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1、华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文分类号 学号M201171259 学校代码 10487 密级 硕士学位论文基于RTLAB的模块化多电平柔性直流输电控制保护系统仿真测试研究学位申请人:王立平学科专业:电气工程指导教师:戴珂副教授许树楷博士答辩日期 :2014年1月7日 A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of EngineeringA Simulation and Testing Method of MMC-HVDC CONGTROL

2、 AND PROTECTION System Based on RTLAB Real Time PlatformCandidate:Wang LipingMajor:Electrical EngineeringSupervisor:Prof.Dai KeDr. Xu ShukaiHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyWuhan, Hubei 430074, P. R. ChinaJan, 2014本课题研究得到以下基金资助: 台达环境与教育基金会电力电子科教发展计划重点项目(DREK2012001) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51277086

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4、影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保 密,在_年解密后适用本授权书。本论文属于 不保密。(请在以上方框内打“”)学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日摘 要柔性直流输电技术是现今学术界研究热点和工程热点,其控制保护机制尚处于探索阶段,无长期稳定的工程运行经验。本文提出的一种基于RTLAB实时仿真平台的柔性直流输电控制保护系统仿真测试方案,能有效缩短控制保护系统开发时间,全面测试控制保护系统功能,保证柔性直流输电系统安全可靠地并网运行。论文研究对象为基于模块化多电平换流器的柔性直流输电系统(以下缩称“MMC-HVDC”)。通过对MMC-HVDC


6、断路器、桥臂电抗等主回路模型, 阐述了相关参数的设计方法。借助Aurora协议,实现了实际阀控系统和模拟的主回路之间的快速通讯。利用该主回路模型,完成了实际MMC-HVDC工程控制保护系统的测试,给出了STATCOM状态下,交直流并列运行条件下,孤岛运行条件下的启动、稳态运行、功率升降、功率阶跃和故障保护等工况下的测试结果,并和实际工程调试做了对比。结果表明,RTLAB平台测试结果和实际工程结果基本一致。关键词:MMC-HVDC,RTLAB实时仿真,控制保护,仿真测试AbstractVSC-HVDC is a hot topic in both academic research and in

7、dustry, of which the control and protection system lacks design and operating experience. A new method based on RTLAB platform is presented in this dissertation to test the Control and protection System before operation. By the use of it, the research period is shortened, most functions of the HVDC

8、Link are tested, therefore ensuring the safety and reliability for parallel operation.The HVDC Link discussed here is based on modular multilevel converter (MMC -HVDC). Through the analysis of the basic principles of MMC-HVDC, the dissertation establishes the mathematical model, presents the advanta

9、ge and disadvantage of it and indicates its application. The dissertation gives a summary of the most common control and protection strategy of MMC-HVDC,specifically introduces a popular hierarchical control structure,what separates the Control and Protection System into Station coordinated Controll

10、er(SCC),Pole Control and Protection(PCP) and Valve Based Controller. The author believes the communication between stations will benefit for reliability and stability related to the cost under the condition of current device for power system.The dissertation introduces the RTLAB platform, mainly exp

11、lains the use of state-space nodal method and the hardware, Intel CPU and FPGA, what makes RTLAB a real time platform. A contrastive analysis of the application on MMC-HVDC between RTLAB, PSCAD and RTDS is presented. According to main circuit of MMC-HVDC, the dissertation provides the parameter desi

12、gn method, and presents the realization in detail based on RTLAB Platform. By the use of communication protocol Aurora, the testing system makes the rapid communication between the Valve Based Controller and the main circuit simulated in RTLAB possible. The system accomplishes the function performan

13、ce test and the dynamic performance test for a real MMC-HVDC Link. The result is confirmed according to the result of site commission. Keywords: MMC-HVDC,RTLAB Platform,Control and Protection System,Simulation and Testing目 录摘 要VAbstractVI1绪 论11.1课题背景及意义11.2国际柔直技术和柔直工程概况41.3MMC-HVDC基本原理81.4RTLAB简介101

14、.5论文主要工作122MMC-HVDC基本原理及控制策略142.1MMC-HVDC基本工作原理142.2MMC-HVDC控制策略253MMC-HVDC主回路RTLAB建模393.1RTLAB实时仿真平台393.2主回路参数设计与RTLAB建模434MMC-HVDC 控制保护系统硬件在环测试564.1测试平台简介564.2控制系统测试624.3保护系统测试824.4测试结果与现场调试对比895全文总结935.1本文工作总结935.2工作展望93致 谢94参考文献95VIII1 绪 论1.1 课题背景及意义直流输电与交流输电之争可追溯到20世纪初。变压器的快速发展,使交流输电电压转换很方便;交流断

15、路器的引入,使交流输电可在自然过零点切断故障电流;交流感应电机得到广泛应用得益于交流一次设备的发展,特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)与西屋公司(Westinghouse)所推崇的交流电系统打败了爱迪生(Thomas Edison)与GE电气所拥护的直流电系统,如今世界上绝大部分电网均采用交流输电1。近年来,由于直流输电线路造价损耗小及运行费用较为经济,无同步问题,适合独立的交流系统互联,易实现地下及海底输电,在高压远距离输电优势明显,我国建设了大量直流工程,如西电东送中部通道向家坝上海800kV高压直流输电工程,南部通道天广线、贵广线、云广线,北部通道宁东山东660kV直流输电示范工程。以上直流工程采用晶闸管作为换流器件,被称为常规



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