请勿吸烟 吸烟的危害英文演示ppt讲稿

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《请勿吸烟 吸烟的危害英文演示ppt讲稿》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《请勿吸烟 吸烟的危害英文演示ppt讲稿(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Smoking Ban & Personal Chioce,Unit 5,Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,烟草控制框架公约 公约规定了政府部门扭转烟草使用问题时必须采取的最低限度的行动。其中以下条款是重要的控烟措施: 第5.3条:防止受到烟草业的影响 第6条: 减少烟草需求的价格和税收措施 第8条: 防止接触烟草烟雾 第11条: 烟草制品的包装和标签 第13条: 烟草广告、促销和赞助,Quit smoking policies in different countries,Canada: Canada, cigarette seems to “s

2、teal sell“, neither signs nor cigarettes placed in a conspicuous place. The country has been willing to take the price mechanism and reduce the product availability and other means to reduce adolescent smoking behavior, so many young people like smoking tobacco, widespread phenomenon reflects Canadi

3、an tobacco control strategy is facing new challenges of smoking smuggled cigarettes. Australia: in the Australian city, is very easy to find the cigarettes sold in convenience stores. However, Australias most expensive cigarettes also have a $11 package ($1 about 5.88 yuan). The countrys indoor smok

4、ing ban more stringent, even the most hotel rooms are not allowed to smoke, so be compelled helpless smokers were on the street. Stop smoking in the street but the time is 5 minutes, will meet three or four for cigarette “poor“, and also for cigarettes for good face East Asian populations. American:

5、 Americans hate “online sales of smoke“, because the relevant provisions of the state on a smoke-free policy is very strict, some tobacconists network selling cigarettes, and some consumer groups, to the young people and the state tax is a big challenge. To this end, the country in March 31st of thi

6、s year, “signed by President Obama against all illegal tobacco transportation bill“, archives and inventory and ordered federal tobacco and firearms America review explosives administration online sales of tobacco, to ensure that they comply with the new rules, violate the act of a person will be se

7、verely,Japan: Japanese law prohibits selling alcohol to minors, as early as 1900 (Meiji 33 years), Japan announced the “ban minors from smoking law“ provisions, minors under the age of 20 can not smoking. Subject to this constraint, almost every convenience store on the age of the examination is ver

8、y strict, buy cigarettes will customers be the clerk asked for identification. Therefore, the Japanese children generally cant buy cigarettes. At the beginning of the countrys tourism smokers may encounter such a situation: “buy alcohol and tobacco, age certification!“ Britain: British ban explicitl

9、y pointed out that smoking is not allowed in public places, and love bar and night life of young consumer generation for this reason has rarely visit these places, so that some bar had to close. Previously, suggests British Conservative MP, said the government should re-examine the introduction of t

10、he ban, to close the tide to prevent appearance of bars and other indoor public places of entertainment.,加拿大:在加拿大,香烟似乎是在“偷着卖”,既没有招牌也不把香烟摆在显眼处。该国一直希望通过采取价格机制和减少产品的易得性等手段来减少青少年的吸烟行为,因此许多年轻人喜欢吸食走私烟,广泛存在的吸食走私卷烟的现象折射出加拿大烟草控制策略正面临新的挑战。 澳大利亚:在澳大利亚的城市,则很容易就能找到卖香烟的便利店。不过,澳大利亚最便宜的香烟也要11澳元一包(1澳元约合人民币5.88元)。该国的

11、室内禁烟规定比较严格,连大部分旅馆的房间里也不允许吸烟,所以被逼无奈的烟民全都上了街。站在街上吸烟的时间不过是5分钟,就会遇到三四个讨要香烟的“穷人”,并且讨要香烟还主要面向好面子的东亚人群。 美国:美国人也恨“网上售烟”,因为国家禁烟政策的相关规定相当严格,一些烟贩网络叫卖香烟,并且部分消费群体,对青少年的身心和国家税收都是一个大挑战。为此,该国与今年3月31日,由总统奥巴马签署禁止一切非法卷烟运输法案,同时严令美国联邦烟酒枪械爆炸物管理局审查网上售烟者的档案和库存情况,确保他们遵守新的规则,触犯法案条款的人将被从重处罚。,日本:日本法律禁止卖烟酒给未成年人,早在1900年(明治33年),日

12、本就公布了“禁止未成年者吸烟法”,规定未满20岁的未成年人不能吸烟。受此约束,几乎每一家便利店对年龄的检查都很严格,买烟的顾客会被店员要求出示证件。因此,日本的小孩子一般是买不到卷烟的。初到该国旅游的烟民可能都会碰到这么一个情况:“买烟酒,需要年龄认证!” 英国:英国的禁烟令明确指出不允许在公共场所吸烟,而热爱酒吧等夜生活的年轻消费一代则因为这一原因已经很少光顾这些地方,因此使得一些酒吧等不得不关门停业。此前,英国保守党议员提出建议,认为政府应该重新审查所出台的禁烟令,以阻止已出现的酒吧等室内公共娱乐场所的关门潮。,Comparison of Chinese and foreign cigar

13、ettes,Chinese cigarettes:,Chinese cigarettes abroad,Cigarette ingredients,Harmful ingredients of cigarettes 1 Nicotine : The main active ingredient in cigarettes , can stimulate the body will also addictive . Acetone 2 : Influence of the skin, oral cavity, kidney, liver and can lead to nerve damage

14、and birth defects. 3 Aluminum: can lead to contact dermatitis ; also Alzheimers disease and related . 4 ammonia / ammonia : alveolar damage . 5 Arsenic : visceral poisoning, and can cause cancer. 6 benzene : Toxic ; IARC listed as first class carcinogen : irritability , drowsiness , dizziness , rapi

15、d heartbeat , headache , tremor, confusion, vomiting, unconsciousness and death. 7 butane : If carbon monoxide / dioxide inadequate air supply , will produce carbon ( carbon black ) and carbon monoxide lung cut off oxygen to the heart touching breathing , leading to a closed death. 8 Cadmium : effec

16、ts of the respiratory tract, affecting the kidneys, affecting the liver , rickets and other diseases. 9 Cs : caffeine lead to irritability : to stimulate the nerve center of the human brain , the body can render sleep state. 10 Carbon monoxide : lead to headaches, respiratory problems, dizzy , and unconscious of carbon dioxide : toxic gases, such as inhaled gases , enabling the body breathing difficulties , lung cancer and hepatitis. 11 chloroform : Baby lead to liver and kidney



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