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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高三英语三轮复习材料好句诵读(一)1. Fireworks add to the attraction of the festival night.2. Were having a class, she said, adding that it was a newly open kindergarten sponsored by the church.3. Can you tell us the main point of the story?4. thats the man who did it, she said, pointing to me.5. The

2、 robber pointed a gun at the bank clerk.6. You will tell your friend that you are concerned bout him but you have to go to class.7. Present at the meeting were leading members of the departments concerned.8. This book deals with questions concerning Anti-Japanese War.9. I will take my share of the e

3、xpenses.,10. He is the only person who shares my opinion.11. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.12. Youll have to work like crazy to get this finished.13. There is so much suffering in this world.14. The co

4、llapse of the World Trade Center has put US economy in a difficult situation.15. you will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.16. Please keep still while I take photos of you.17. Please keep quiet when youre listening to your teacher.18. All present were shocked by what t

5、he little girl went through when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.19. I would not go to London for the mere purpose of buying a new hat.20. It is the first time that she has talked with an English.21. -How come a simple meal like this costs so much?a) -We have included in your bill t

6、he cost of the cup you broke just now.22. -Will $200 cover the cost of the damage?a) -Im afraid not. I need at least 100 more.23. Actually, it was based more on German than present day English.24. They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.25. The officer commanded his men t

7、o open fire.26. He has good command of the French language.(掌握)27. They recognized him as / to be a great leader.28. Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another.29. I give Mary full directions to enable her to find the house.(说明)30. Generally speaking, when taken according to the directions,

8、the drug has no side effect.31. More than one official has served the people heart and soul.32. He is more lazy than stupid.33. The role that our army played in flood control is very important.34. The question came up at the meeting whether we had enough money.35. She came up with a new idea for inc

9、reasing sales.36. We should think of the problems that may come up in the future.37. It came out that he had been stealing from his friends.38. She wondered uneasily what use she would make of this opportunity.39. You are really very kind. Ill never forget the favour you have done for me.40. If bett

10、er use is made of your spare time, youll make great progress in it.41. Imagine that you live in Qinghai Province.42. There are ten to choose from.43. She did nothing but go away. / He has no choice but to lie down and lie down and sleep44. We choose him as our monitor.45. While shopping, people some

11、times cant help being persuaded into buying something they dont really need.46. He insisted on his correctness.47. Jane insisted that she had done noting wrong and that she should be treated properly.48. I insisted that a doctor be sent immediately.49. The man insisted on finding a taxi for me even

12、if I told him I lived nearby.50. She gave me a determined look-the kind that said she wouldnt change her mind.51. Determined to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, Wanted, an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.52. He finally gave in to my view.53. Jane tried to k

13、eep up a calm appearance, but her trembling voice gave her away.54. Tom works very hard. His brother, on the contrary, doesnt do much at all.55. The climate here doesnt agree with her.56. Doctor dont agree about the medical effects of cold water swimming.(医生们就冷水浴的医疗作用持不同态度)57. You are silly not to h

14、ave locked your car.58. They were badly shocked by the news.59. The peasant boy lay on his back on the ground with his hands trembing.60. He burst into tears at the sad news./ He burst out crying at the sad news.61. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.62. He ruined his prospects by

15、 carelessness.63. I judge it better to tell her the truth.64. -I apologize to you for my rudeness yesterday, Mary.-Never mind, and I think little of it.65. He got here earlier than usual.66. The government is determind to put an end to terrorism.67. He didnt go there by bike; he walked there, instead.68. Instead of seeing sights, Edison would spend the time reading in the public lirary.69. It is too long a journey to make in one day.70. Her father advised her against marrying in haste.- 3 -


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