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1、,HEREFOSS AUTOMOTIVE Lean / HFMS Overview Oct 2012,Overview Page 1,Lean (Exercise) 精益(练习),Exercise: By table / group come up with your definition of lean 练习:按课桌/小组给出您对“精益”的定义,What is Lean? 什么是精益?,Overview Page 2,What is Lean? 什么是精益?,Overview Page 3,Lean 精益,lean adj. 精益:形容词 1 a: lacking or deficient

2、in flesh. b: containing little or no fat a:无肉或少肉 b: 少脂肪或无脂肪 2: lacking richness 不富裕 3: deficient in an essential or important quality or ingredient 在必要性、重要 性、质量或成分方面稀缺 4: charac-terized by economy of style or expression 文体或措辞简练 syn. thin, skinny, lanky, scrawny, gaunt, bony, emaciated, svelte, lank

3、同义词:薄、极瘦、过分瘦长、骨瘦如柴、瘦削的、似骨的、消瘦的、细长的、 瘦长的 ant. fat, fleshy, overweight, flabby, obese, plump, chunky, corpulent, soft 反义词:肥胖的、多肉的、过重的、不结实的、过分肥胖的、丰满的、粗 短的、肥大的、软的,Overview Page 4,Lean 精益,What is Lean? - Womack 什么是精益 1. Define value precisely from the perspective of the end customer 从最终用户的角度准确地定义价值 2. Id

4、entify the entire value stream for each product or product family and eliminate waste 确定每一种产品或产品系列的整个价值流,消除浪费 3. Make the remaining value creating steps flow 理顺创造价值的步骤 4. Design and provide what the customer wants only when the customer wants it 只在客户需要时设计和提供他们所需的东西 5. Pursue perfection 追求完美,Overview

5、 Page 5,Lean 精益,At HEREFOSS, Lean is. A business strategy for maximizing profit by energizing people to respond to customer demand in the shortest possible time by eliminating waste in everything we do.,在海瑞福斯公司,精益表示 一种经营战略,它激励人们在所做的任何 事情中消除浪费,在尽可能短的时间内对 客户需求作出反应,从而使利润最大化。,Overview Page 6,Mass Produc

6、tion vs.Lean Manufacturing,With Lean Production You Can Get:,7 of 30,90% Reduction in Production Time,90% Reduction in Inventories,50% Reduction in Errors Reaching Customers,50% Reduction in Scrap,50% Reduction in Job Related Injuries,The amount of human effort, time, space, tools, and inventories n

7、eeded to design and provide a given service or good can typically be cut in half very quickly, and steady progress can be maintained from this point onward to cut inputs in half again within a few years. Lean Thinking, Womack & Jones,Overview Page 7,What is HFMS? 什么是海瑞福斯制造系统,Overview Page 8,Change i

8、n Manufacturing 制造业的演化,Henry Ford 亨利福特 Assembly line mass production 装配线大批量生产 Produce in high volume with low variety 生产数量多、品种少 Single skill 单一技术,Toyota Production System (TPS) 丰田公司制造系统 Just-In-Time?Production (produce only what is needed) “准时生产制”(只生产所需要的) Pull System 拉动系统 Produce enough volume to m

9、eet customers?needs 生产足够的数量以满足客户的需要 High variety to meet customers wants 多品种以满足客户的要求,Overview Page 9,COMMON Manufacturing System to Herefoss Divisions Vision and Operating Principles Six Interdependent Elements The six interdependent elements provide the basic framework of the manufacturing system.

10、They are the focus of our activities: Developing profound knowledge, planning and implementation, and continuous improvement. 海瑞福斯各分部共同的制造系统 前景展望和运行原则 六个相互依存的要素 六个相互依存的要素构成了该制造系统的基本结构。它 们是我们活动的中心:拓展丰富的知识、规划和实施以 及不断改进。,What is HFMS? 什么是海瑞福斯制造系统,Overview Page 10,Transform & Continuously improve our op

11、erations to a Quality Network based, globally dominant manufacturer 转变并持续地改进我们的业务从而使其成为基于质量网络的在全球处于主导地位的制造厂商。 Reduce Total Manufacturing Costs 降低总的制造成本 Reduce Customer Response Time 减少对客户的反应时间 Reduce Inventory 减少库存 Reduce Non-Value Added Activities 减少非增值活动 Increase Productivity 提高生产效率 Improve Qualit

12、y 提高质量 Reduce Structural Costs 降低结构成本 Engage the work force in the process 让员工参与这一过程,HFMS Objectives 海瑞福斯制造系统目标,Overview Page 11,Operating Principles 运行原则,Define the Fundamental Basis of the Manufacturing System 确定制造系统的主要基础 Ensure that the Health and Safety of all our people is our priority. 确保所有员工的

13、健康和安全是我们的首要任务 Aggressively improve Customer response time. 积极缩短对客户的反应时间 Implement Quality at the Source. 从源头处保证质量 Create a Learning, Supportive, and Cooperative Culture. 创造一个相互学习、相互支持和相互协作的企业文化 Competitively manufacture at any volume and be Flexible to any quest. 在任何制造批量下都具有竞争力并能灵活地满足客户需求 Relentless

14、ly pursue the Elimination of Waste. 不懈努力,消除浪费,Establish process measurements that contribute to Business Goals. 建立有助于实现业务目标的过程衡量指标 Drive the Transformation Process through Knowledgeable and Involved Leadership. 通过知识渊博和全身心投入的领导人员推动变革进程 Define and Understand Roles and Responsibilities. 确定并理解岗位和责任 Opti

15、mize the Manufacturing System through balanced Implementation of the Interdependent Elements. 通过均衡地实施六个相互依存的要素来优化制造系统,Overview Page 12,Rewrok Material Movement / conveyance Motion Waiting Inventory Processing,7 Types of Wastes 7种类型的浪费,返工 过度生产 物料的移动和运输 动作 等候 库存 加工过程的浪费,Overview Page 13,Definition: Pr

16、oducing More Than Needed Producing Faster Than Needed,Waste of Overproduction 过度生产的浪费,定义: 生产超过了需求 生产快过了需求,Overview Page 14,Characteristics 特点: Inventory Stockpiles 库存积压 Extra Equipment 额外的设备 Extra Storage Racks 额外的仓储架 Extra Manpower 额外的人力 Additional Floor Space 更多的工作场地,Causes 原因: Incapable Processes 过程能力低下 Lack of Communication 缺乏交流 Long Tool Changes 工具更换周期长 Low Uptimes 计划工时利用率低 Lack of Stable / Consistent Schedules 缺乏稳定 / 连贯的计划安排,Waste of Overproduction


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