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1、For unit 7,第二十三期 七年级,N2,TEXT IN FOCUS,【展示】 1. My mother gave me a piece of advice. 我妈妈给我提了一条建议。 2. Our teacher advised us to save water. 我们老师建议我们节约用水。,【总结】 advice是不可数名词,意思是“建议”,“一条建议”表达为a piece of advice,如例1, two pieces of advice意为“两条建议”; advice 的动词形式为advise,常用的结构为advise sb. (not) to do sth.,意思是“建议某

2、人(不要)做某事”,如例2。,advice,词汇讲解,【运用】,根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. 你可以给我提一条关于如何学习英语的建议吗? Could you give me _ _ _ _ about how to study English? 2. 医生建议我每天锻炼身体。 The doctor_ _ _ _ exercise every day.,a piece of advice,advised me to take,【展示】 I agree with you on this matter. 关于这件事,我同意你的看法。 2. I disagree with him alth

3、ough I know his opinion is right. 我不同意他的观点,即使我知道他的观点是正确的。,【总结】 agree和disagree都是动词,它们互为反义,前者是“同意”的意思,如例1;后者是 “不同意”的意思,如例2。其常见的结构为 agree / disagree with sb.,意思是“同意/不同意某人的观点、想法等”。 dis为否定前缴,放在某些动词前表示相反的意思,如:appear和 disappear, like 和 dislike, connect 和 disconnect。,agree&disagree,【运用】,根据汉语意思,完成句子。每空一词。 3.

4、 没有人同意他的观点。 No one_ _ _. 4. 我认为这不是一个好主意,所以我不同意。 I dont think it would be a good idea, so I _.,agrees with him,disagree,【展示】 1. He is worried about tomorrow5 s Maths test. 他为明天的数学考试担忧。 2. Dont worry! Everything will be OK. 不要担心! 一切都会好的。,【总结】 (be) worried about意为“为担忧”,如例1。其同义短语为worry about,意为“担心;担忧”。

5、在(be) worried about 短语中,worried 为形容词,该短语是“系动词+形容词+ about” 的结构,同类型的短语还有(be) strict about,(be) careful about, (be) excited about, (be) angry about等。worried的动词形式为worry,意为 “担心”,如例2。,(be)worried about,【运用】,根据汉语意思,完成句子。每空一词。 5. 他妈妈为他的健康担忧。 His mother _ _ _ his health. 6. 你担心你的学习吗? Do you_ _ your study?,is

6、 worried about,worry about,长难句解析,1. Now hes sitting in his favourite chair Too tired to laugh or play. 现在,他坐在他最喜欢的椅子上,累得既不笑也不玩。,【解析】 tooto do sth.意为“太而不能做某事”。这是一种用不定式表示结果的结构。 例如:He is too tired to move. 他太累而不能动。,长难句解析,2. A crowd of people, All very busy, with tired faces, And just one smile. 一群人,都很忙

7、碌,面带倦容,只有一个微笑。,【解析】 为了达到语言精练的目的,这句话里省略了谓语动词be和there be。如果补全句 子,应是:A crowd of people are all very busy, with tired faces, and there is just one smile。句 中with tired faces作后置定语,修饰前面的 A crowd of people。 例如:I have a dog with three legs. 我有一只三条腿的狗。,句式模仿,1. Then I see him working, on the building site. 之后,

8、我看见他工作,在建筑工地上。,【解析】 see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”。building site意为“建筑工地”。 例如:I saw Jack playing basketball with his father when I passed the playground. 当我路过操场时,我看见杰克正在和他父亲打篮球。,句式模仿,2. Theyre hurrying to work. 他们匆忙去上班。,【解析】 hurry to do sth.意为“赶快,匆忙,急忙 (做某事)”,与rush意思相似。 例如:She hurries to open her gi

9、ft. 她急忙打开她的礼物。,【操练场】,根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 1. 昨天晚上我看见迈克在图书馆里学习英语。 I _ _ _ _ in the library last night. 2. 因为起晚了,莉莉今天早晨匆忙地洗了个脸。 Because of getting up late, Lily_ _ _ her face this morning.,saw Mike studying English,hurried to wash,走进课文,根据Reading部分的内容,将下面的内容补充完整。 1. The writers father works on_. 2. The wr

10、iters father is_ when he is walking on a narrow piece of wood. 3. The writer thinks his / her father is a_ at last. 4. _ is always smiling. 5. People rush out when a bus stops, because _.,a building site,not afraid,superman,The old newspaper seller,they are hurrying to work,Unit 7短语聚会 (Reading - Lis

11、tening),1. (not) at all 2. building site 3. (be) worried about 4. newspaper stand 5. rush out 6. a crowd of,一点也(不);完全(不) 建筑工地 为担忧 报摊 冲出去 一群,Unit 7短语聚会 (Reading - Listening),7. walk through 8. feel unhappy about 9. at the same time 10. have time to do sth. 11. put down,经过;通过 对感到不高兴 同时 有时间做某事 放下,【操练场】

12、,根据句意选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。 1. Tom likes watching movies, but Alex doesnt like watching movies _ _. 2. Lily_ _ _ her study, because she asked for leave last month. 3. There is a _ _ near my school, so Mr Wu buys a newspaper every morning.,at all,is worried about,newspaper stand,【操练场】,4. When I heard

13、 that news, tears _ _ from my eyes. 5. _ _ _ students are singing and dancing in the playground now. 6. My mother can do housework and cook dinner_ _ _ _.,rushed out,A crowd of,at the same time,N3,MINI TEST,1. poem (复数) _ 2. feel (名词) _ 3. order (复数) _ 4. advise (名词) _ 5. group (复数) _,poems,feeling,

14、orders,第一课时,I. 按要求写出相应的单词。,advice,groups,6. agree (反义词) _ 7. rush (第三人称单数) _ 8. high (名词)_ 9. sell (名词) _ 10. smile (过去式) _,disagree,rushes,height,seller,smiled,II. 词组汉译英。 11. 一也(不);完全(不) _ 12. 为担忧 _ 13. 报摊 _ 14. 冲出去 _ 15. 一群 _,a crowd of,(not) at all,(be) worried about,newspaper stand,rush out,16. 经过;通过 _ 17. 对感到不高兴:_ 18. 同时_ 19. 遵守规则 _ 20. 敲门 _,knock on the door,walk through,feel unhappy about,at the same time,follow the rules,III.选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。


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