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1、Example 1: Schindlers ListThe best Holocaust movie ever made is Life is Beautiful. However, since Life is Beautiful came out in 1997, there has to have been another film that held the title before Benignis comic masterpiece came along and snatched it away. That film is Schindlers List.Schindlers Lis

2、t is the true story of Oscar Schindler, a Nazi party member, a war profiteer, and a man responsible for saving the lives of over 2000 Jews in the Holocaust. As would be expected from the majority of Holocaust movies, Schindlers List is a film that you cannot say you love without feeling like a total

3、 schmuck. However Schindlers List is what you would call an endearing film. Schindlers List utilizes a stark score by John Williams and a black & white photography by Janusz Kaminski in order to provide the full effect of the Holocaust: utter depression and hopelessness. The film is about as depress

4、ing to watch as Leaving Las Vegas. However, despite the desire to use a Smith & Wesson on yourself while watching this movie, the film manages to compel your interest. Zaillians script is right on target: pulling us in at the beginning with the story of Oscars brilliant (although narcissistic) forma

5、tion of a business out of nothing. The business exploits the Jew so much that you begin to wonder if you are watching the wrong movie. However, after Schindler witnesses the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto (still the most touching bunch of celluloid I have ever watched), he begins to work subversiv

6、ely against the Germans and for the Jews.The one thing that weakens the film is the presence of humor. If a movie is going for the absolute drab, as Schindlers List did, it would be a good idea to not try to lighten a moment by adding a joke that you would find in a second-rate comedy. Humor has nev

7、er been Zaillians strongtpoint, and he shouldnt have tried to start.Regardless, Schindlers List is still the best movie that Spielberg ever made, and the second-best film about the Holocaust, Schindlers List is a true dramatic classic, capable of making anyone cry.Example 2: Brave Heart 1Intoxicated

8、 by the melodious and plaintive tune on bagpipe, which is the characteristic musical instrument of Scotland, my heart cannot help floating up and down with the extremely tragic destiny and intense emotion of the valiant hero-William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson). Brave Heart is an outstanding epic

9、movie in which lots of various complex emotions, including the permanent pursuit of freedom and the brutal oppression, the persistent patriotism and the despicable surrender to power and status, the gallant self-sacrifice and the mean act of betrayal, the most unforgettable and moving love and the m

10、ost irreconcilable hatred and all the severe conflicts between them are displayed incisively, thoroughly and excellently.It is the innocent and romantic memory of first love full of fragrance of purple thistle that invokes William Wallace in returning homeland. The purple thistle that Murron gives W

11、illiam Wallace at his fathers burial symbolizes the immortal love. Under the horrible shade of cruel oppression of England they struggle for their perfect love courageously. Unfortunately, Murron is seized and killed ruthlessly by an English official so that William Wallaces heart is stricken by gre

12、at grief and pain. The moment he kills the wicked official to take his revenge he realizes the essential responsibility placed on his shoulders. He changes his individual anguish into enormous power of national spirit so as to devote himself to the innumerable and arduous combats for the great freed

13、om of Scotland.During war, maybe the most fatal threat is not the formidable weapons but the confused and evil hearts. The Scottish aristocrats yield to England and betray William Wallace twice. It is in the second time William Wallace is arrested and killed inhumanly.The most touching and affecting

14、 scene is that at the last moment of his life, enduring inconceivable torture, William Wallace exhausts himself to shout out: “Freedom!” to the boundless sky and the people. At the gate of paradise, his beloved wife-Murron is waiting for his coming. His brave heart wins the most nave heart of Murron

15、, the most elegant heart of Princess of England (played by Sophie Marceau) and the countless peoples hearts. Through the dignified ablution of blood, all the burden and hardship are released from his respectable and noble soul.Supported and encouraged by William Wallaces eternal spirit, at the great

16、 expense of countless precious lives, Scotland wins her freedom.When William Wallaces strong voice “Freedom!” echoes in my mind, the crying sky of Scotland emerges in my eyes. Brave Heart is really a wonderful movie that can hit peoples hearts.Example 3: Brave Heart 2What is there that can be said about Brave Heart that hasnt been said before? Its an epic movie that ought to be in the conversation about the best films of the past thi


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