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1、公文管理规定第一条 本公司公文,是传达贯彻上级指示精神、请示和答复问题,指导或商洽工作的重要工具。第二条 本公司公文,实行统一管理。公文的管理,要做到规范、准确、及时、安全。行文单位,要克服官僚主义和文牍主义。第三条各部室、各单位及各有关人员,对公文中涉及国家、政府或本公司应保密的事项,必须严守机密,不准随便向他人泄露。公文保密等级分为:绝密、机密、秘密三种,其他为一般文件。绝密、机密文件打印一定要用专用磁盘。绝密文件只能印一份,由起草人送有阅文资格的人员传阅,机密文件按审阅人数打印,阅完后由起草人收回归档。秘密文件由阅文人妥善保管。第四条 文件机密级数,由发文单位的主管领导根据文件内容确定。

2、第伍条 公司发文的程序为:拟搞、审核(部门领导)、签发(公司领导)打印、发文催办、立卷、归档、销毁等。第陆条 公司收文的处理程序为:收文、分文、传送、催办、立卷、归档。第六条 草拟公文应注意以下事项:(一)内容要符合党和国家的路线、方针、政策、法律、法令及地方性行政规章。(二)反映情况要客观,实事求是。(三)文字要准确、精炼,条理要清楚,层次要分明,结构要紧密,用语要规范。(四)人、地、物名、引文及时间要具体、准确。第七条 各级领导对送来的公文要及时阅批,急件的,当天批复;一般文件的,三天内批复。第八条 各级领导阅、批公文应仔细认真,阅完后要签名并注明日期,不得圈阅。需要签署具体意见的,要明确

3、、具体。第九条 公司所有发文,发文单位应有存档,并将文件原稿(经领导签字)审核稿件连同正本二份送总裁办档案室存档。有领导指示的,还应附批复件。第十条 收文由总裁办公室统一负责。总裁办收文后,应先做好归类、登记,然后根据文件的内容,分送有关领导阅示。阅示完毕后,由总裁办收回归档。第十一条 所有文件发放,一定要有登记、签收手续。第十二条 公司发文,一定要由总裁办统一编号:(一)以公司名义对外发文,一律字(年)号;(二)公司党总支发文,用党字(年)号;(三)以工会、共青团、妇联名义发文,用政字(年)号;(四)公司监事会发文,用监字(年)号;(五)董事局发文,用董字(年)号;(六)董事局委员会发文,用

4、董字(年号;(七)董事局委员会所属机构发文,用董字(年)号;(八)其他管理部门的发文,用字(年)号。第十三条 董事会机构及经营管理部门除经对方同意,一般不对外发文。第十四条 红头文件,只适用于需遵照执行的制度、规定、决定、决议、纪要、任命等,其他文件一般用公司信笺印发。Document Management provides Article The company documents, is to convey the spirit of implementing the directives of superiors, referrals and answer questions, guid

5、e or arrange with the important tools. Article The company documents, the implementation of unified management. Document management, should be standardized, accurate, timely, secure. Textual units, to overcome the bureaucracy and red tape. Article Department and office, all units and all the staff o

6、f the documents involved in the country, the government or the company should be confidential and must be strictly confidential and are not allowed to divulge to others casually. Official grading is divided into: top secret, secret, secret of three, the other for general documents. Top secret, class

7、ified documents must use special disk printing. Top-secret files can only print one copy sent by the drafters of qualified personnel have access to the text circulated by reviewing the number of confidential documents to print, read the finished file back from the authors. Access to secret documents

8、 by the author safekeeping. Article Confidential document series, led by the charge of the unit issued a document under the File Content. Article Article Ng The company issued a document of the program are: to be engaged to examine (department heads), the issue of (corporate leaders) to print, the p

9、ublishing Reminders, Filing, archiving, destruction. Lu Article No. The company received text handler to: receive the text, nothing, transmit, reminders, dossier, archive. Article Drafting of the document should note the following: (A) the content must comply with the party and the countrys line, pr

10、inciples, policies, laws, decrees and local administrative rules. (B) reflect the situation to be objective and realistic. (C) of the text to be accurate, refined, structured to be clear, the level should be clear, the structure should be close to standardize terminology. (D) of people, places, name

11、s, quotations, and time to be specific and accurate. Article Leaders at all levels of the document sent to timely access to approved, urgent, and the day of approval; general documents, within three days of approval. Article VIII Leaders at all levels read, approved documents should be carefully ser

12、iously, read finished to sign and date shall not Markup. Required to sign specific comments, and must be clear and specific. Article Companies of all issued a document, the publishing unit should be archived, and original documents (signed by the leaders) review the original manuscript, together wit

13、h two copies sent to Presidents Office Records Office archives. Leadership instruction, approved documents should be attached. Article Receipt by the Office of unity by the president responsible. Presidents Office after receipt, should do a good job classification, registration, and then contents of

14、 the document sent to the leaders read display. After reading show, filed by the president to do to recover. Article Release all the documents, must be registered, sign procedures. Article XII The company issued a document, must be unified by the Presidents Office No.: (A) the external name of a com

15、pany issued a document, all words ( years) number; (B) Company Party Branch issued a document, the party with the words ( years) number; (C) of the trade unions, Communist Youth League issued a document name, use G word ( years) number; (D) of the Supervisory Board issued a document with the word surveillance ( years) number;


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