九年级英语全册 unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands section a(3a-3c)课件 新人教版 (2)

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1、Unit 10,Section A Period 2 (3a 3c),Review,Translate the phrases.,shake hands arrive late wear the wrong clothes make some mistakes welcome party hold out ones hands to ones surprise,握手 迟到 穿错衣服 犯一些错误 欢迎会 伸出手 令某人惊奇的是,A: What are we supposed to do when we are in a library? B: Were supposed to ,Pair wor

2、k,A: What are we supposed to do when we are on a bus? B: Were supposed to ,Pair work,学习目标,1、识记单词 :relaxed, value, capital, noon 2、掌握以下短语:drop by, after all, get mad, make an effort 3、理解并翻译句子: Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time.,1. Is it OK if you arrive a little late when you tell a frien

3、d youre going to their house for dinner in Colombia?,2. Do they usually have to make plans to meet their friends in Colombia?,Yes, it is.,No, they dont.,Read and answer.,3. Could your friends get mad if youre even fifteen minutes late in Switzerland?,4. Do they usually make plans to see friends in S

4、witzerland ?,Yes, they may.,Yes, they do.,Read again and complete the chart.,be relaxed about time,often drop by their friends homes,call them first,make plans,dont have to make plans,be very important,PAIR WORK,A new student from England is going to take class at your school. Fill in the chart with

5、 the things he or she is supposed to do inside and outside the classroom. Then role-play a conversation.,Language points,1. Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. 在我们国家, 我们对时间相当宽松。 relaxed是形容词, 在这里意为“宽松的, 不加以约束的”, 后面常接介词about。 My parents are relaxed about my clothes. 我的父母对我的服装不加约束。,relaxed还可

6、以意为“放松的, 轻松自在的”。 You look very relaxed. Arent you busy now? 你看上去非常自在,难道你现在不忙吗? 链接: relax v. 放松 relaxing adj. 使人放松的,令人感到轻松的 relaxation n. 当其意为“放松,消遣”时, 是不可数名词;而当其意为“休闲活动”时, 是可数名词。,Teresa is pretty _ (轻松的) about time. She thinks it is OK if you arrive late I felt _ (relax) lying in the sun. What a goo

7、d time! We are thinking about _ (relax) for an hour. ,relaxed,relaxed,relaxing,2. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. 我们珍视日常生活中和家人及朋友共度的时光。 value在这里是动词, 意为“重视;珍视。 I valued my friendship with my classmates. 我珍视我和同学之间的友谊。 I have always valued your advice. 我向来重

8、视你的忠告。 Which do you value, wealth or health? 你珍视哪一种,财富还是健康?,拓展: value还可以作名词, 意为“价值。 Good books are of great value to students. 好书对学生非常有用。 I paid him 50 for the painting, but its true value must be at least 500. 我付给他50英镑买下了这幅画, 但它的真正价值至少有500英镑。 valuable adj. 贵重的;宝贵的,everyday adj. 每天的;日常的;平常的 Cooking

9、breakfast is her everyday job. 做早饭是她的日常工作。 链接: everyday, every day的区别:前者是形容词,而后者是副词性短语。 He comes here every day. 他每天来这儿。,1) The man wore _ clothes. 2) How do you go to school _? 3) 你天天讲日常英语吗? Do you speak everyday English every day?,everyday,every day,3. We often just drop by our friends homes if we

10、 have time. 我们经常顺便拜访朋友们的家,如果有时间的话。 drop by 顺便拜访 可以直接使用,也可以在by后面加表示地点的词。 Drop by often when you are free. 有空时常来拜访。 I will drop by my uncles home this afternoon. 今天下午我要顺便去我叔叔家拜访。,拓展: drop in也可以意为“拜访,到访”, 后面接人时,要借助于介词on;接地点时要借助于介词at。 Dont forget to drop in on your teacher. = Dont forget to drop in at y

11、our teachers home. 不要忘了顺便去拜访一下你的老师。 drop by sb. = drop in on sb. 顺便走访某人 drop by ones home = drop in (at) +地点 拜访,1) I often drop _ my uncles home. A. by B. over C. in D. on 2) We always _ our friends homes without _ plans. A. drop by; make B. drop by; making C. visit; make D. visit; to make 3) I woul

12、d drop in on you when I passed your home. (2012山西中考英语模拟) A. drop behind B. drop by to see C. take care of D. go out of,A,B,B,4. make plans to do sth/for sth 计划做某事 5. the capital of 的首都/国都/省会 6.after all 毕竟,7. get mad 大动肝火;气愤 They are sure to get mad to hear it. 他们听了一定会气坏了。 Mother got mad with me for

13、 coming home late. 妈妈为我回家晚了这件事而大发雷霆。 Father wont get mad about your mistake. 父亲不会为你的错失生气的。,拓展: mad adj. 很生气;疯的 She was mad at her husband for forgetting her birthday. 她因为她的丈夫忘了她的生日而生气。 Both brothers are mad about tennis. 兄弟俩对网球都很入迷。 She went mad after the death of her son. 儿子死后,她就疯了。,(2009潍坊中考) Liu

14、Qian as a little boy was so _ his own magic world that he seldom went out to play with other children. A. good at B. mad about C. popular with D. afraid of (2007内江中考) My mother is angry with me because I didnt finish the homework. A. surprised at B. mad at C. excited at,B,B,8. make an effort to do s

15、th 努力做某事,9. heavy traffic 交通繁忙, 交通拥堵, 车水马龙 What heavy traffic! 多拥挤的交通! He got home late because of the heavy traffic. 他回家晚是因为交通拥挤之故。,traffic n. 交通; 路上行驶的车辆 His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。 Theres usually a lot of traffic at this time of day. 每天在这段时间往来车辆都很多。 The streets

16、are crowded with traffic. 街上车辆很多。,light traffic 行人车辆稀少 little traffic 交通不拥挤 air traffic 空中交通 rush-hour traffic 交通高峰 Traffic law 交通法规,(2009泰安中考) Rush hour is the time of day when t_ is very heavy. (2013东营) - Excuse me, havent you learned the new _ law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. - Sorry, we wont do that again. A.



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