仁爱初中英语八上精品教案设计 Unit 3 Topic 2Section C

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1、八年级上册教案设计Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 2 What sweet music!Section C. Material analysis本节课的主要活动为1a和2b。Section A 通过歌手席琳迪翁谈论音乐会,Section B谈论不同风格的音乐,在内容上Section C是对Section A 和Section B的升华,从音乐会到不同形式的音乐再到人们熟悉的伟大作曲家莫扎特,通过层层递进的方式步步拓展到阅读和写作的综合能力的培养。在培养学生能力的方面也从培养学生听说能力过渡到培养写作能力。老师们在设计课堂的时候应用教材上所设计的表格和问题等多种读中和读后活动。以

2、此为基础,通过竞赛、将自己已有知识和文章进行对比等方式,逐一完成信息输入、阅读技能培养、信息输出的过程。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 在图片、同义句替换等方式的帮助下,能自己拼读下列单词:age, wonder, note, papa, press, smile, amazing。2. 能通过游戏快速记忆本课生词,如:wonder, note, smile, understand等。3. 能在练习中使用感叹句表达自己的情感。4. 能够用感叹句评价某人或某物。Skill aims:1. 能基本听懂本课文本材料,及与其水平相当的伟人介绍。 2. 能流利地和他人谈

3、论自己或朋友喜欢的音乐家。3. 能正确地使用因特网,能从中获取有用信息并基本读懂其中介绍音乐家的文章。4. 能正确模仿本课课文,有条理地写出自己喜欢的音乐家的故事。Emotional aims: 通过对伟大人物事迹的学习,从伟人平凡的故事当中领悟做人做事的态度。明白天才源于汗水和努力。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 用感叹句表达自己的情感。 2. 根据关键词复述文章,如:composer, start writing, a child等。 3. 学习写作文时,先确定中心,然后围绕中心,找出相应的事例来支撑你的观点。 Di

4、fficult points: 使用感叹句表达自己的情感。 . Learning strategies1. 借助关键词对你复述本课的文章是很有帮助的。2. 在写作的时候先写出自己的观点,然后用故事或者阐述去支撑你的观点。这样可以让你的文章条理清楚。3. 交谈的时候注意语音和语调可以帮助你感受语言的艺术。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(6 minutes)1.

5、The whole class work and group work2. Individual work and group work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work1. Take out their notes to share the information about Mozart. They can only speak English, if they need help they can hand up.2. One student comes to the platform. Others check his / he

6、r spelling mistakes.3. Read sentences. Know about Mozart and try to guess the meanings of new words. (Guess the meanings according to the word-formation and the context.)4. Compare the knowledge on the blackboard with the facts on 1a. Guess the meaning of “age” by comparing “at the age of three” and

7、 “when he was five”.1. Make a competition. Ask students to discuss Mozart, according to the information they searched yesterday. 2. Ask each group to choose one student to come to the platform to write down their answers on the blackboard.3. Ask students to read these statements, providing students

8、with help, such as new words and understanding, because some sentences are from the Internet.4. Ask students to compare the knowledge on the blackboard with the facts on 1a.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work and group work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. Individual work5

9、. Individual work and group work1. Read and guess the meanings according to the comparison, pictures and so on.(1) Mozart wrote many music, so he is a great composer.(2) When we start to learn music, we should pay attention to every note.(3) My father/papa used to enjoy classical music.(4) Press the

10、 key then you can enjoy the music.2. Read and remember the new words.3. Girls try to speak out new words while boys spell them out. Then change.4. Read through 1a and fill in the blank.5. Read 1a carefully. Write down their own answers and check the answers in groups.1. Deal with the new words by sh

11、owing some statements. Ask students to guess the meanings. 2. Teach those new words. Ask students to remember them.3. Design a competition between boys and girls. Erase the new words. Ask girls to speak out new words, while boys should spell them out.4. Ask students to read 1a quickly and fill in th

12、e blank, “Mozart is a/anboy.” (20 seconds to cultivate their ability of reading for general idea.) 5. Ask students to read for details. (Remind students to use the sweet tip we studied in Section B: “Key words help us understand important details, and use them when you retell the passage.”) Consolid

13、ation(15 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work2. Individual work3. Group work and individual work4. The whole class work and group work1. One student tries to retell the passage while others can help him/her.2. Read 1a carefully and write down the answers. Underline the place where the

14、y can find out the answer.3. Check the answers in groups. Find each others mistakes, and tell others where they find out the answer.4. Each group answers a question, and tell others where to find the answer.1. Finish 1c. Ask students to try to retell the passage according to the table. Praise the student no matter good or not, because this passage is long.2. Give students 3 minutes to read the passage for details. Tell students to read and understand the questions first, and then find where the key information occurs.3. Give students 2 minutes to check the answers in groups.



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