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1、一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)1. When n element is use to _with oxygen it is oxi?ize#. ompre. ompete. omine. ompose 标准答案:2. The ftory hs _ new methos of prouing high quli?ty wshing mhines. opte. pte. rise. inrese 标准答案:3. Lst night fire _ in tht mrket, so the firm suffere hevy loss. roke up. roke out. roke

2、of. roke own 标准答案:4. Its lmost _ tht Mr. rry will win the next eletion. ertin. sure. ertinly. surely 标准答案:5. The t st in front of the ir ge in n gony of (处在极端.状态中) t eing so ner n yet so fr. frustrtion. exitement. surprise. woner 标准答案:6. The whole ntion is involve in the _ to stop rug use(滥用毒品). rim

3、e. ese. mpign. ttle 标准答案:7. Tre Union representtives re hosen y _; ll the memers hve vote. hne. hoie. eletion. seletion 标准答案:8. She hs _her min n is going to n inste of Jpn. hnge. exhnge. eie. me 标准答案:9. The ol mn went _ fter the eth of his wife. m. e. . ngry 标准答案:10. It ws iffiult to see through th

4、e _ fog. thin. lnk. ense. nrrow 标准答案:11. rekfst is _ in the ining-room from 6:30 to 8:29 .m. t this hotel. serve. me. eten. ooke 标准答案:12. s time went on, some prouts of poor qulity were _out of the mrket. let. lost. roppe. riven 标准答案:13. I think it is hr to _ wht you si. ensure. onvine. gree. elieve

5、 标准答案:14. There ws serious wter shortge in the re s there wsnt _ rin for nerly four months. plenty. mny. equte. effiient 标准答案:15. We re _him to rrive t ny moment. witing. hoping. expeting. thinking 标准答案:16. Uner these _, you might gree with us tht it is rther iffiult for your prouts to get footing i

6、n this mrket. situtions. onitions. irumstnes. ses 标准答案:17. The ook is _more iffiult thn the one I re lst week. rther. very. muh. more 标准答案:18. Experiene rivers hve _ ients thn eginners. lest. little. fewer. few 标准答案:19. The experiment _ tht energy is require to proue hnge of stte. onentrte. emonstrt

7、e. exhiite. isplye 标准答案:20. Sientists from mny ountries hve _ the ie-overe ontinent of ntrti. exploe. exploite. explore. expline 标准答案:21. fter the 90-minute mth, ll the footll plyers were _. lost. tie. exhuste. exhiite 标准答案:22. How long oes it _to trvel from Xin to Guilin?. use. ost. spen. tke 标准答案:

8、23. Her son ws fille with to eome gret inventor. mition. qulities. knowlege. mness 标准答案:24. Mr. John hs eie tht he will _the rnh ompny set up in the smll town. tke over. h in. put in. le to 标准答案:25. Woul you _holing this ox for me while I open the oor?. like. mtter. plese. min 标准答案: 二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共

9、 10 分。)1. The pple orportion hs mintine its gret suess euse of its ility to unerstn wht the onsumer wnts efore the onsumer even knows wht they wnt. pple hs een le to rete rn in the high tehnology worl just 1 hnel hs in the fshion worl. People n 2 reognize n pple prout whether it e n iPo, iPhone, Moo

10、k ir or iP. pple prouts hve eome efinition of ones ientity. They n show how one esires 3 e seen y soiety s 4 innovtive, intelligent, stylish n stning out from the 5. This is pure mrketing 6. This mrketing genius of pple hs seen the ompny outperform 7 the usiness worls expettions. 8 so mny ompnies re

11、 struggling to rek even in the urrent reession, pples stok is getting stronger 9 the y. The lst three yers hve seen pples profits sor. Tke look t these figures: profit of 8.2 illion in 2007 followe y profit of 11.2 illion in 2008 n most reently profit of 17.2 illion in 2009. Tht is 10 thn 100% growt

12、h in profit from 2007 to 2009-inreile! 1). . when. s. while. who 标准答案:2). . simply. iffiultly. well. esily 标准答案:3). . to. on. in. up 标准答案:4). . lowly. highly. ommonly. espeilly 标准答案:5). . row. people. persons . time 标准答案:6). . goo . genius. thing. soil 标准答案:7). . out. from. eyon . in 标准答案:8). . tht.

13、 Where. How. While 标准答案:9). . in. of. y. on 标准答案:10). . more . less. etter. few 标准答案: 三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)1. rising moon seems lrger euse it ppers frther wy. Why ose the moon seem so muh lrger when its on the horizon thn when its overhe? The question hs perplexe us for millenni. Known s the moon

14、illusion, the effet hs proue some stuies tht show when the moon hngs low in the sky it ppers twie s ig s when it rehes its zenith. Yet the moon remins onstnt, oth in size n istne from the erth.Lloy Kufmn, professor of psyhology n neurl siene t New York University, hs ponere the prolem for more thn 40 yers, n he thought he knew the nswer ut oulnt prove it.



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