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1、Lecture 2 基本译学概念,2.1 翻译的标准 2.2 翻译的过程 2.3 译者应当具备的素养,2.1 翻译的标准(criteria of Translation ),1.3.Criteria of translation Criteria of translation is the plumb-line for measuring the quality of a translation and the goal for a translator to strive for. 1) Source-languageoriented principle(以译出语为取向的原则). Chara

2、cteristics: pay extreme attention to the form of the source text, always adopts a word-for-word / line-for-line translation or transliteration. e.g. 他是只纸老虎 He is a paper tiger. 这事让他丢脸 This makes him lose face.,it rains cats and dogs (?) the Milky Way (?) the apple of ones eye (?) 2) Target-language-

3、oriented principle (以译入语为取向的原则) Liberal / free translation: e.g.: What is done is done. 木已成舟 Kicking a man when he is down. 打落水狗/落井下石 Liberal translation: using large number of domestication / adaptation for the readers sake. This is done at the cost of the loss or damage of the original image somet

4、imes. 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮 Two heads are better than one.,3) Author- and reader-oriented principle (以作者和读者为取向的原则) Characteristics: take both the author and the reader into consideration, and strive to be faithful and smooth at the same time. 18世纪英国爱丁堡大学教授,翻译理论家泰特勒(Alexander F. Tytler)提出的三条翻译基本原理: 1. A tran

5、slation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. 2. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. 3. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. “译作应完全复写出原作的思想、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质、译作应具备原作所具有的通顺”等翻译三原则。 玄奘:

6、既须求真又须喻俗 严复: (天演论卷首的译例言) “信、达、雅” ( faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance ),Yan Fus “faithfulness” means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content or thought. His “expressiveness” demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or

7、confused logic and sense. So the first two words as translation criteria are acceptable. But his “elegance” is unadoptable because it refers to the use of classical Chinese before that Han Dynasty. Yan Fu held that only the language before the Han Dynasty could be considered elegant and old vocabula

8、ry, old structure of Chinese must be used in order to represent the original fully and adequately. Therefore he can be said to object to the use of the vernacular or popular language of the people. As a matter of fact, the vernacular began to be in fashion when Yan Fu lived. Facts prove the vernacul

9、ar or the popular language of the people can be used to translate any foreign language in the world.,So many people criticized his “elegance.” Furthermore, His “elegance” can only be regarded as one style. Its opposite is the style of “boldness”. “Elegance” and “boldness ” constitute two different s

10、tyles. Of course there are many other styles in translation. 鲁迅 (题未定草)“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿” 4) Aesthetics-oriented principle (以美学为取向的原则) 傅雷 :(高老头重译本序) 神似(similarity in spirit) 钱钟书:化境 (sublimation / reincarnation) 许渊冲:“三美”(音美,意美,形美 the phonetic beauty, the semantic beauty, the formal beau

11、ty) “三化”(深化法,等化法,浅化法),许渊冲译毛泽东诗词昆仑 而今我谓昆仑,不要这么高,不要这多雪,安得倚天抽宝剑,将汝裁为三节:一节赠欧,一节赠美,一节还东国。 I would give to Europe your crest And to America your breast And leave the orient the rest. 许渊冲贺杨振宁新婚 振宁不老松,杨帆为小翁 多寒情更热,花好驻春风 The ageless wont grow old You sail with your young bride love will warm winter cold sprin

12、g will ever abide. Autumn-spring romance, a December-May couple 老夫少妻 中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装(毛泽东为女民兵题照) Most Chinese daughters have a desire strong To be battle-dressed and not rosy-gowned. To face the powder and not powder the face.,Process of Translation,3 steps Understanding Expressing Checking,2.1 Deep

13、understanding,How to understand: a. first reading , general reading for main idea, theme, background b.second reading, careful reading for details c. final reading for stylistic features, spirit During the process of understanding, 3 types of analyzing: 1)contextual analysis -The slums offered an ug

14、ly contrast to the classical grandeur of official Washington.,-The baseball season opens this afternoon and I suspect that most of official Washington are out at the field, including the president and many of the members of the Cabinet. 2)Logical analysis: - -There is a definite link between smoking

15、 and lung cancer. But this doesnt make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company.,Language Analysis,-General Smith and my father are on first name basis. - last night, I heard him driving his pigs to market.(slang to snore) 2.2 Expressing faithfully and smoothly (keep the foreign flavor,

16、 but avoid translationism),2.2 Expressing,2.2 Expressing faithfully and smoothly (keep the foreign flavor, but avoid translationism翻译腔) Express the content and in the meantime keep the original form mainly including structure arrangement, image, figure of speech,etc.- 我从乡下跑到城里来,一转眼已经六年了。 Version:Six years have passed by in a flash/ in a twinkle since I came to the city from the countryside,Keep the original content, sacrificing the form. -有


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