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1、四川师范大学文理学院本科毕业论文Analysis of Family Education Differences between China and America in the film Guasha Treatment从电影刮痧浅析中美家庭教育差异学生姓名 牟 丽 院系名称 外 国 语 学 院 专业名称 英语(翻译) 班 级 2008级 4班 学 号 200814025416 指导教师 易 佳(讲师) 答辩时间 2012年4月27日 从电影刮痧浅析中美家庭教育差异学生:牟丽 指导教师:易佳(讲师)摘要:电影刮痧 讲述的是一个中国家庭在美国给一个小孩子,丹尼斯使用了刮痧这一传统中医疗法后,发

2、生的一系列事情,由于刮痧这一传统的中医疗法不为美国人所理解和认同,从而给一个中国家庭带来的悲剧故事。这部电影反映了中美之间,教育的不同和冲突。本论文以刮痧 为切入点,剖析中美教育的差异。作为21世纪的青年人,国家未来的主人,很清楚一个国家的基础是教育。而家庭教育的方式是会让孩子的一生发生很大改变的。我国主要是主张封闭式的教育,成绩好是头等大事。而美国则是开放式的教育方式。中美家庭教育在教育方式、培养孩子的方式、教育结果等方式都有很大的不同。当然这也取决于他们的文化背景的差异和传统观念的不同。总之,有主观原因也有客观原因。通过比较这两种家庭教育,我希望能取他人之长补己之短,从而促进我国的家庭教育

3、。关键词:刮痧;中美家庭教育;差异;Analysis of Family Education Differences between China and America in the film Guasha TreatmentAbstract:The film,Guasha Treatment,describes what happened to a Chinese family after they had used the traditional Chinese medical treatment,Guasha,to a little boy, Denies, in the America

4、. It reflects the educational differences and conflicts between China and America. This paper attempts to analyze these differences from the perspective of education, As the young people of 21st century and the masters of the countrys future,we all understand that education is the basis of a country

5、. Home education technology can totally change childrens lives. China go strong on the closed-end education, and good academic achievement is the most important thing,but America adopts the open form of education. China and the United States have many differences in the family education including wa

6、ys to teaching children and the way to receive education. Of course, this is also decided by their differences in cultural background and traditions of the different concepts. In short, there are not only subjective reasons but also objective reasons. By comparing these two family educations, I hope

7、 to learn others experience to make up for our own defects, so as to promote Chinas family education.Key words: Guasha; Family between China and America; Differences. ContentsIntroduction1Part Family Education Differences Reflected in the Film.31.1 Chinese family education view.31.2 American family

8、education view.41.3Differennt ways show in family education .5Part Reasons of Family Education Differences between China and America in the Film Guasha Treatment.72.1 Difference of historical background.72.2 Differences of attitudes to family education.72.3 Difference of the thinking mode.8Part Insp

9、iration of the American family education to Chinese family education.93.1 Updating the concept of family education.93.2 Paying attention to the childrens all-round development.93.3 Raising independent thinking ability of children.9Conclusion11Bibliography12IntroductionThe story in the Chinese movie

10、GuaSha took place in America. The movie shows us a legal conflict resulted from GuaSha, a Chinese medical treatment or a maltreatment of children. It seems that the story is a misunderstanding or a legal dispute, but actually, it indicates a education conflict between China and America The film GuaS

11、ha Treatment tells us a story in America about problems which happened to a Chinese immigration family Education is a social activity of cultivation and the inheritance of experiences in the daily life. It is a sort of social culture phenomenon which reflects different social cultural implication fr

12、om different ones. In a sense, cultural transmission is education which is also cultural originally. Family, school and social education are the three main part of the education. But family education should not be replaced by school and social education. When children were born they had been in the

13、atmosphere of family education, Generally speaking it indicates that behaviors of criticism, guidance, cultivation and administration by the parents. It plays an important role not only in modeling values but also cultivate a unique nationalism to our children. For instance, Chinese culture attaches importance to the harmony between human and nature but Americans pay more attention to overcome the nature by them. The family education between China and American exist a significant difference. For example, in the mutual relationship of family membe


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