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1、西藏大学 硕士学位论文 藏区与内地陶瓷艺术比较研究 姓名:张新杰 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:美术学 指导教师:阿旺晋美 20100420 I 摘 要 本文试图通过研究,力求能为藏区陶瓷艺术发展贡献绵薄之力。 其意义在于挽救这一濒临消失的古老民族文化遗产。 研究方法是坚持 马克思主义唯物史观, 坚持实事求是、 具体问题具体分析的基本方法。 本文重点分析和比较藏区与内地陶瓷艺术起源、制作工艺、器形 及纹饰。内容分五部分: 一、讨论两地陶瓷艺术的起源情况,从对 藏区与内地考古发掘陶器实物的整理和权威机构对陶器鉴定的具体 结果来看,藏区与内地陶器起源约有 2000 多年的差异,但在原始社 会新石器时代

2、,社会生产力发展缓慢,这些差异可以忽略。藏区瓷器 的出现暂定为吐蕃时期, 与内地在唐、 宋时期瓷器的真正完成是同期。 因此,认为藏区与内地陶瓷艺术的起源基本同期;二、探讨藏区与内 地陶瓷工艺异同, 通过两地陶瓷工艺比较, 藏区较内地存在明显差别。 1)制陶瓷原料种类,内地多于藏区。实际上青藏高原地形复杂,天 然矿物资源丰富,制陶瓷原料不缺乏。2)制陶瓷工具方面,内地已 用电动和机械生产,而藏区仍保持手工操作。3)陶瓷器成型、施釉 方面, 其成型方法、 釉的种类、 施釉技巧等方面与内地相比显得很少。 但是,随着制陶瓷艺术的发展,成型方法、釉的种类、施釉技巧等方 面都会随之增加和提高。 另外, 藏

3、中部制陶器用内模具成型很是独特, 内地几乎没有。4)窑炉方面,内地已用电窑、煤气窑等先进窑型来 烧制陶瓷,一般是高温烧制,而藏区仍延用古老的露天堆烧窑等方式 来制陶, 相对属于低温烧制。 藏区陶瓷艺术发展须考虑引进先进窑型, 利用新能源;三、分析藏区与内地陶瓷器形特点,比较两地陶瓷器形 II 显示:1)陶瓷造型两地各具其特点,品种方面藏区与内地相比较少, 一方面,藏区陶瓷业本身就欠发达;另一方面,藏区农业落后于内地 中原,因农业发展与陶瓷业发达程度息息相关。但藏区陶瓷器形民族 特点十分突出。2)藏区陶瓷器形形成与藏族人们生活环境、宗教信 仰等关系密切。其作品极具藏族民俗、藏传佛教、高原地域等特

4、色。 3)内地制陶瓷地区分布广泛。由于自然环境,北方人形成了粗犷、 豪放性格,体现在陶瓷器形上是:大、高等特点。南方人则形成了: 精、巧、薄等风格。总之,内地的陶瓷造型是与内地的自然环境、生 活习俗、文化传统紧密相连。4)最后,我们认为两地器形形成与自 然、民俗、宗教、人文等环境关系密切;四、鉴赏藏区与内地陶瓷纹 饰艺术特色,通过分析两地纹饰特点,明显存在着较大差别。1)陶 瓷装饰基础性研究,藏区严重滞后于内地。内地则十分发达,许多研 究机构对陶瓷原料、釉料和窑炉等研究,成果卓著。2)藏区陶瓷装 饰纹样风格的形成,与人们生活的自然环境关系密切。制陶人长期生 活于此, 他们把生活的感受表现在陶器

5、上, 这是不自觉也是很自然的。 3)内地陶瓷纹饰方面非常发达,主要体现在釉色、绘画、刻花等诸 多方面。由于自然环境,北方人形成了粗犷、豪放的性格,体现在陶 瓷装饰上是:不拘小节、重意轻形等大写意风格。南方人则形成了: 精巧、细腻等个性;作品呈现薄似纸、白似玉、明似镜、声似磬特点。 总之,内地陶瓷纹饰图案多用柔性较多的波折纹、弧线纹等,这些特 点是与内地温和的自然环境、生活习俗、文化传统密切相关。4)单 从两地陶瓷纹饰艺术方面而论, 一般而言, 无发达与滞后之分。 最后, III 我们认识到藏区陶瓷装饰整体上虽不及内地发达,却独具藏文化特 色; 五、比较两地陶瓷艺术及陶瓷业发展和现状,并分析两地

6、由于自 然环境、宗教信仰和文化因素等产生差别的原因。最后针对藏区陶瓷 艺术及陶瓷业现状,提出若干建议及发展“藏式陶艺”的想法。 关键词关键词 陶瓷艺术起源,陶瓷器形,陶瓷纹饰,比较研究 I ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay is to, through our research, do some contributions to the development of Tibetan ceramic art. Its significance is to rescue this endangered ancient ethnic cultural herita

7、ge. Marxism historical materialism and the approaches of “factual” and “factual analysis” are followed in this essay. The focus of this essay is to analyze and compare the origin, manufacture craft, shape and emblazonry of ceramic art between Tibetan Autonomous region and mainland of China. It goes

8、into five parts: 1. the origin of ceramic art in the two areas. According to archaeological discovery and the identification by authoritative institutions, the two areas have a difference of about 2000 years in the origin of pottery. In New Stone Age, social productivity developed extremely slowly,

9、so the difference of 2000 years may be ignored. Based on preliminary conclusion, Tibetan ceramics emerged in Tubo period. It happened chronically with the actual completion of mainland Chinas ceramics in Tang and Song Dynasties. Therefore, we concluded that pottery and ceramic art in Tibetan area an

10、d mainland China basically originated at the same time period. 2. Similarities and differences of the manufacture crafts. After comparison, profound differences are discovered. a) Ceramic raw material. Mainland China has more diversified ceramic raw materials. Actually, Qintai-Tibet Plateau has a va

11、ried topography and rich natural II mineral resources. It doesnt lack of ceramic raw materials. b) Instrument. Mainland China has already adopted electrical and mechanical production, while Tibetan area still maintains manual operation. c) Molding and glazing. The diversity of molding, glaze and gla

12、zing techniques in Tibetan area is very limited compared to that of mainland China. However, it will develop and increase along with the development of ceramic-making crafts. Tibetan area has a very special inner molding craft, which is scarce in mainland China. d) Kiln. Electrical kiln, gas kiln an

13、d other advanced kilns are adopted in mainland China, which are normally high temperature firing, while ancient open-air piling and burning kiln is still practiced in Tibetan area, which is a kind of low temperature firing. Tibetan area shall have plans to introduce advanced kilns and utilize new en

14、ergy. 4. After analyzing the characteristics of the shape of ceramics in the two areas and comparing the shape of ceramics, we find that: a) the two areas ceramic shapes are different from each other. Tibetan areas ceramics is not rich in diversity compared to that of mainland China. One reason is t

15、hat Tibetan ceramic industry is not developed; the second reason is that agriculture in Tibetan area is lagged behind that of mainland China, and the development of ceramic industry is closely related to that of agriculture. However, Tibetan ceramic shapes have developed distinct ethnic flavor. b) T

16、he development of Tibetan ceramic shapes is closely related to Tibetan peoples living environment, III religion, etc. The works are endowed with strong flavor of Tibetan ethnic folk-custom, Tibetan Buddhism, plateau area, etc. c) Ceramic production is widespread in mainland China. Due to natural environment, northerners are rough and bold, and the ceramic works in north China are big and tall. In south China, the ceramics are delicate, exquisite, thin, etc. In a word, the ceramic shape i


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