curiosity explorers mars 有测试

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《curiosity explorers mars 有测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《curiosity explorers mars 有测试(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、“好奇号”开始火星漫步之旅。词数 390 建议阅读时间 8分钟 HAVE you ever wondered whether there is life on Mars (火星)? The big Red Planet (行星) is a mystery to us but hopefully not for much longer.Last year, on November 11, the Mars rover (探测器) named Curiosity (“好奇号”) started its journey into space. After eight months flying in

2、 a rocket, Curiosity covered more than 566 million kilometers and finally landed on Mars last month according to BBC reports.The rover is there to find out if there is, or ever was, life on the cold, desert-like (荒漠般的) planet.The place where Curiosity landed is called Gale Crater, a huge hole on Mar

3、s. Scientists believe that there was once water and even life there.In order to do its job, Curiosity is packed with many useful tools (工具), although the rover is only three meters long, about the size of a small car.It has a robot arm that can collect soil (土壤) and drill (钻孔) into rocks. It also ca

4、rries its own laser gun (激光枪). The gun can turn a small amount of rock into gas (气体), so that Curiosity can study what the rock is made up of.With the help of these tools, Curiosity will act as a robot geologist (地理学家). For the next two years, it will stay and travel inside Gale Crater, collecting a

5、nd studying rocks and soil.Different from other Mars rovers, Curiosity gets its power (能量) from a nuclear generator (核能发电机) instead of the suns light. This means it can move its wheels during both the day and night, and scientists back on Earth dont have to worry when the sky is covered by sand.Howe

6、ver, scientists say that Curiosity can travel only 19 kilometers during its two-year stay on Mars because it has to stop every now and then to do research. Also, according to The Guardian, it moves very slowly about 90 meters every hour. That is only twice as fast as a giant tortoise (乌龟).Several da

7、ys after its landing, Curiosity sent back the first color pictures of Mars. They were taken by tiny cameras that were designed to spot dangers, so the pictures were unclear, but scientists were still very excited.The photos show “a new Mars we have never seen before,” Michael Watkins, Curiositys mis

8、sion manager, told The Guardian. “So every one of those pictures is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen.”Choose the best answer:1. What can we conclude from Paragraph 1?A. We are sure there is life on Mars.B. We have learned a lot about Mars.C. Well learn more about Mars soon.D. We hope to f

9、ind life on Mars.2. What is the main task of Curiosity?A. To find out if there was once water on Mars.B. To find the differences between Mars and Earth.C. To collect information of energy on Mars.D. To collect and study rocks and soil on Mars.3. Compared to other rovers, Curiosity _.A. moves much fa

10、sterB. works during day and nightC. gets power from the sunD. is easily covered by sand4. Which of the following statements about Curiosity is TRUE?A. It has useful tools to help it.B. It travels 19 kilometers an hour on Mars.C. It traveled two years before it landed on Mars.D. It will cover many different places on Mars during its stay.2


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