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1、华中科技大学硕士学位论文分类号 学号 M201270404 学校代码 10487 密级 硕士学位论文三维T型接头的六联动激光焊接及跟踪补偿技术学位申请人 : 梁斌焱学 科 专 业:机械电子工程指 导 教 师:龚时华 教授答 辩 日 期: 2015年5月20日 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of EngineeringSimulation?3D T-joint Dual-beam Laser Welding with Six-Axis Simultaneo

2、us Control and Seam Tracking TechnologyCandidate:Liang BanyanMajor :Mechatronic EngineeringSupervisor :Prof. Gong ShihuaHuazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei 430074, P. R. ChinaMay, 2015II独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。

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4、 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文摘 要激光焊接T型接头应用十分广泛,在航空航天、汽车、船舶领域占有十分重要的地位,T型接头的加工质量往往影响着整个结构件的质量。T接头的激光焊接工艺性要求非常高,经常会出现气孔、裂缝、焊接偏斜等问题,这些问题往往会造成严重的后果,因此针对T型接头的激光焊接成为一个重要研究方向。三维T型接头的焊接往往采用机器人示教焊接,不仅加工精度低,而且往往先焊接一侧,再焊接另外一侧,焊接变形大;焊接过程中焊接点往往偏离焊接路径,使得焊件报废;小型机床难于加工大尺寸的整体结构件。 针对上述问题,本文搭建了大跨度高架桥式机械结构的焊接平台,满足大尺寸整体件的焊接需求,同时针对T型接头


6、传感器,能够实时检测焊接偏差,通过独立式偏差补偿系统,实现了对焊接偏差的实时补偿技术。通过实际的跟踪补偿实验验证了跟踪补偿效果,跟踪精度满足要求。通过实际的焊接实验,完成对试验件的焊接,结果表明针对三维T型接头的双路焊接和跟踪补偿满足加工要求。关键词:三维T型接头 六联动 双路焊接 跟踪补偿 AbstractLaser welding of T joint application is very extensive, occupy a very important position in the field of aerospace, automobile and ship. The qual

7、ity of T joints often affects the quality of the whole structure. T laser welding joint has a lot of problems in process, for example crack, porosity, welding deviation and other issues. Based on T joint welding has become an important research direction.Three dimensional T joint in some important o

8、ccasions, occupy an important position. At the same time, there are some technical difficulties in welding. Three-dimensional T joint is often welded by robot teaching-position, which has a low precision. The process of welding one side after another brings some problems, such as distorting and crac

9、ks. Welding spot often deviate from welding path, making the welding scrap. Small machine tools are difficult to process large size structure.In view of the above problems, this paper built a large span overhead welding platform mechanical structure, meeting the demand of large size welding and both

10、 sides welding at the same time for T joints. We design a three rotating structure of the welding structure, which is equipped with dual cross slide for both sides of the weld T joint measurement and compensation.We build a motion controller + industrial tablet computer open CNC system and build sof

11、tware and hardware platform of the upper and lower machine structure. Then we developed a friendly man-machine interactive interface. The study on the control system of a single axis high speed high precision control technology and the ten axis six linkage control technology is showed in detail.Base

12、d on the coordinate system, we solve the kinematics model of the welding machine and the coordinates of the vector information, using the technology of 3D trajectory planning of welding path, achieving the high precision control technology of three-dimensional welding path.Both welding sides using d

13、etecting sensor based on machine vision, to real-time detect the weld deviation, realize the real-time compensation technology of welding deviation.By tracking the compensation experiments verify the compensation effect and the tracking accuracy. Through the actual welding experiments, we complete w

14、elding test, results show that the double way for three dimensional T joints can meet the processing requirements and tracking compensation.Keywords: 3D T-joint, Axis Simultaneous Control, Dual-beam Laser Welding, Tracking control 目录摘 要IAbstractII1 绪论11.1 课题来源及研究背景11.2 三维激光焊接的国内外研究概况31.3 课题研究内容72 六联

15、动三维焊接及跟踪补偿控制平台92.1六联动三维焊接及跟踪补偿控制平台的机械结构实施方案92.2 三向旋转结构的双侧激光焊接方案102.3六联动三维焊接及跟踪补偿控制系统的软硬件平台142.4 本章小结223 三维激光焊接的十轴六联动运动控制策略与运动学算法233.1 高精度PID+Feedforward+Notch Filter位置控制技术233.2十轴六联动的多轴运动控制策略283.3 基于交叉耦合的横梁X轴双电机同步方案324双路激光焊接的三维焊接路径控制技术与实现374.1 双路激光焊接平台轨迹规划的运动学建模分析374.2 三维T型接头的三维焊接路径和参数控制404.3 三维焊接路径的运动学算法的实现414.4 本章小结435 T型接头的焊缝实时测量与跟踪闭环控制技术445.1 T型接头的焊接偏差


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