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1、参考资料1、磁场电流产生磁场,在螺线管中,或在磁路中电流的产生的磁场为:在这一个表式中,采用国际单位制, H单位为安培 /米( A/m), N为匝数, I为电流,单位安培( A), l为螺线管或磁路长度,单位为米( m)。在磁芯中,加正弦波电流,可用有效磁路长度 le来计算磁场强度:2、磁通密度、磁极化强度、磁化强度在磁性材料中,加强磁场H时,引起磁通密度变化,其表现为:B=0H + J或 B=0 (H +M)B为磁通密度,亦称磁感应强度, J称磁极化强度, M称磁化强度,0 为真空磁导率,其值为 4 10-7亨利 /米( H/m)。B、 J单位特斯拉, H、 M单位为 A/m,1 T=104

2、Gs。在磁芯中可用有效面积 Ae来计算磁通密度:电压单位伏特( V),频率单位 Hz, N为匝数, B单位( T), Ae单位为 m2。3、饱和磁通密度、剩余磁化强度、矫顽力B和 H的关系除在真空中和在磁性材料中小磁化场下具有线性关系外,一般具有非线性关系,即具有所谓磁滞回线性质:H=NIl正弦波为: B= 0.225VfNAe主要概念与定义lOe= 79.58A/m1 1034H= (A/m)2 IN le69 Bs为饱和磁化强度, Br为剩余磁化强度, Hc为矫顽力。Hs为饱和磁化场,不同磁性材料产,磁滞回线表现形式不一样, Bs、 Br、 Hc、 Hs都不一样。4、磁导率1) 称绝对磁导

3、率,是有量纲的。2) ,r称相对磁导率,是无量纲的,是一个数值。我们平常用的大都是相对磁导率,且把脚标 r 省去。3) 称初始磁导率,它与温度、频率有关。测量时在一定温度、一定频率、很低的磁通密度(或很小的磁场)、闭合磁路中进行。在实际测量中,规定:磁化场 H所产生的磁通密度应小于 1mT,一般 B为 0.1mT,但亦有许多特殊情况中,应加以注意。4)在磁路中存在气隙,即非闭合磁路条件下,测得的磁导率为有效磁导率:g是气隙长度, le是有效磁路长度。这一表示,仅是小气隙 g下的一种近似。在大气隙下,磁通要穿过气隙的外部,其有效磁导率将大于按上式计算所得之值。5)在没有偏置磁场的情况下,磁场 H

4、较大时,该磁场 H产生磁通密度 B,则这时,6)在具有直流偏置磁场时,再加上一个交流磁场,这时测得的磁导率称为增量磁导率。在直流迭加状态下测得的电感,计算出的磁导率近似于增量磁导率。7)上述 1)6)的磁导率都是频率较低,或接近直流状态下测得的磁导率,在频率较高时,其磁导率表现为复数磁导率。10 =iBH(H0)10 = ,称振幅磁导率。BH=0 (1+ ) =absoluteM HBH=0 r 10 =BH HDC=ei1+gi / le7071在串联电路中为 =s-js在并联电路中为 = -s,s,p,p,都是频率的函数。5、阻抗电感产生感抗 XL=jL,电容产生容抗 Xc= ,二者总称为

5、电抗,纯电阻 R。三者总称阻抗,在磁性器件讨论中,相对低的频率下,我们忽略容抗,只讨论电阻和感抗,且有串联电路和并联电路之分。Zs、 Zp都与频率有关,其特性称为阻抗频率特性,它与磁性材料频率特性有关。另外,它们与绕组参数有关。在复数磁导率中,其频率特性表现为 , 的频率特性。阻抗频率特性,实际上是磁性器件的特性,并非是材料的特性。6、损耗因子表示小信号下材料的损耗特性。由于磁芯损耗,引起信号相移,其表示为:tgm称为损耗因子,表示的是损耗功率与贮能的比值。因磁芯损耗包括磁滞损耗,涡流损耗、剩余损耗,所以损耗因子可表示为:tgm= tgh + tge + tgr ,分别称为磁滞、涡流、剩余损耗

6、因子。7、比损耗因子或 称比损耗因子,与材料几何尺寸无关,表示小信号下材料的损耗特性。8、气隙的影响当磁路中有气隙时,其损耗因子为带气隙损耗因子, (tg)gap它与无气隙时损耗因子的关系为:11ptgmitgi串联电路中阻抗 Zs=Rs+jLs并联电路中阻抗 Zp=11/(jLp)+1/RpRLtgm= =1jC1jp串联电路并联电路 因 e、 i1,所以有:由于e1, the above equation becomesWhere ei , It is clear that (tg)gaptg, Q value increasingAfter the gap is made, the in

7、ternal magnetic intensity of core decreases in large scale, form the formulaHi=He-Hd=He-NM, we could see when demagnetising factor N increases, Hi will decrease on the contrary. Here He is the magnetic field produced by the winding with current(He= ),m is intensity of magnetization,demagnetising fac

8、tor is 04, if magnetic circuit is closed,N=0, when the gap is bigger, demagnetising factor is bigger,and it is the same on the contrary. Gap-making will increase the stability of magnetic field and tempera-ture.9. Quality factor QWhen magnetic device is used as electric inductance in wave filter, it

9、s property is usually characteriaed using quality factor Q.When Rtotis total resistance including coil and core resistance. Rtotindicates loss including magnetic coreloss and copper wire loss. Q value is cloesly related to frequency and coil parameters.10. Power loss in large signal fieldIn large si

10、ngnal field, magnetic core loss can be expressed as:Pm=Ph+Pe+Pr, When Ph, Pe, and Prindicate hysteresis loss, eddy loss and residual loss respectively. In power ferrite, Pmis often used to analyze power loss, interpreted as dividing the total power loss and then analysing the cause and cores of powe

11、r loss. 11. Temperature coefficient and specific temperature coefficient.Temperatuer factor is: i= Where i1,i2 indicate initial permeability at T1, T2respectively.Sepcific temperature factor is:i and ir all indicate temperature stability of permeability.12. Dropping coefficient and Specific dropping

12、 coefficient.Dropping coefficient is:Where i1,i2 indicate initial permeability at the same temperature at different time t1 , t2respectively.Sepcific dropping coefficient is:Both DAand DFindicates the change under the influence of magnetic interference and mechanical lash.78NIle(tg)gape-1tgi-1=(tg)g

13、apetgi=, i.e(tg)gap=tgei1tgLRtotQ = = ir= = ii1i2-i1(i1)21T2-T1i2-i1i11T2-T1DA= i1-i2i11lg( t2 /t1 )DF= = i1-i2(i1)21lg( t2 /t1 )DAi113. Electric inductance factor ALThe inductance value of an electric inductance or a transformer with N turn coils is L. It defines that AL= , When the unit AL is , ta

14、king N=100 commonly, but sometimes the parameter of AL is not used, because when the turns of winding are too many and in circumstance of closed magnetic circuit the magaetic flied is likely to enter m area or approach saturation area.When without the gap, i= AL, where C1 of core parameters is mm-1,

15、 AL is .AL value is related to the size and surface roughness of the gap. If known AL value and magnetic core size, one can easily obtain permeability i used material.13. Static field effect -DC superpositionWhen an alternate field and a DC field act on a magnetic core simultaneously, it is called static mag-netic influence. Someti


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