七年级英语下册 Module 9 Life history Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.精品教案

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七年级英语下册 Module 9 Life history Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.精品教案_第1页
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《七年级英语下册 Module 9 Life history Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.精品教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册 Module 9 Life history Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.精品教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 9 Life historyUnit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Womens Day, National Day, Childrens Day, writer, newspaper, date, in the 1860s,find out, real, at the age of, exact, become(became),

2、play, poem, marry, work, on, build, fire, die, language, rich, successful和around the world。2. Class report 教学课题: Module 9 Life history学习目标1. 语言知识目标:掌握下列单词与短语play, poem, marry, work, on, build, fire, die, language, rich, successful和around the world 2. 语言技能目标:1)能听懂谈论过去经历的简短对话,获取事情发生的准确时间。2)能用一般过去时询问和回

3、答过去的经历和事情。3)能够读懂简单的人物传纪,掌握短文大意。4)能用一般过去时描述别人和自己过去的经历。3. 情感目标:通过本模块的学习和对莎士比亚的了解,培养对文学的兴趣和对文学家的崇敬之情。教材分析外研版7年级英语下册Module 9 Life history units 13,本模块阅读课文是传记文体,本模块以生活经历为话题,主要以英国著名剧作家莎士比亚的生活经历为题材,通过学习,使学生了解这位一代文学巨匠。本模块的主要语法是一般过去时,教学重点是通过对个人或他人过去经历的描述,重点学习本模块中出现的重点词汇、短语、固定搭配和句型。课前准备一些节日和马克吐温以及莎士比亚的的图片和资料,

4、让学生在warming-up时讨论和观看。教学方法 以说为主要教学方式,以讨论为主要方法,通过同桌讨论和小组以及全班讨论,让每个学生充分练习口语和说的能力,并将听说读写有机地贯穿一体。设立一些语言环境,结合故事和人物经历,最后一起学习重难点,为突破重难点做一些课堂和课后的练习。教学过程Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12. Step1:Study the new words and expressions.March, April, June, July, August, September, October, Novemb

5、er, December, Womens Day, National Day, Childrens Day, writer, newspaper, date, in the 1860s,find out, real, at the age of, exact, become(became)Step2:Warming-up and Lead inTo give some pictures and videos of festivals to students. Let them watch. Make them know Chinese and national festivals. I can

6、 ask my students: What are the festivals in English? Step3:Match the festivals with the months. And then talk about when the festivals are. Such as, Spring Festival is in January of February.January Teachers Day JulyFebruary Womens Day August ChristmasMarch National Day SeptemberApril Childrens Day

7、October New Years DayMay Labour Day NovemberJune Spring Festival DecemberStep4:Listen and choose the correct answer.1. Bettys grandfathers life was / wasnt different from Bettys.2. Bettys grandfather was born in April 1935 / 1955.3. Bettys grandfather went to America / England in October / November

8、1941.Keys: was 1935 America OctoberStep5:Listen and read the dialogue of Activity 3. And then complete this table about Mark Twain.TimeFactsIn 1835born in MissouriAt the age of 12left school and began workIn the 1860stook the name Mark Twain and became famousStep6:Find the past form of the verbs in

9、the conversation.be was/were know left become bought leave met begin came read read do did take saw get got write sent go went Step7:Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.age become Europe newspaper real writer1. He began work at the _ of 12.2. His _ name was Samuel

10、Clemens.3. He wrote for a(n) _ . 4. He _ very famous.5. He went to _, but he didnt come to China.6. He is a great _ .Keys: age real newspaper became Europe writerStep8:Pronunciation and speakingListen and repeat the Activity 6. Step9:Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about Mark Twain. Did

11、Mark Twain stay in Missouri? No, he didnt. 1. Was Mark Twain his real name? 2. Did Betty read Tom Sawyer? 3. Did Mark Twain leave school at 16? 4. Did Mark Twain become a newspaper writer? 5. Did Mark Twain come to China? Keys: 1. No, it wasnt.2. Yes, she did.3. No, he didnt.4. Yes, he did.5. No, he didnt.Step10:Explain and study the important and difficult points.1. Usage of “by”2. Possessive of Noun3. find find out Step12:Homework Review and recite the important points of Unit 1. .


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