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1、87f9e40f8068cc42775473031b029fa3.pdf 第 1 页 共 11 页 小朋友实用美语手册(绿色手册)小朋友实用美语手册(绿色手册) CHILDRENS USEFUL VOCABULARY MANUAL OF AMERICAN ENGLISH(GREEN MANUAL) P1P4 In the classroom 在教室里在教室里 Whose (pen)is it? It is my (pen) . Word 单词 1.eraser 2.ruler 3.teacher 4.pencil sharpener 5.notebook 6.chair 7.clock 8.g

2、lue 9.desk 10.globe puter 12.pencil 13.chalk 14.blackboard Sentence 句子 1.eraser Do you have an eraser? I can correct my mistakes with an eraser. 你有橡皮吗? 我可以用橡皮把错误的地方改正。 2.ruler I use a ruler to draw a line. You need a ruler in math class. 我用尺子画一条线。 你上数学课时需要一把尺子。 3.teacher Our math teacher is very sma

3、rt. Miss Smith is our new teacher. 我们的数学老师很聪明。 史密斯小姐是我们的新老师。 4.pencil sharpener I dont have a pencil sharpener. Where is the pencil sharpener? 我没有削铅笔刀。 削铅笔刀在哪里? 87f9e40f8068cc42775473031b029fa3.pdf 第 2 页 共 11 页 5.notebook This blue notebook is mine. She writes in the notebook. 这本蓝色笔记本是我的。 她在笔记本上写字。

4、6.chair She sits on the chair. The chair is too small. 她坐在椅子上。 这把椅子太小了。 7.clock The clock is on the wall. I have an alarm clock. 钟挂在墙上。 我有一个闹钟。 8.glue I use glue to stick the stamp. I need some glue. 我用胶水贴邮票。 我需要一点胶水。 9.desk Betty is studying at a desk. There are 12 desks in the classroom. 贝蒂在书桌前读书。

5、 教师里有十二张书桌。 10.globe The globe is round. Can you find China on the globe? 地球是圆的。 你能在地球仪上找到中国吗? puter I have a computer. I know how to use a computer. 我有一台电脑。 我会用电脑。 12.pencil I have six pencils. Can I borrow your pencil? 我有六支铅笔。 我可以借你的铅笔吗? 13.chalk Mr. Jackson uses chalk every day. There are five re

6、d pieces of chalk. 杰克森先生每天用粉笔。 有五支红色粉笔。 14.blackboard The teacher writes on the blackboard. There is a big blackboard in our classroom. 老师在黑板上写字。 我们教室有一个大黑板。 87f9e40f8068cc42775473031b029fa3.pdf 第 3 页 共 11 页 Extra vocabulary 补充单词 15.student 学生 16.textbook 课本 17.crayon 蜡笔 18.scissors 剪刀 19.tape 胶带 20

7、.map 地图 21.paper 纸 22.calendar 日历 23.bookbag(schoolbag) 书包 24.vase 花瓶 25.ceiling 天花板 P5P8 The street 街道街道 What is it? It is a (mailbox) . Word 单词 26.school 27.bicycle 28.bus 29.building 30.taxi 31.intersection 32.post office 33.traffic light 34.motorcycle 35.fire engine 36.department store 37.bookst

8、ore 38.telephone booth 39.mailbox 40.traffic policeman 41.crosswalk Sentence 句子 26.school What school do you go to? My school is in front of the bookstore 你读哪一所学校? 我的学校在书店前面。 27.bicycle Judy is riding a bicycle. Jack rides a bicycle to school. 茱迪正在骑自行车。 杰克骑自行车去上学。 28.bus my father is a bus driver. B

9、etty takes a bus to school. 我爸爸是公共汽车司机。 贝蒂搭公共汽车上学。 29.building There are many tall buildings in this city. This building has twenty floors. 87f9e40f8068cc42775473031b029fa3.pdf 第 4 页 共 11 页 这个城市有很多高的建筑物。 这栋建筑有二十层。 30.taxi We take a taxi to the airport. Beijing has many taxis. 我们搭出租车去机场。 北京有很多出租车。 31

10、.intersection Dont play in the intersection. Turn right at the next intersection. 不要在十字路口玩耍。 请在下个十字路口右转。 32.post office Helen goes to the post office to buy stamps. Bills father works at the post office. 海伦到邮局买邮票。 比尔的父亲在邮局工作。 33.traffic light There are three traffic light on this road. The traffic l

11、ight is turning red. 这条路上有三个红绿灯。 红绿灯要变红灯了。 34.motorcycle There are many motorcycles in the street. Davids father has a beautiful motorcycle. 街上有很多摩托车。 大卫的父亲有一辆漂亮的摩托车。 35.fire engine There are five fire engines in the fire department. The fire fighter is driving a fire engine. 消防站里有五辆消防车。 消防人员正驾驶着消防车

12、。 36.department store My mother likes to go to the department store. 我妈妈喜欢逛百货公司。 37.bookstore There are many books in this bookstore. 这家书店有很多书。 38.telephone booth Terry is looking for a telephone booth 泰瑞正在找电话亭。 39.mailbox The mailman collects the letters from the mailbox. Kevin is dropping the lett

13、er into the mailbox. 邮递员从邮筒里收邮件。 凯温正把信投入邮筒里。 40.traffic policeman My father is a traffic policeman. 我爸爸是交通警察。 87f9e40f8068cc42775473031b029fa3.pdf 第 5 页 共 11 页 41.crosswalk There is a rock on the crosswalk. John is crossing the crosswalk. 斑马线上有一块石头。 约翰正穿越马路。 Extra vocabulary 补充单词 42.fire hydrant 消防栓

14、 43.ambulance 救护车 44.bus stop 公共汽车站 45.cement mixer 水泥搅拌车 46.excavator 挖土机 47.overpass 天桥 48.pedestrian 行人 49.hospital 医院 50.sidewalk 人行道 51.stop sign 停车标志 P9P12 At the playground 在运动场在运动场 What do you like to play? I like to play (baseball). Word 单词 52.playground 53.run 54.kick 55.stretch 56.bend 57

15、.pull 58.catch 59.walk 60.push 61.throw 62.dance 63.slide 64.jump 65.sit 66.crawl Sentence 句子 52.playground Our school has a large playground. Jack is playing on the playground. 我们的学校有一个大操场。 杰克在游乐场上玩。 53.run Lets run to the bus stop. Mike is running around the park. 我们跑步到公共汽车站去吧! 麦克绕着公园跑。 54.kick Vicky is kicking the ball. He can kick the ball very far. 维琪正在踢球。 87f9e40f8068cc42775473031b029fa3.pdf 第 6 页 共 11 页 他可以把球踢得很远。 55.stretch Lily stretched herself out on the ground. Stretch your arms. 莉莉在地上伸展身体。 伸展你的手臂。 56.bend Judy bent down to pick up her crayon. The boy bent



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