者商业上的利益的各方的身份信息。4. DHL is entitled to inspect the Shipment and, in particular, is entitled to access any data or information contained in any electronic storage medium and DHL shall not be r

12、esponsible for any delay or damage caused as a result of that inspection provided that DHL shall take reasonable care in inspecting the Shipment. Where data or information is protected by a password, details of that password shall be provided to DHL by Customer on request. DHL有权检查快件,特别是,有权获取任何电子存储媒介

13、里的数据和信息,并且,如果DHL已经在检查/获取过程中采取了合理的注意,DHL不对因此种检查/获取导致的任何延迟和损害承担责任。如果数据或信息受到密码保护,客户应按照DHL的要求将密码提供给DHL。5.Customer shall indemnify DHL against all loss, damage, fines and expenses whatsoever, including but not limited to exposure of DHL, its employees, servants, agents, insurers or re-insurers to any San

14、ctions arising or resulting from any non-declaration or illegal, inaccurate and/or inadequate declaration in respect of the Shipment by the Shipper or from any other cause in connection with the Shipment for which the Customer is responsible. 客户应该补偿DHL的所有损失,损害,罚款和费用,包括但不限于因客户/发件人对其快件没有申报或非法申报,不准确的和/

15、或不充分的申报,或是因任何其他与快件有关的客户应责任的原因而发生或导致DHL,其雇员,提供服务的相关方,代理,保险人或再保险人面临任何制裁。6.If it appears, in the reasonable judgment of DHL, that the Shipment (or any activities required in respect of the Shipment by DHL or any other person) may expose DHL or their employees, servants, agents, insurers or reinsurers t

16、o any Sanctions or risk of Sanctions, then: 若经DHL合理判断,此快件(或者DHL或其他人针对快件所要从事的任何行为)可能使DHL或其雇员,提供服务的相关方,代理,保险人或再保险人面临制裁,或者有此种风险,则:(a) DHL may refuse to carry the Shipment or alternatively DHL may without notice to Shipper (but as his agent only) take any measure(s) and/or incur any additional expense to carry or to continue the Shipment thereof, and/or abandon the Shipment and/or st


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