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1、办公室设计合同 合 同 号:_ 签订日期:_ 签订地点:_ 根据中华人民共和国合同法以及其他相关法律、法规,结合室内装饰的特点,经甲、乙双方友好协商,甲方委托乙方承担室内装饰设计,并达成如下协议。 一、甲方委托室内设计的地址_ ,房型_,总面积_平方米。 二、甲方委托乙方室内设计,且乙方不负责施工,其设计收费标准为每平方米 _美元,收取设计费共计_美元。甲方应在合同签署时付首期50% 设计费,并与乙方约定上门测量的时间和地点。乙方设计师在测量后_天内完成平面布置图及顶面布置图。 三、乙方完成初步设计方案后,甲方与乙方设计师经过沟通同意,填写设计方案进程表。甲方应支付设计费余款,乙方设计师将在_

2、天内完成全套装潢设计图。 四、 图纸完成后,甲方如有更改意见,再与乙方设计师沟通。乙方根据协商方案,绘制更改图纸,双方再次填写设计方案进程表。图纸更改确认后,乙方将全套图纸交给甲方使用。 五、施工过程中,乙方设计师应至少有三次去现场指导施工,以达到设计效果。 六、违约责任: 1.乙方未在约定时间内完成设计图且延期时间在_天内的,每延期一天应当支付设计费总价的 3% 违约金给甲方。 2. 乙方延期_天以上未完成设计图的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方应退还甲方的设计费用,并承担设计费总价 50% 的违约金。 3. 乙方无故终止合同,除退还甲方所交的设计费用外,还应按合同规定的设计费总价的 50% 作为违

3、约金付给甲方。 七、设计合同经双方签字认可后,甲方必须按合同约定支付设计费。如甲方中途取消合同,乙方不再退还已收取的设计费。 八、除本合同外,甲乙双方之间的所有往来函件,乙方给甲方的资料、图纸等均采用英文。 九、本合同中如有未尽事宜,由双方协商解决, 协商不成,由甲方所在地人民法院裁决。 十、本合同经甲、乙双方签字或盖章后生效。本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同正本一式四份,双方各二份。 委托方: _服务方: _ 授权代表签字: _授权代表签字:_ 签字日期: _签字日期:_ OFFICE DESIGN CONTRACT Contract No.:_. Date of S

4、ignature: _. Place of Signature: _ According to the “Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China“ as well as other relevant laws and regulations,combined with the characteristics of interior decoration, Party A appoints party B to design an interior for office,and two sides hereby enter this Contract

5、through friendly negotiation. Article 1:Office location: _ room chamber: _. Office size: The total floor area is approximately _. Article 2:Party A appoints party B to design office, and Part B is not responsible for the construction. Design charges_ USD per square meter, totally_ USD. Party A shoul

6、d pay party B 50% of the design fee as advance payment upon signing this agreement, and agreed with the B-site measuring time and place. The designer of party B should complete the floor plan and top layout in _days after measurement. Article 3:When Party B finish preliminary design scheme, party A

7、and party B fill out the design process after discussion. Party B should pay the remaining 50% of the design fee, and the designer of party B should complete the general design drawings in _days. Article 4 :After the completion of the drawings, if has any changes Party A can communicate with the des

8、igner of Party B. Party B must make design changes to drawings according to the consensus, and resubmit the design process. After the drawings confirmation, Party B should sent the design drawings to party A. Article 5:During the decoration process,Party B must sent to the site to guide at least 3 t

9、imes to reach the best effect. Article 6 :Liability for breach 6.1 If Party B does not complete the design drawings by the appointed time and extension of time within 20 days, it should pay 3% of the design fee each day to Party A for the delay. 6.2 If Party B delay more than_ days to complete the a

10、rtwork, Party A has the right to rescind the contract, and take back the design cost. Besides, Party B should pay 50% of total design charge as compensation for breach of contract 6.3 In the event that Party B terminates this contract unexcused, it should return the received design fee and bear 50%

11、of the design fee as the compensation. Article 7:This contract will come into force after being signed by both parties, Party A must pay the design charge to Party B on time. And party B has the right to refuse of returning the design cost when party A broke the contract unilateral. Article 8:Corres

12、pondence except this Contract between Party A and Party B, documents and drawings prepared by Party B shall be in the English language. Article 9:There are outstanding issues such as contracts, both sides resolved through consultation. Or that can be accomplished by the peoples court ruling by the s

13、eat of Party A. Article 10:This Contract shall come into force after the signatures by the authorized representatives of both parties. The Contract is made in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, both versions are equally authentic. The Contract is in four (4) originals, two (2) for the Party A and two (2) for the Party B. Client: _Receiver: _ Signature:_ Signature: _ Date:_ Date:_



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