贵州清酒 徐业松译

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《贵州清酒 徐业松译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《贵州清酒 徐业松译(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 清酒 徐业松译产地介绍镇远,一座拥有两千多年历史的文化古城,一处县境内“山山有险峰,水水有妙境”的人间福地。1878平方公里的灵山秀水,滋养着二十多万勤劳的人民,古老悠久的历史文化大河,流传着生生不息的完美追求。 一千多年前,这里曾出产了一种名叫“钓藤”的美酒,醉倒了多少深入此地的文人墨客;一千多年后,这里又传承了一种融汇着中国交际文化和洞藏文化的醇香美酒,伴随着共和国一起成长,在中国白酒的舞台上书写下了不朽的篇章,让大河上下、长城内外感受到了来自遥远历史的醇美酒香The Introduction of OriginZhenyuan , it is an ancient civilizati

2、on city and has more than 2000 years history . And it is a blessed place where mountains are high and dangerous and waters are beautiful and mythic . In 1878 kilometers of the soul mountains and graceful water , Zhenyuan nourishes 200,000 industrious people and hand down the perfect pursuit endlessl

3、y within the ancient and long history culture. 1000 years ago , there was a good liquor called“Diao teng”in English from the literary, it can translate as “fishing vine “. It made a mount of men of letters drunk who visited here. However , after 1000 years , Zhenyuan inherited a fragrant liquor agai

4、n which merged the Chinese communicative culture and cave storage culture. The type of liquor is developing with The Peoples Republic of China . And It had written immortal chapters in the stage of Chinese liquor , which makes those who come from home and aboard to feel the fragrant liquor from the

5、distant history.2发展历程1955年,青溪地区几家较大的白酒作坊经公私合营,在青溪河畔的徐家湾组建了青溪酒厂。创建初期的青溪酒厂,仅有十几人,沿袭着传统的酿酒工艺,用近乎原始的生产工具开始了艰苦的创业。1958年,青溪酒厂转为国有企业。The Process of Development In 1955 , Some larger workshops of liquid in Qingxi area is run by the joint state-private ownership ,which was set up into a distillery in Xu Jia

6、Wan , Qingxi riverside. At the beginning , the distillery just had more than 10 employees ,but it inherited the traditional wine- making technology and it almost used to apply the primitive tools to start the business difficultly . And in 1958, Qing xi distillery became a state-owned enterprise. 3走出

7、贵州1996年9月,带着十年磨一剑的自信,青酒人来到了省城贵阳。在当时的贵州都市报上,发出了令人震耳发聩的疑问:“贵州酒怎么了?!”同时发表了充满自信的宣言:“明天,将有一种新的酒,给贵州酒带来新的希望”!也正是在这几期广告上,青酒开始亮剑,以后来被公认为绝妙而堪称经典的广告语“喝杯青酒,交个朋友”,由衷地表达了自己的品牌愿景;在平实而通俗中,传神地表达了中国人通常喝酒交际的目的,真诚地表达了人与人之间渴望沟通、渴望友情的内心世界! Out of Guizhou In September ,1996 , with the confidence which is the decade to wh

8、et a sword , the sake manufactures came into the capital of Guizhou province and published a shaking and enlightening question “ What wrong with Guizhou liquor ?”. Simultaneously , they claimed confidently “Tomorrow , there is a new liquor of being born. And it will bring a hope to Guizhou liquor !”

9、Due to these advertisements , the sake began to be popular and also they have a exquisite and classical slogan “drink a glass of sake and make a friend with you. ” . Unfeignedly , it expressed its vision for the own brand. In the plain and common words , its slogan vividly conveys Chinese purpose wh

10、en they drink . And It sincerely express the inner world that people are eager to the communication and friendship each other .6青酒文化有人说,青酒的崛起,除了过硬的产品品质,新颖的营销手段,以及那句深入人心的广告语外,还因为青酒的“青”字大有玄机:“青”象征着一种活力,一种生机,隐含着一种人类潜意识里的内心渴望,它包含了厂址青溪镇,包含了镇远闻名全国、享誉东南亚的国家级重点文物保护单位青龙洞,同时,“青”也是指东方的玄鸟,所以,青酒才会有如此迅猛地发展! Sake(

11、Qingjiu Culture) It is said that the sake grows up ,which depends on the good quality of production ,the novel marketing strategies and the impressive slogan and besides Qing (in English ,green) ,it has a profound meaning in the characters Qingjiu . Qing , it symbolizes the energy and vitality ,whic

12、h implies an inner desire in human beingssubconsciousness .And it contains the address of Qingxi plant and QingLong Cave that is celebrated in the overall nation and Southeast Asia as a national cultural relic protection unit . Meanwhile , Qing also refers to the oriental swallow , so that the sake

13、can develop rapidly .清酒的酿制 贵州名酒青酒由镇远县青溪东郊舞阳河南岸的青溪酒厂酿造生产。这一名酒利用从新庵石洞中涌出的优质矿泉水,继承了传统的名酒酿造技术精酿而成。青酒的酿制以优质的高粱为原料,经与矿泉水加工处理之后,置入特制的地窖中长期存放,然后才精制成成品出厂。 The Brew of Sake (Qingjiu) Guizhou celebrated liquor , sake (Qingjiu) is made in Qingxi plant where it located in the southern bank of Wuyang River , Zhen

14、yuan county. This type of celebrated liquor applies the good mineral spring water from Xing ans stone holes and inherits the traditional brewing technologies to make it. The Kaoliang in good quality is used as the material of brewing sake(Qingjiu) . It can be refined into the finished commodities to sale , after processing with mineral spring water and conserving them in a particular cellar for a long time . 2014年6月13


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